6. Mistakes Were Made
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content warning: a little bit lewd

"Tabby!" I yelped as a warm tingly sensation spread over my body, then settled in my chest and between my legs.

I became very aware of my nipples as they stiffened and started pressing against the soft tight fabric of my small lavender hoodie, while at the same time a hollow yearning began to form somewhere deep inside me, a little bit lower down than my stomach.

"What?" my friend responded. "You said it was ok!"

My breathing got a little quicker and a little deeper, while my heart rate sped up a bit. I could also feel my face beginning to flush, and it got harder than usual to focus on important stuff. Instead my attention started to fixate on all these new sensations I was experiencing. Like the fact that I had boobs now, or the way my nipples were trying to poke holes through my hoodie. Or the tightening sensation somewhere just inside my groin, that was sort of similar but actually nothing like having an erection. Or the slightly wet warm tingly feeling that accompanied the not-erection.

With all that going on it took me a couple seconds to force myself to concentrate on what we were just talking about. My cheeks were probably bright red again as I protested, "I thought you were asking about casting it on yourself, not me!"

"Why would I ask your permission to curse myself?" she asked as she gave me a funny look.

"I don't know? Because it's my curse book?" I replied with a shrug, which turned out to be a mistake.

The motion made my boobs shift and my rock-hard nipples rubbed against the soft tight fabric, which sent shocks of pleasure through my entire body. A lot of them seemed to settle between my legs where the warm wet feelings continued to grow, and I instinctively pulled my legs together to try and hide whatever was going on down there.

My best friend was watching closely and she could obviously see how the curse was affecting me. She grimaced, "Sorry Cheryl, I guess we both misunderstood each other?"

She sounded a little concerned as she added, "Are you going to be ok?"

"Probably," I grumbled as I fought the urge to squirm or fidget. "It's just kind of awkward and weird?"

"Like I've only had this body for a few hours you know? I'm really not used to any of this stuff," I added as my face got even more red.

Tabby's cheeks coloured too and she apologized again, "I'm really sorry. I really didn't think things through, I was a little too excited about trying real magic. Will you forgive me?"

"Of course I forgive you!" I gave her an awkward smile, "Seriously, it's not the worse thing that's happened. It's not even the worst thing that's happened since I got home from college today."

She looked relieved, then her eyes drifted down as she looked me over again, before they snapped back up to meet mine. She was blushing a little brighter but tried to distract us both by asking, "So um, what's it feel like?"

"What's what feel like?" I asked as I squeezed my thighs together a little tighter. My hands were clenched into fists, gripping the duvet beneath me to keep them from wandering to my chest or between my legs.

Tabs rolled her eyes, "Suddenly getting a femme body, silly! Or if you don't want to talk about that, what does the horny curse feel like?"

I grimaced, "Seriously Tabby? I just said I haven't had a chance to get used to this. And the horny thing... It's weird? But making me think about it isn't helping me ignore it."

She started to respond but I kept talking. I might have been babbling a bit actually, between the awkwardness and the fact that it was hard to concentrate but maybe a little too easy to talk.

"Having boobs seems like fun," I admitted. "I'm really tempted to start playing with them, thanks to that curse of yours. Maybe I'll do that tonight when I'm in bed. They're way more sensitive than I expected, and girl nipples are a lot more fun than guy nipples."

My mind was kind of wandering as I jumped from one topic to another, "It's going to take me a bit to get used to being so short, or the way you and Avery are both suddenly so much taller than me. I think I like it though? I kind of like being cute too. As for my junk uh, not having guy parts down there is fine I guess? I don't miss that stuff anyways. Gonna need some time to get used to the girl parts. Same with the whole body, I need time to get used to it all. If this horny curse is still going on later I'll definitely be getting familiar with some of this stuff tonight..."

Tabby made a clearing-her-throat sound, "Ok Cheryl, I appreciate the honesty but you're wandering into TMI territory there."

"You're the one who made me horny then asked me to talk about it!" I protested as I looked over at her.

Her cheeks were bright red but I didn't really notice that, or how awkward she seemed. I was too busy being captivated by just how incredibly hot she was. I always knew she was pretty, honestly I'd always been attracted to her and maybe even a little jealous of her looks, but now I was very aware of how intensely sexy she really was.

