Chapter 24: Training Day 1: Afternoon with the High Advisor
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“Yes, Elliot,” the high advisor said, waving off the servant. “Come in.”

His office had a different configuration than Perceval’s. It wasn’t as long, but was quite a bit wider. Nearly square. Making it seem much larger. There was artwork throughout the room, a single enormous bookcase which made me wonder if there was a secret door behind it. A large wooden table was absolutely the room’s centerpiece. However this room had a sitting couch and several chairs as well. There was also a large map hanging on the wall.

The map was of what seemed to be a continent or island. I wondered if it was all of Praecantio or just a part. Perhaps these peoples hadn’t yet traversed their entire planet or maybe they had. There was a globe in the library so they knew their planet was a sphere. Come to think of it there were still uncharted portions of Earth. And we didn’t have to deal with the threat of monsters and demons. Perhaps I shouldn’t be so dismissive. Even if they appear to be at a medieval level technologically that doesn’t mean they are behind in all areas.

“I see you are interested in geography,” the high advisor said, noting my staring at the map. “That is the continent of Alreat. Our continent.”

The high advisor moved to point out a region east of a large mountain range. “This is the kingdom of Acone. We are bordered by the dwarven realm of Picham and the small mercenary nation of Grinland to the west. Picham circles down across Acone’s southern boarder as well meeting with the uncharted region of the monster hordes. To the east our closest political neighbor Sanland and to the north is the Escarian Ocean and eventually the continent of the demons.”

What no elves? But I could have sworn Sara was an elf. I figured their nation would be nearby. Maybe Acone housed more than just humans. That would make sense for allies to form and join resources.

“How many continents are there on Praecantio?” I asked.

“It is unknown. The Escarian Ocean becomes increasingly more treacherous the farther out one travels. Only species with the gift of flight travel freely between continents.”

“Then demons are capable of flying?”

“Yes, of course…right I remember your world is populated by humans and beasts alone. How nice.”

I assume he meant that we didn’t have to deal with monsters. I explained that there were still political conflicts, ideological differences and wars. That we did not live in a fully peaceful world. But I suppose the grass is always greener on the other side. I couldn’t imagine the benefits of living with so many different races and of course magic.

“Let us begin with a brief introduction to the races of Alreat,” he began. “First there are three general categories of species: the malevolent, the neutral and the enlightened…”

He explained that malevolent creatures were those with mana crystals corrupting their bodies and enlightened were creatures who successfully condensed mana gems.

“Are human’s enlightened?” I asked. “Because we have mana traits and abilities?”

“No. All but a select few humans are considered neutral. Condensing mana into a safe crystal is a very difficult task which requires study, skills and luck. It is not something which should even be attempted by anyone but the very highest magical user. And even then only with appropriate traits and abilities. Most humans who try become oni.”

So humans can transform in this world? That must be what Ulla was trying to warn me about when I wanted to develop my affinities by absorbing mana.

“Can all species transform?” I asked.

“Yes,” the high advisor answered. “All species have the capacity for malevolence or enlightenment. However some species, particularly sentient ones, are more aware of their mana and thus better able to regulate themselves.”

“Is this something Bella and I should be actively worrying about? Regulating and using up the mana within our bodies?”

I didn’t want either of us to accidentally end up as some kind of monster.

“No. Rather you would need to be focusing on or forced to absorb massive amounts of mana. Something like being stuck in a mana-rich dungeon for too long or having someone consistently pour mana into your person. You don’t need to worry though as humans have a fairly high mana constitution…at least humans from this world.”

That was not as reassuring as I think he meant it to be.

“Now then as to the sentient species of Alreat,” he continued. “There are Humans, giants, dwarves, elves, halflings, cat sidhe, goliaths, lizardmen, ….”

The list was extensive. From typical fantasy races to more obscure ones. It seemed like the diversity of this continent was extensive. Making me wonder just how large Alreat truly was. After all I didn’t have any frame of reference on the wall map.

To think so many races could live peacefully…

“I should mention,” the high advisor said, interrupting his list. “Not all of these races are equally hospitable. There are conflicts which arise from time to time. It is the threat of demon invasions and monster attacks which typically holds off outright war.”

Interesting. Then they are frail alliances. I thought back to my study of other humanoid creatures on Earth. Of theories regarding what happened to those species. From interbreeding to extermination there were several I had read about.

The high advisor’s eyebrow raised slightly before he continued his list.

“I can imagine being thrown into a world with so many different races of humanoids must be…alarming to say the least.”

“That is true, but what surprises me more is that names of creatures you have listed are familiar to me through the stories and myths of my world. As if there were some kind of knowledge passed between the interdimensional void.”

“Creatures? That is indeed interesting.”

Had I insulted him. That’s right in this world these fantasy races were living and sentient beings. To call them creatures was just...

“I’m sorry,” I apologized. “I meant no insult, it is just that from my perspective these races are mythical. Even having met some at the banquet the other night.”

There I had met ambassadors from the dwarven realm, cat sidhe, elves, and several races I could not readily identify. Additionally, several servants within the palace appeared to be of varying races. Although I though it would be rude to ask which ones.

“I suppose that may be true,” he said. “Acone is a predominantly human nation.”

There was something about his tone which I didn’t care for. As if there was a judgement behind his statements. Perhaps there were racial tensions in this world between various peoples.

“Do any of these races have the mana gem you were talking about?”

I was thinking of the elves in particular, but it would be if any of the fantasy races were described as enlightened.

“No, all those I listed are neutral creatures. We can discuss monsters such as the drow and druegars another time.”

What about the enlightened?

 “I think we should work on your etiquette for a short time,” he said. “Perhaps your etiquette is different, but I noticed a distinct lack during the banquet.”


And so, the rest of our time was spent discussing formal matters. How to speak when addressing others, how to eat, how to stand, etc. It was almost as exhausting as the training with Adekin…almost.

As the fifth bell tolled, the high advisor suggested I take my leave. “I have other matters to which I must attend,” he said. “I suggest you go to the royal library. Acquaint yourself with the library as you will be spending a lot of time there.”

I made my way to the guest house looking for dinner before heading to the library. If yesterday was any indication, I would be speaking with Perceval… sorry Sir Belethier well past our appointed time and I didn’t want to miss dinner again.