2. Yes It’s Really Real
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"This is impossible," I told myself for the sixth or seventh time, as I stared down at my undeniably feminine body. "It can't be real."

I was completely naked, my clothes were scattered around the bathroom floor. I had small cute feet, my legs were slim and smooth and shapely while my hips were wide and my butt was soft and rounded, and my tummy had just the right amount of squishiness. I had narrow shoulders, my arms were slender, my hands and fingers small and dainty.

My skin was fair and flawless, there didn't seem to be a single hair anywhere below my head. I didn't have any facial hair either, my cheeks and chin were soft and smooth and tender.

I didn't have any easy way to take measurements, but I knew I was shorter than before. I didn't know how much shorter, but I'd guess fifteen or twenty centimetres at least. That kind of confused me, along with the fact that I looked nothing like my old self. I wasn't just the girl-version of me, but my face and my hair and my eyes and everything were all completely different.

Completely different was a good way to describe the whole situation in fact. Like having boobs was a very novel new experience.

Looking down my eyes focused on my chest once again. My boobs were 'ample' bordering on 'big', creamy white orbs tipped with large thick pink nipples. I'd already discovered they were very sensitive, and at the moment they were standing out hard and stiff and almost felt a little needy.

I resisted the urge to touch them again, and instead looked past my chest to my groin. Beneath my smooth hairless mound were the soft pink folds of my new womanhood.

"This really can't be real," I told myself once more as I shook my head. My unreal long hair tickled again as it brushed softly against the soft smooth skin of my unreal back.

After staring at myself for another minute or two I finally started thinking about that curse book, and I found myself asking a bunch of questions. Like ok I read the magic stuff out loud, but I didn't specifically try to curse myself so why'd I turn into a girl? And why'd it make me look like this specifically? Why did it make me a short cute sexy blonde? Why were my boobs so big? And finally, if that book turned me into this then could it also turn me back?

There was also a nagging question about did I actually want to turn back, but I ignored that for now. Of course I needed to turn back. I wasn't really a girl, just like I wasn't trans. And anyways, nobody would recognize me like this. Not Tabby, not Holly, and definitely not my sister Avery. Who I realized with a pang of alarm was probably going to be home very soon.

So I hurried back into my bedroom and grabbed the book. I wasn't unsteady on my feet anymore, I'd already got used to the way my new hips and legs worked along with my new centre of gravity.

Instead of my desk chair I sat on my comfy bed and curled up next to the pillows. I set the book on my smooth soft lap but couldn't see half of it thanks to the big orbs on my chest, and I had to admit I wasn't quite used to those yet. So I held the book out in front of me then started flipping through all the unnumbered pages until I found that gender bending curse again.

This time instead of skipping all the pages of details and warnings I carefully read through it, to try and get a handle on how it actually worked and how this happened to me. A cold anxious feeling settled in my tummy as I read through several pages of important information that I really should have read before saying the magic part out loud. And by the time I got to the end my questions were all answered, more or less.

Why did the magic curse me when I wasn't trying to curse anyone? If you don't specify a target it'll just zap whoever's closest. And since I was home alone, there was nobody nearby to zap but me.

Why'd it turn me into a short cute sexy blonde with big boobs, when I wasn't thinking of anything in particular as I read the curse out loud? It used the last applicable thing I thought about before casting the curse. And the last thing I'd thought about was accidentally getting turned into a cute slutty subby girl.

My last question was the important one, and the answer wasn't what I wanted. Or maybe it was, but I wasn't prepared to think about that yet. The book turned me into a girl, could it turn me back? No. No it could not. This curse was one of the ones marked {Permanent}, and it could never be revoked.


I bit my lower lip as I felt a flutter deep in my tummy when I saw that word. It really was like those webnovels I definitely didn't read on a regular basis. I'd accidentally turned myself into a cute hot girl, and there was no way to undo it. That little flutter in my tummy got a bit stronger the more I thought about it.

There was no way out of it. I was stuck like this.

One thing that worried me was that I didn't want to upset or offend my trans friends. I hated the thought of Tabby thinking I was mocking or fetishizing people like her, by turning myself into a girl even though I wasn't trans. Apart from that I was pretty confident I could handle being a girl for the rest of my life though. In fact I already felt pretty comfortable.

