10. It’s Just Harmless Fun
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content warning: mild / temporary mind control

"I said I was sorry!" Holly stated as she rolled her eyes. "I don't understand why you're making such a big deal out of this? It's not like I tested it on you."

Tabby glared as her tail twitched back and forth behind her, "You shouldn't have tested it on anyone! Least of all Cheryl! She's my best friend, so of course I'm upset with you for messing with her!"

The three of us were all sitting at the kitchen table, Holly was at one end and Tabby across from her, while I was on the side in between them both. We all had fresh mugs of coffee, and the math stuff had all been put away. Tabs had the curse book, she was keeping a tight grip on it and making sure it stayed out of Holly's reach.

The weird thing was my friend hadn't bothered to get dressed. She was sitting there in nothing but her sexy orange lace bra and thong, and she seemed to have forgotten all about her embarrassment when she figured out Holly was up to something with the curse book.

I was mostly staying quiet and just listening, because I wasn't entirely sure what was going on. I'd figured out that my tutor must have used one of the curses on me, but I wasn't sure yet which one or what it might have done. Tabby was determined to find out though, then hopefully she could reverse whatever it was. Or maybe it'd just wear off on its own after a while.

My math tutor sighed, "I just wanted to see some real magic. You've obviously been messing around with it yourself kitty, and Cherry told me how she turned herself into a girl. So how come you get to play with magic and I don't?"

"One," Tabs stated, "It's not yours to mess with. Two, if you wanted to test it you could have tried it on yourself. And three, if you really wanted to try it on someone else you should have asked permission first."

Holly shrugged, "And for the fifth time, I'm sorry. I didn't really think it would work, so I didn't want to make a big deal about it."

"Anyways it's not like I did anything terrible," she added. "Literally, all I did was make her focus harder on the math lesson. And ok I had her serve me coffee, but she's the one who originally offered to do that!"

"And the 'Miss Holly' thing? I'm sure that was your idea too," Tabby asked with a frown.

This time my tutor smirked a little, "Ok yeah, but that's just harmless fun. And I think it's kind of cute."

"What do you think Cherry?" she asked as she looked at me. "You like calling me Miss Holly, right?"

I shrugged, "Sure Miss Holly. It doesn't really matter what I call you, does it?"

Tabby glared at Holly, "Her name is Cheryl, not Cherry."

"It's just a nickname," the math tutor replied as she rolled her eyes again. "And come on, don't you think Cherry suits her much better?"

My friend didn't respond, she just kept up the unhappy glare while Holly drained the last of her coffee.

Then the petite redhead got to her feet as she said, "Anyways thanks for the coffee but I better head out. I have another appointment to get to."

"Not until you tell us exactly which curse you used on Cheryl," Tabby stated.

Holly sighed as she gathered up her things, "I think it was called 'Compliance' or something like that. It wasn't permanent, so don't get all worked up about it ok? It'll wear off."

"See you next Saturday Cherry," she added as she headed for the stairs. "Don't forget next week our appointment isn't until two in the afternoon!"

"I won't forget. Bye Miss Holly," I responded with a wave.

Meanwhile Tabby just looked grumpy as she started carefully searching through the Hexinomicon for the curse my tutor used on me. It took her about ten minutes to find it, then she quietly read through it.

I sipped my coffee as I watched her, then finally asked "So how bad is it? And how long till it wears off?"

After another half minute or so my friend finally looked up at me. She was still frowning, but at least it wasn't an angry scowl. She didn't look too worried either, so I figured it couldn't be that bad.

"It says it'll wear off in a day. She cursed you this morning, so it should wear off tomorrow morning," Tabby replied. "As for what it does, according to this it means you're 'compliant and suggestible'. So you're more likely to do what people ask you or tell you to do."

She quickly added, "Don't worry, that doesn't mean you have no choice at all, the curse doesn't make you obedient or anything. If something goes against your nature or you really don't want to do it then you can just refuse."

"That doesn't sound so bad," I replied. "And I won't be seeing Miss Holly again until next Saturday anyways, so it'll have worn off long before then. Nothing to worry about."

