Chapter 66: Earth Mana
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The ground trembled as I pushed mana into it. Columns of Earth mana pooled beneath me even as more earth mana began to transfer from the stone catalyst into me.

Whether it was my <Insight> trait or common sense, I couldn’t be certain, but I knew I needed to do something. There was no way absorbing this amount of mana would be safe. Especially for a non-hero like me.

As Fiena laughed, I pooled more and more mana into those columns. Making them as large as I could before finally releasing them. I focused on the movement of the earthen columns as lances radiating downward from my person. A semicircle of pointed earthen lances moving themselves downward.

With great force, I watched them thrust themselves deep underground. As far as my [Mana Sight]-like ability would allow me to see. I watched the spears thrust into the nothingness of the mana-depleted earth. I wondered how far they would travel before being stopped by the resistance of the ground.

The ground shook.

My first round of earthen spears was a success, I had used a small portion of the mana I had absorbed. Now I needed to do it again.

Again I pooled mana into columns under the ground. Growing them, condensing them making more and more solid chunks of earth before releasing the lances into the ground.

The ground shook again.

I repeated causing greater and greater tremors. Additionally, I saw small traces of earth mana begin to reform under the magic symbol. I was redistributing the mana. Slowly but surely.

“What? Why isn’t it working?” I heard Fiena say. I guess her laughter was over.

But, it was working. I could feel it. I was cycling the earth affinity mana through my body, absorbing and releasing it back into the ground.

“What? What are you doing,” she shouted as the ground shook around me.

‘I wonder how far those tremors are traveling.’

“I don’t understand it should be working,” she continued. “Why isn’t it working?”

Then I saw a condensation of mana forming from Fiena. I wasn’t sure what it was, but it looked dangerous. Just to be safe, I directed the next round of lances upwards around the circle. Making myself a protective shell.

“It’s coming from over here!” I heard someone shout. “Quickly alert the guards. This is an unnatural quake.”

Oops. Had my tremors gone farther than I thought? I hope I didn’t cause any damage. I mean if I just kept shooting the lances downward it should be alright.

“Fine,” I heard Fiena say. “Next time.”

She wrapped herself in black mana before stepping beyond my ability to track her. Leaving me confused. What had she been talking about? What was she trying to do?

“There!” I heard a familiar voice call.

It was time for another round of lances. I released them, noting the ground’s progressive instability. At first I figured it was just the fact that the ground beneath me was literally being used up, but I got the impression it was more than that. Perhaps the earthen lances wouldn’t allow me to use up all of the earth mana.

“There, inside those protrusions. There is someone…or something inside.”

Did they mean me? Wait, I recognized that voice. It was Perceval. But how did he know I was inside the stone wall? Was it a guess? Insight? Experience?

“Prepare to attack!” Perceval yelled.

‘Attack!’ oh no. I couldn’t move. Any motion and I might lose control of the mana. It was only just barely balanced. Maybe if I lower the earthen barrier. Let them know it’s me. Yes, that might work.

The next round of mana was used to lower the barrier. Sinking it back into the ground from which it came from.

“Eliot?!” Perceval shouted. “What on Praecantio?”

Would this be enough? Would he see that I was just training my earth affinity? No that wasn’t true, there was clearly something else going on.

“Take aim,” Perceval called. “He is a false hero. In line with the demons.”

WHAT! Not only was he outing me as a false hero, but he threw out a huge accusation.

Okay, the protective barrier would have to go back up. Perhaps a bit thicker as the high mage could probably just destroy it. Being a mage he probably had control over several elemental affinities. It wouldn’t surprise me if anything I did with the earth he just undid. Actually that might be helpful. Maybe I could use that as my repetitions to use up the earth mana. If he had the affinity, then he could probably match any mana I threw at him.

Alright, let’s try that. I concentrated the earth mana into a ring around the mana circle. Making it about two meters wide, which took substantial mana. Nearly draining me and even one of the stones for a moment. It wasn’t something I would be able to do again without exhausting myself and losing my capacity for regulating the mana flow.

‘Alright, now let’s make it a little more difficult,’ I thought as I attempted to compact the mana in the ring. Perhaps I would be able to alter the ground’s density. It kind of happened when the lances formed, so I thought … ‘maybe.’ I focused on the mana flowing around and pushing molecules together. I didn’t know any kind of invocation, so I focused on the science of compaction. I imagined air and water being squeezed from between the clumps of soil, the soil locking together into stronger solids. Slowly the ring began to contract. It was working. But the knights were ready and I wasn’t done.

“What’s going on,” I heard another familiar voice call out. It was Adekin. Yes he would vouch for me. “Elliot? What is he doing in a magic circle?”

“That’s not just any magic circle,” Perceval responded. “It is proof that he has joined the demons.”

How? How was that proof? It came from a scroll in your library! Wait, was that perhaps a lie? With the way Fiena was acting earlier I wasn’t sure. I wanted to believe there was a misunderstanding. Maybe Fiena was being controlled by someone using mind magic or was replaced by someone using physical and beast magic. Actually, could that be the mana which I saw around her? No, but that was there since the first day I had met her at the banquet.

“Are you certain Sir Belethier,” Adekin said unsure. “I don’t mean to question your knowledge, but are you the best person to make this judgement?”

Ooh. A direct confrontation. At best this might provide my salvation, at worst it would buy me some time. I needed to continue using earth mana to condense the earth around me.

“Yes, Adekin,” Perceval said. “I have no doubts.”

Come on Adekin. You know me. I have nothing to do with the demons.

“Alright,” Adekin relented.


It would have to be now. I used the last amount of earth magic in the final stone to push the barrier up rounding it off at the top with only a few small holes for ventilation, just in case Perceval didn’t immediately bring the wall down.

“You see,” Perceval yelled. “A powerful mana-infused defensive barrier. I doubt he learned that from you and he certainly didn’t learn that from me.”

Oops did I just compound evidence against me? No it was circumstantial. I wasn’t actually using a regular skill, just mimicking one. Please don’t hold that against me.

Mana from the second stone began flowing inside my body as I noted Perceval’s earth mana seeping into the ground in front of me. It pooled around my makeshift dome. Yes, he would pull the dome down.

“Prepare yourselves,” Perceval said. “Demons have taught this traitor earth magic. Who knows what skills he has learned or how he will use them. I will pull down his defenses, attack at that moment.”

Wait couldn’t we just go back and forth a little? If you attack the moment the defense is down then I have no chance.

I began condensing another arc of mana, not as expansive and not as thick, but hopefully I could put it up faster. It would be a risk, but I didn’t see that I had any choice.

“Move back,” I heard Perceval’s now muffled voice call.

Wait could he see the mana? Did he have [Mana Sight]? No wonder he could tell Bella about it.

Alright let’s use this to my advantage. I condensed the mana into earthen lances as far out as my false [Mana Sight] could ‘see’.

“Retreat back,” I heard Perceval call.

Yes it worked.

Now what to do with these earthen lances. I did really want to shoot them upward. I would hate for someone to accidentally get hurt. That would make it impossible to defend my position after I could move again.

So, I shot them down into the ground. Causing more tremors.

At least nothing and no one would be damaged that way. Now, let’s focus back on the absorption and redistribution. I still had a long way to go. Perhaps another dome of densified earthen protection?