Chapter 79: The Waiting Room
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Laeanna walked to the door of my room, turned and began speaking with someone. Perhaps Lance had returned but didn’t want to interrupt the princesses. Then, just as I thought that, she returned.

“You will be allowed to make the request to join the meeting,” she said. “however, your guards will be escorting you the entire time.”

“Guards?” I asked.

“Of course,” Alea answered. “You are still under investigation.”

I guess that makes sense, then I was under a kind of house arrest. No, not if the guards were going to let me move about the palace grounds.

Moving to the door, I noted two guards positioned outside my door. I recognized both men as guards I had trained with under Adekin.

I continued to move, but was stopped by Alea. She placed a hand on my chest. “Elliot,” she said, staring directly into my eyes. “I…thank you for saving Anna. I’m sorry you got caught up with Wichard and Fiena, but…I want you to know that I am grateful to you.”

With what looked like blushing cheeks, Alea then turned and walked out the door.

Bella gave me a bump and a grin as she strode by catching up to Alea.

“Are you coming?” Laeanna grinned before turning as well.

“Y..yes,” I said, moving to catch up to the girls.

The guards took positions behind me as we walked. I guess my breakfast would have to wait.

I happened to see Lance on our way out of the guest house. He had my breakfast all prepared. I felt bad telling him that I would be going to the meeting of the high council and wouldn’t have time to eat the meal he prepared. Partially because he put in the effort and partially because I was still really hungry.

Alea and Laeanna led the way to the palace, Bella and I walking behind them and the guards behind us.

We crossed the bailey amid stares and glares. I must still be a topic of discussion around the palace. Based on the mixed looks at least some of the rumors might have been good ones. Perhaps the Wichard incident was being seen in a new light now that I helped the princess. Of course there were far more looks of disgust than amiable ones. And I could be wrong, but I don’t think they were all directed at me.

The guards at the palace seemed much more hesitant to allow me entry, indicating they would need to receive permission for my entry.

“I’ll go get mom,” Alea said, passing by the guards. “I’m sure she’ll give her permission.”

With high hopes Alea went off into the palace to find the queen. Leaving me standing awkwardly with the first princess, Bella and the four guards.

“So,” Laeanna said breaking the silence, “Tell me about your world, Elliot. I’m told it is a place with no magic. How does that work? Wouldn’t things just be stuck motionless like I was before you saved me.”

I got the impression she was making a point the guards would hear.

I explained that Alea had actually asked a similar question a few days back (realizing she was probably thinking of her sister at the time). I explained ATP and the concepts of energy and motion.

“Then the ‘energy’ of your world is like the magic of our world?” she suggested. “Perhaps our worlds’ gods simply put different mechanisms to a similar force.”

That was a good point. Perhaps there were similar requirements for how realities worked.

As the three of us discussed biology and physics, the guards were left standing there awkwardly listening.

Eventually Alea returned with the queen and Sir Aborisey.

“Elliot may enter,” Sir Aborisey stated to the guards. “Thank you for holding him here and awaiting confirmation.”

“Elliot,” the queen said with a soft smile. “Thank you for revitalizing my daughter. Regardless of this council’s judgement, know that you have my gratitude.”

That made it sound like there was a definite possibility I would not receive a positive judgement from the council. Didn’t it?

“Know that you may not be allowed into the meeting,” Sir Aborisey told me as we progressed toward what I presumed to be the throne room. “The council will first decide whether you should be allowed entry. You will wait in the sitting room with Bella and the guards.”

The palace bell sounded before we arrived.

The council meeting hall was located to the left of the throne room. It had a slightly smaller double door without the intricate carvings the throne room’s door had. ‘One day I’ll see that throne room,’ I thought.

For now, I was led to a room across from the council chambers. It was a large sitting area. In the room sat Wichard, Perceval, Beth, Alba, and several knights I recognized.

“What is he doing here?” Perceval said, scorn clear in his tone.

“The meeting is, in part, about Elliot,” Sir Aborisey said. “It makes sense for the council to have the opportunity to question him.”

Wait what about just telling my side of things? Would I get a chance to rebut some of the claims against me?

“I see,” Perceval sneered. “But what else could he possibly say? And could we even trust the word of a demon cooperator?”

“Elliot isn’t a demon cooperator,” Alea shouted. “He saved Anna, he’s been helping you and Sir Aborisey. He – ”

“He performed a spell designed to create mana crystals and lead to monsterfication under the supervision of a demon with whom he has had daily contact since arriving in Kaland.”

Sure if you say it like that it sounds bad.

I was about to say something when Sir Aborisey placed a hand in front of me. “Now is not the time,” he told me. “Go. Find a seat.”

Perceval stormed off toward the meeting hall, followed by Sir Aborisey and the queen. During this time Wichard had made his way to the princesses.

“Good morning, your highnesses,” he said with just a hint of a sneer.

“Good morning, Wichard,” Laeanna said nicely.

“Why are you here Alea?” Wichard said as if completely ignoring Laeanna. “If you aren’t here to testify against the false hero, you should just leave. Don’t waste your time defending that demon cooperator.”

“Elliot, is not a demon cooperator,” Alea snarled.

“Then he is an idiot who was duped by a demon. Either way he is guilty of cooperating with a demon and performing forbidden spells. Besides his previous transgressions against you and I, the council has more than enough reason to execute this fraud.”

“Transgressions against you Alea?” Laeanna asked.

“A misunderstanding this fool never thought to verify,” Alea answered her. She was clearly getting upset at Wichard.

I feared she might just do something rash.

Luckily Arba stepped in. “May I suggest your highnesses have a seat with the heroes.”

“False hero,” Wichard corrected.

“And may I suggest caution to those who would speak against royalty,” Arba continued.

“I don’t need to listen to an elf,” Wichard spat.

“No, but you should listen to me,” the queen stepped in. “Have…a…seat.”

That certainly took the wind out of his sails. “Y…yes your highness,” he said irritated.

I wonder if he knew that he was taking orders from an elf? Queen Holone did say some nobles new about her lineage and the treaty with Eynlune. I wasn’t going to say anything, of course. But the thought did bring a small smile to my face.

Sitting with princess Alea on one side, Bella on the other, and Princess Laeanna across from me, I felt like I had another set of guards.

The queen left to join Sir Aborisey and Perceval in the meeting hall.

“The council has made a decision,” an attendant said entering the waiting room. “Every person currently present in the waiting room may enter the council chambers. However, the king warns anyone speaking out of turn will be punished.”

That was harsh, and clearly directed at those who supported me, but at least I would have a chance to defend myself.