Chapter 45: Broken Tent
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A few miles away in an empty area devoid of trees with the sun’s rays illuminating the area, a tent was placed with two hooded figures guarding the entrance.

The tent was silent with the only noise heard from inside being the occasional loud snore of a young man alongside the quiet whimpering of 3 women.

The atmosphere around the tent was quiet with both men standing on either side of the tent entrance, they both wore and looked the same and yet one would notice the difference between them at first glance, both were giving off different auras.

One of them was tall and surrounded with powerful aura that released qi comparable to the late stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

The other one was standing short and surrounded with dark and unusual aura that flickered between the early and middle stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

“What’s taking Xin Quo so long, if he doesn’t hurry up, the little boss will be mad, why did you not go back and get her quicker, Wu Dou” the inpatient voice of a young man was heard from one of the men as the one with the dark and unusual aura spoke.

“Hump” a snot was heard from the tall one, Wu Dou, he looked at the young black hooded man before replying back.

“Xin Quo is at the middle stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm while the girl is only at the early stage, i don’t need to be involved”

He looked back at the tent while continuing, “besides that’s not my job, the little boss still has the Visonary Lamp, my orders from the second boss was to make sure nothing happens to it”

“Had it not been for that do you think that i would even be here” he added as he looked back at the short young man with the usual aura.

The aura around the man increased as he released qi that was on the border of a peak realm cultivator, “the little boss plays around too much, we already collected the Orchid spring flowers but he still wants to stay and play around with the diciples of these small sects” he added on with annoyance in his voice.

He thought that the only reason that the little boss was surrounded with Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators was because of how reckless he was.

Someone as special as him should not be grouped with trash like that, he cursed himself for feeling fear over the little boss.

He wanted to shout out loud but he kept his thoughts hidden as he knew of the consequences that awaits him had he disobeyed.

He was about to continue voicing his annoyance when he suddenly realized something, looking at the distance in the trees he saw something moving fast towards them.

Across from them a few miles away was a white cloud of chaotic light moving through the forest with incredible speed, in seconds it tore through the trees and arrived at their location.

Wu Dou, the first to notice it had already spread his spiritual consciousness attempting to know what it was.

Yet when his spiritual consciousness touched the light he grasped his head in pain as he felt a burning sensation from his spiritual consciousness, an intense painful sensation that stunned him for a moment.

Looking at the chaotic light that was practically infront of his face he was able to see inside the cloud of chaotic white light and see the sources of such power.

It was a weapon that resembled an axe and it moved fast as it left trails of destruction in its wake before arriving at its target.

The chaotic qi Axe landed and struck a black barrier that was released at the last second as the young man with the unusual dark aura stepped out attempting to stop the attack.

Unfortunately the barrier broke apart instantly producing a large explosion that rocked the area.


A large white light illuminated the whole area with a small gray blur flashing across the place, any weak cultivator exposed to such light would find themselves in serious trouble.

Parts of the tent fell down with the majority of it still standing and smoke filled the whole area before being blown away instantly by a powerful aura.

Wu Dou got up with a large aura being released from his body, his realm of the late stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm was made aware as his eyes darted around the place before being drawn to the almost broken down tent.

Knowing the object of his mission and the safety of the little boss he rushed inside the tent.

Going inside the tent which was half broken down Wu Dou saw the unconscious body of their young boss.

A young chubby man adorned in luxurious robes that were stained with blood, he was laying on a bed with 4 other woman.

3 of which were bloodied with bruises on their exposed bodies with the forth one being adorned in gray robe and under the debris of the broken part of the tent.

Seeing the Little Boss like that Wu Dou panicked and didn’t even pay attention to the situation.

He released his spiritual consciousness and was able to see that the little boss was only injured slightly, he didn’t bother to check on the womans as the safety of the little boss was more important.

Looking around the place he turned to the center of the tent where he saw a red glowing lamp on the table.

Seeing the Visionary Lamp safe he finally calmed down, the little boss was safe and it seems that only the 4 women were severely affected by that explosion since they were at the qi gathering realm.

“Wait four” Wu Dou repeated as he suddenly came to a realization, he was about to turn around when he suddenly heard a soft voice coming from behind him.

“waterfall slash”

A thin layer of highly concentrated chaotic Qi was released in the air as the whole tent was blasted apart.

Brute Qi came to being as it condensed into a single line that moved fast, leaving trails in the air.

“Fuck” Wu Dou cursed out loud as he quickly turned around.

He was only able to curse as he saw a blade appear infront of his face before everything began dark.