The biggest problems would come from dealing with other people. Like nobody would recognize me, and I didn't have valid ID so I couldn't prove who I was. Also none of my clothes would fit my new body, that was something else I'd have to deal with soon.

With those problems in mind I set the book down then picked up my phone, and started doing some internet searches on how to deal with this stuff. Unfortunately using search terms like 'I got magically turned into a girl' tended to lead to various webnovels I definitely wasn't already familiar with, and not to actually useful information for guys who were actually turned into girls.

I was trying to figure out how to phrase my search so the internet would know I was looking for serious help instead of links to stories that definitely weren't already in my browser history when I heard the front door open and close downstairs. That was followed by the sound my sister, and I knew she'd be heading up to her room. Which meant there was a good chance I'd be discovered in the next few seconds.

A hundred different scenarios flashed through my mind as I wondered what to do, how to handle the situation. And instead of doing literally anything, I just kind of sat there like a deer in the headlights and waited for the inevitable.

I listened as Avery reached the top floor, and her footsteps headed for her bedroom. They stopped outside the bathroom and I heard her sigh. Then she changed course and headed for my room instead.

"Is there a reason you left your clothes all over the bathroom floor?" she asked as she reached the door. "You're not a little kid anymore, you should know -"

Avery's voice cut off as soon as she saw me. I was still sitting on my bed, I was cringing as I stared back at her.

"Who are you?" she demanded with a frown. "Where's my brother? And why are you naked?"

My cheeks immediately went red as I scrambled to pull one of my pillows onto my lap then hugged it against my chest.

I was cringing even harder at that point. I grimaced as I looked up at her and responded, "Hey sis. It's me. I uh, accidentally turned myself into a girl?"

Avery stared at me for another couple seconds. I could tell she didn't believe me, but she finally responded "Ok I'll bite. If you're really my brother, how'd you turn yourself into a cute blonde girl?"

The fact that she was at least giving me a chance was a huge relief. I took a deep breath then launched into a detailed explanation, "So you know how I've been struggling with my geometry classes right? Well a couple weeks ago my math tutor Holly suggested I should order this out of print geometry textbook, it was something about Hexagons or whatever. So I looked for it online but like I said it's out of print right? None of the usual places had any copies of it left and I had to get a little creative trying to find it. I mean sure I could have downloaded a PDF but you know mom always said real paper books were better."

"Anyways," I continued after a brief pause for breath, "After searching for a while I ended up finding the website of this funky old bookstore in Toronto that's supposed to carry rare and unique books, antique texts and manuscripts, wild stuff like that? And I figured if anyone would have an old obscure math book it was them. And I was right, they had the old hexagon thing, but they also had a lot of other stuff too, and I ended up spending like an hour just browsing all the stuff they had? Eventually I got bored though and figured I may as well just buy the math book, but I guess maybe I -"

"Stop talking," Avery finally interrupted. "Can you tell me in three sentences or less how my brother allegedly turned himself into a girl?"

I went quiet for a couple seconds as I frowned and thought about how to condense the actual explanation down into a short form.

"I accidentally ordered a book of curses instead of a math textbook," I finally replied. "Then when I was looking at the curse book I read one of the curses out loud. And it turned me into a girl."

My sister stared at me for another couple seconds before asking, "Can I see this so-called curse book you're talking about?"

"Sure," I nodded. I put the pillow aside and picked up the book then reached out and handed it too her.

She took the small leather-bound tome from me and flipped through the first few pages before finding the title page. Then she frowned, "Hexinomicon. A Compendium of Consistently Curated Curses for the Casual Caster."

Avery's frown got a bit deeper as she closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. She took in a deep breath, and let it out as a long sigh.

"Ok," she muttered quietly. "There is literally only one person in the whole world who's both clueless enough and unlucky enough to have this happen to them. And that person is my little brother."

That sent a little shock of excitement through me and a hopeful smile settled on my face. "So you believe me? You know it's me?"

