Volume 4. Chapter 1: The Plane Crashed… (Chapter 302.)
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Chapter 1: The Plane Crashed...

(Celia’s POV)

My head hurt like I was hit by a truck. No, wait… It was actually the ground that I hit. I looked around to gauge my situation. Emma wasn’t near me, and I was upside down, still in the plane. My seatbelt was all that was keeping me up.

The section of the plane that I was in was just a small part of it. The seat where Emma sat wasn’t here, which would explain her absence from my side. I hope that she is okay… It was somewhat of a struggle to get the belt undone, but I did get released from it in the end.

Dropping down, I landed without getting any injuries. Well, the crash left me with a few. My head was on fire, and there was clearly blood dripping down from my head. This section of the plane wouldn’t have a medkit, so I decided to leave.

The plane was crashed into a tree, but it wasn’t that high up. Climbing down, I saw a few bodies strew about on the ground. Was I the only survivor of this section? How unfortunate… If Mena was on that plane, I hope that she survived…

Walking around, I ended up falling to my knees. It seems that my head injury was worse than I realized… Regardless; I got back up and started to walk once more. My goal was to find the shore of wherever this is. With my luck, this was probably a random island.

Some Time Later.

Eventually, I came to the shore, there I saw around twenty people. The rest of the plane, as there weren’t any other parts broken off, was near the shore. As this was the place with the most people, I can only assume that these are the only survivors. Why not say hello? Simple…

Man: “See this? This is a gun! With this, you all have to listen to me from now on!” He happily exclaimed.

A crowd of people, well… it was mostly women, all were hiding behind an officer. Her head was wounded, just like me. In her stupor, it seems that a random man had gotten his hands on her service weapon. The anger on her face tells me that much, at least.

Officer: “Sir, please don’t do this. This isn’t a game… We need to survive together until help arrives, not play king like a child.” She said with a stern but calm tone.

Man: “I don’t give a shit if we all die here! I just want to fuck you all at least once! With this gun, I am the one in charge of this situation, don’t fucking speak unless I permit you to do so!” He yelled in annoyance, pointing the handgun at the woman.

Officer: “…”

Damn… they are truly in a difficult situation. They could easily overpower the man with their numbers, but most likely one or more of them would get shot from doing so. My head hurts immensely, but I think that I am the only one to help them.

Emma was there as well. She was seemingly asleep, though. Which sucks, as Emma clearly wasn’t a normal maid at all… With a sigh, I made my way out of the jungle. Specifically, I circled around so that I would be facing the man when I exit the jungle.

Man: “Who the hell are you!? Ah, you’re very pretty as well… I think that I will save you for last.” He said, licking his lips.

Celia: “…”

Could… could you not talk like a basic ass villain? Who even talks like this?… Did he hurt his head from the crash? I wouldn’t rule it out, but this guy needs to die, regardless of the reason for his actions. What’s his Status, anyway?


Name: Lucious Reny.

Sex: Male.

Race: Human.

Age: 36.

HP: 100/100.

MP: 0/0.

AGI: 15.

STR: 12.

DEX: 10.

INT: 55.

Hunger: 5/50.

True Level: 1.

Race Level: 1/100.

Current EXP: 12/500.

Titles: None.

Self Improvement Points: 0.

Upgrades/Skills Available: 0.

Lucious Reny, huh? What a name… Sorry, Lucious, it seems that you won’t be making it to 40 years old. I sure do hope that you’ve enjoyed your life so far. As, due to this stupid decision, your life will soon be over and done with. Oh, how the evil die… before middle age?…

Lucious: “What are you doing? Stay right where you are!!” He demanded.

Rushing up to him, I managed to reach him before he could shoot me. Grabbing the slide of the handgun, I pushed it away from my person, and anyone else that could get hit. Lucious fired a shot that hit nothing of importance, and I backed away somewhat.

Lucious: “Stupid bitch! Now, I don’t even care if I have to fuck your corpse, I will make do.” He said, pointing the gun at me once more.

Celia: “…”

Lucious: “Why… why won’t it fire?” He exclaimed in confusion.

Dumbass clearly didn’t understand firearms very well. Since I held the slide, there wasn’t another round loaded into the chamber when the handgun fired a shot. As such, the handgun could not fire again. Rushing back up to him again, I disarmed the gun from the man.

Backing away, I racked the slide to chamber a round. Pointing it at the stupid idiot, I fired three rounds into his chest. The man fell to the ground, still alive. Walking up to the soon to be dead man, I looked into his eyes.

Lucious: “I… Please, don’t kill me!” He pleaded.

With a sigh, I pointed the gun at his head, and I then pulled the trigger. The man was dead, and all threats at the moment were dealt with. Of course, the survivors surely don’t see me as a good person. I did just murder someone, after all. Even if he threatened them.

Officer: “You didn’t have to kill him.” She said with an upset tone.

Celia: “And what? Try to keep him alive? This place doesn’t have much medical aid. Besides, I am very well versed in firearms.” I reply.

Officer: “…”

Celia: “I shot to kill, piercing three vital organs in the process. I didn’t execute him, that was a mercy killing. Even if we were in a first world country, he wouldn’t have survived.” I calmly explain.

Officer: “I’ll hold you to those words. I will have his body examined after we’re rescued. If he wasn’t going to die from those three shots, then I will bring you in for murder.” She said with a serious tone.

Celia: “Do as you please, that was self-defense, and I will defend it as such in court if it comes to that. For now, I wish to have my injuries treated. Like you, I also have a pretty bad head wound.” I reply, handing her back the handgun.

It was hers in the first place, though I did make sure to put the safety on. Besides, if I took the gun, I would be responsible for the rest of these people. I have no intentions of being some island ruler, like that man did. What a silly, silly dude…