Beyond her beauty though, the thing that really hit me was the way she was looking at me. Despite my own addled state I could tell she was getting turned on. She was watching me squirm, she could see how my thighs were squeezed together and my hands were clutching at the bedding. She knew how horny I was, and all of that was making her excited.

I could see it in her eyes and on her face, just as easily as I could tell from the way her nipples were poking at her bra and t-shirt and the the growing bulge that was tenting up in her jeans.

And the realization that she was getting horny just from watching me fed back and made my own arousal a little stronger. My breathing got quicker again, and suddenly I was fantasizing about my best friend pushing me back on my bed and ravishing me.

"Holy heck," I mumbled to myself as I stared at her. "Tabby you are so hot, I can't even believe it right now."

She almost laughed, "Me?! You're the cute sexy blonde with the big boobs, Cheryl."

"Anyways it's probably just the horny curse making you think that," she added.

I shook my head, a little too enthusiastically. That led to some jigging which in turn sent some powerful pleasurable shocks from my nipples straight up into my brain and down between my legs. I bit my lower lip to try and stifle a happy squeak then insisted, "Not true! I've always thought you were pretty Tabs. I've been attracted to you since I found out you were a girl."

"I've actually been kind of crushing on you the last few years maybe," I admitted in a soft embarrassed voice.

"Oh," her eyes widened then she looked away. She was staring down at her feet as she mumbled, "Why didn't you ever say anything before? Why tell me this now?"

"I never said anything because I didn't want to make things awkward between us," I answered as I tried my best to keep my hands off myself. "I know you're not into guys."

"And I'm telling you now because I'm feeling kind of weird and it's hard to think straight, and you're so beautiful it's making me a little crazy right now?" I added quietly.

Tabby blushed even brighter, "Thanks Cheryl. I had no idea you thought of me like that. And I'm really sorry for trying that curse on you. I honestly thought you were giving me permission to do that."

"It's fine," I shrugged, which once again sent shocks of pleasure up and down my body. I almost had to stifle a little moan or something. Then I added, "I'm sure I'll be ok once it wears off."

My best friend watched me for another second or two then offered, "Do you want me to give you some privacy or something? Maybe if you um, work it out on your own it'll wear off faster? I could go hang out with your sister while you're busy?"

"Uh," I bit my lower lip as I seriously considered that idea. Then I shook my head, which led to more jiggling which sparked more happy feelings in my body. Once that passed I grimaced, "I'm just going to sit very still and wait till it passes. Maybe I'll look at something boring on my phone until then."

"Ok Cheryl," Tabby smiled. "I'll wait it out here with you then."

I had to risk some more movements to get my phone, then as I shifted and got comfortable I realized there was a noticeable wet spot in my leggings which left me blushing even brighter than before. Fortunately Tabby didn't seem to notice, or if she did she pretended not to.

After that the two of us just sort of waited it out in an awkward silence. I focused on cute cat pictures on my phone and tried to ignore the feelings and urges and thoughts my new body was giving me, until eventually the effects of the horny curse finally faded.

When it was over I glanced at Tabby and realized she was looking at that curse book again. She had a thoughtful look on her face as she stared at one of the pages somewhere near the back, and after a bit I started to worry she might be thinking about trying another curse.

"Hey Tabs?" I asked. "You're not going to use that book again are you?"

She took a deep breath then sighed, "Yeah. I'm looking at that transformation spell I found, trying to come up with a foolproof way to use it so it won't backfire on me."

I frowned, "You're thinking of using it on yourself? What are you going to do?"

Tabby was quiet for a couple seconds, then looked at me and sighed. She gave me a sort of sad embarrassed smile as she replied, "There's still a lot of things I want to improve about my body, Cheryl. I know you think I'm beautiful but there's stuff I'm self-conscious about, stuff that still causes me a lot of dysphoria. Stuff I'd fix if I could use magic to do it. And the bottom line is magic would let me skip some surgery, and probably give me better results too."

"I get it," I replied quietly. "You really are beautiful Tabby, but I get that you have to be comfortable too. And I know whatever you want to do or change is going to be just as pretty as you are now."

She blushed but smiled, "Thanks Cheryl."