"Yes," she sighed. "Nobody else could be as dense or as accident-prone as you."

Then she frowned at me and added, "Is there any particular reason you're naked?"

"None of my clothes fit?" I replied with another grimace. "I'm a bit shorter than before, everything's too big on me now. And uh, I grew boobs which don't work with my t-shirts?"

My sister rolled her eyes as she glanced at my chest, "Yeah I can see that. I'm sure you must have something you can wear for now. How about that hoodie you're always wearing everywhere?"

"Oh! Yeah that's a good idea sis!" I grinned as I got up off my bed.

Before I could get to the closet I stopped in my tracks. I was next to Avery, and my eyes widened as I looked up at her. I was used to being a dozen centimetres taller than her, but now she stood at least that much taller than me.

"Sis? How'd you get so tall?" I asked as I stared up at her.

She rolled her eyes, "I'm the same as always, doofus. You're the one who got shorter, remember?"

"Oh," I grimaced as I felt my cheeks heating up again. Then I finally continued past her to the closet.

My favourite hoodie was dark grey and a few sizes too big. That's why I liked it though, it was easy to hide in it, and it felt kind of safe and friendly when I was in it. Except a few sizes too big on my normal body meant it was absolutely massive on my new feminine form.

I had to pull the sleeves up just to get my hands out of the cuffs, while the bottom hem reached down past my hips. At least the fabric was nice and soft against my sensitive chest.

"So you accidentally turned yourself into a girl," Avery said as she flipped through the curse book again, "Why haven't you used this thing to turn yourself back again?"

My cheeks went red again as I admitted, "That's the first thing I looked at? Or the second or third thing anyways. It turns out I can't? I'm stuck this way."

My sister looked up at me, and this time she actually looked worried. "You can't? You're stuck? Are you... You're not freaking out or anything? Are you still in shock? Or... How come you're not panicking?"

"I dunno?" I shrugged. "It's not the end of the world, right? I don't know what to do about clothes and ID and stuff, but I look ok. I think I'm kind of cute actually?"

My blush got a bit brighter as I added, "I never thought this kind of thing could happen for real, but it's not like I haven't thought about what it'd be like to be a girl before, you know?"

Avery stared at me for another couple seconds, then asked "Are you trans?"

"No," I shook my head. "And I'm worried Tabby and my other trans friends will hate me for accidentally turning myself into a girl when I'm not really a girl?"

She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose again, then sighed "Ok I'm not getting into this discussion with you right now. Why don't you go make us both some dinner all right? I'm going to have a closer look at this curse book of yours, and see if I can find something that'll help."

"Ok sis," I smiled as I headed for my bedroom door. "Thanks!"

Avery just nodded as she followed me out, "You're welcome baby bro."

I faltered a bit and frowned, "I guess if I'm stuck like this I'm not your brother anymore?"

She frowned back, "What are you saying now? You want me to call you my sister instead?"

My cheeks were already heating up again as I gulped. I asked nervously, "Is that ok? I know technically I'm not really a girl, even though I look like one. But it feels kind of weird being called 'bro' when I'm..."

My sister took another deep breath then asked, "So you want me to refer to you as my sister? Would you like me to use she her pronouns for you as well?"

"Oh. Uh..." I bit my lower lip and hesitated, while I felt another flutter in my tummy. I couldn't deny that suddenly made me feel really happy. Same with the thought of being her sister.

"Sis?" Avery asked slowly, and the word sent more happy flutters through me. "I don't suppose there's another name you might like me to use for you?"

I gulped. My cheeks were probably bright red as I nodded, "Actually uh, do you think maybe you could call me Cheryl? I mean, seeing as I look like this now? And uh, same with the pronouns? I think she her would work better for me since I look like a girl and all?"

She watched me for another couple seconds, then nodded "Ok sis, enough with the pleading puppy-dog eyes. I'll call you Cheryl and use she her pronouns for you."

"Thank you!" I grinned, then started to run down the stairs to make us some dinner.

I only got about three or four steps before learning a painful lesson about why bras were important. Then I walked the rest of the way downstairs to the kitchen while my sister disappeared into her bedroom muttering something about density and eggs.

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