"So are you seriously thinking about trying that curse? Like here, now?" I asked.

"Yeah, if I can figure out a good safe way to do it," she replied as she looked down at the book again. "The trick is coming up with something simple but not so vague that it's going to turn into a monkey's paw situation."

I frowned, "Just be careful, ok? It's already got me like three times today."

My best friend smirked, "And yet you seem pretty happy with the way things have turned out."

"That's besides the point," I replied with another blush. "It's still been weird, and I still have a lot of stuff to get used to."

She just nodded as she focused on the curse book again. I kept quiet as well, if she was serious about using it then I really didn't want to distract her or anything.

After another minute or so she finally nodded to herself, "Ok. That should work. It's simple and straightforward, and I don't think there's a way for it to backfire."

I frowned, "How's that going to work? And are you really positive it's going to be safe?"

"I figure if I curse myself so I'm transformed into my ideal body that should be pretty foolproof," she replied. "That's way easier than trying to focus on all the separate details, and it can't mess up since it's based on what's ideal for me? So like I said, foolproof."

"Ok Tabby," I nodded slowly. "Are you going to do it now?"

After a brief hesitation she smiled, "Yeah. No time like the present, right?"

I nodded again, "Ok Tabs. Just please be careful."

"Here goes," she stated with some nervous excitement. Then she focused on the book once more and whispered to herself, "I, Tabby, am cursing myself to transform into my ideal body."

Following that she carefully read out about four lines of those gibberish words. She followed that with her name, "Tabitha Gardner."

When she was finished she set the curse book aside and looked over at me and asked, "How long did it take you to change after you did the gender bender curse on yourself?"

"I don't know?" I blushed. "It took a few minutes for me to notice..."

My voice trailed off and my eyes widened as my best friend's body started to change. There was no flash of light or swirling sparkles. It was more like a smooth change, like her features had become kind of fluid and things were morphing from her original shape to her new one. And she didn't even seem to recognize it was happening, she was still watching me instead.

The transformation took a few seconds, it was actually over before I even thought to point out what was happening. And when it was done, my best friend looked different.

Not entirely different, she was still recognizable as Tabby. Or at least her face hadn't changed too much. The rest of her was a lot more different than I'd expected though.

"Wow!" I grinned. "You look amazing Tabs! Not quite what I expected, but still great!"

"Did it happen? What -" she cut herself off as her eyes widened. Then she gasped and grinned at the same time, "My voice is different! Oh this is so cool!"

Her original voice was probably a bit low for a girl but I never thought it was that big a problem. I knew it was one of those things Tabby felt self-conscious about though, and now her voice definitely sounded a lot more 'girly'.

She didn't dwell on that, she was already on her feet. She took a few unsteady steps towards my bedroom door, which reminded me of how I had trouble getting used to the change of balance and perspective and everything. And she was also dealing with a few other changes I hadn't had myself.

I turned on the light as soon as we went into the washroom, then she stood and stared at the mirror. Her eyes were wide and her mouth hung open in shock.

She'd lost some height, I was pretty sure she was a little shorter than Avery now. She was still a good fifteen centimetres taller than me though. Her long wavy brown hair had also become shorter, it was still wavy but only reached as far as her shoulders now. It had also lightened up into a cute pastel orange colour, with some light cream-coloured streaks through it. Maybe the biggest change to her face was her eyes, which had gone from dark brown to a very light pale green.

Overall her features had definitely softened, like a couple years of HRT did a good job but the magic took it a few steps further. And there was absolutely no trace of any facial hair, which I knew would make her super happy. In fact I didn't see any hairs on her arms either, which left me wondering if all her body hair had vanished like mine did.

Other obvious changes to her body included her hips which had gotten wider, while her shoulders had become narrower. Her boobs definitely grew a bit, even though her clothes were a bit loose in places I could tell that she was spilling out of her bra. Her behind was a bit bigger and more rounded too.

Maybe the biggest and most shocking changes were the ears and the tail. There were a pair of furry orange triangles sticking up on the top of her head, while a long fuzzy orange and cream striped tail emerged from the top of her jeans and twitched back and forth behind her.

"What the hell?!" Tabby finally gasped as she stared at herself in the mirror. "I turned into a catgirl?!"

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