Tabby sighed, "It's not quite that simple Cheryl. The way this is worded it's not just Holly you'd be compliant for, it's everyone. You might be susceptible to literally everyone you talk to between now and tomorrow morning. Even me, even your sister."

"Oh huh," I frowned. "But folks can't make me do anything I wouldn't want to do, right? You said I can refuse if it's something against my nature? So like I said, no big deal."

My friend frowned back at me, "I think it's a pretty big deal Cheryl. For one thing I need to be super careful what I say around you, and we should probably warn Avery so she doesn't accidentally take advantage of you either."

"I guess," I shrugged. "I trust you though, and my sister."

Tabby continued to frown as she watched me, "Why aren't you upset about this? Your tutor cursed you and left you susceptible to be manipulated by anyone you meet for the next twenty-two hours, and you don't seem to care."

I rolled my eyes, "She told me not to worry about it, and you just said the same thing a couple seconds ago. So I'm not worried."

"Crap," Tabby face-palmed. "Like I said, I'm going to have to be careful what I say around you."

Then she frowned as she looked back down at the curse book again, "I'm tempted to give that tutor of yours a taste of this stuff herself. I think maybe she could use a lesson in what it's like to be cursed."

That made me grimace, "I don't know Tabs? I feel like using it for revenge is a bad idea. And to be fair she didn't do anything really awful, right? Ok maybe she had some harmless fun, but mostly she just used it to keep me focused on the math lesson, and it actually worked pretty well for that."

"That's not the point," she responded. "Maybe if it wore off in an hour so you were free of it now I'd be less uptight? But what if we went out somewhere? What if some guy started hitting on you? You might not be able to refuse, Cheryl. I can think of a hundred ways this could mess things up for you, and it's all her fault!"

"Sorry Tabby," I sighed. "But I wouldn't want to go out with some guy, so I don't think I'd agree if someone asked. Like you said, it won't make me do stuff against my nature right? So I'm probably safe from strange guys and stuff."

I could tell she was still upset though, so I tried to lighten things up a bit. I smiled at her and teased, "Maybe if you asked me out I'd agree. Or if you told me to do some fun or silly stuff I'd probably do it, because you're my best friend and I trust you."

Tabby gave me a funny look, "Are you trying to distract me by suggesting I use this to take advantage of you?"

"Or wait, are you asking me to ask you out on a date?" she added as her cheeks coloured slightly.

That got me blushing a bit too, "I mean, I definitely wouldn't say no to going on a date with you. And I'm not just saying that because of some curse either. But uh, I get that it's probably weird because we're best friends and all..."

"As for the other stuff I wasn't trying to distract you or anything." My cheeks got a bit brighter as I continued, "But if you did want to mess around and experiment with this compliance curse I don't think I'd mind too much. Maybe we could like, test the limits or something? We've got the house to ourselves until about four this afternoon, when Avery gets home from work."

She looked at me for a second or two then sighed, "As much as I'm tempted to take you up on that Cheryl, I'm not sure you can actually consent or not? Like how do I know Holly didn't already manipulate you into thinking you want that? Or heck, I can't even be sure I didn't accidentally put the idea into your head."

"I'm pretty sure Miss Holly never said anything like that," I responded. "I remember her telling me not to worry about the curse she used on me, and I remember her telling me to call her Miss Holly. And I remember her telling me to focus on math, or to solve different problems, and to make her coffee. But she never said anything about going out on dates with you or her or anyone else. And she never said anything about messing around and testing the curse's limits. That was my own idea."

Tabby still seemed reluctant, but she also looked like maybe she was thinking it over.

I watched her for another couple seconds, then changed the subject completely as I asked "You know you've been sitting around in your sexy undies all this time, right Tabs? Like you didn't somehow forget to get dressed or anything, did you?"

She blushed again as she replied, "It's like I said last night Cheryl, I wanted to try and get used to being more confident about my body. I didn't realize there was a stranger here when I came downstairs like this, but I kind of forgot to be embarrassed after I realized she'd done something to you."

"So you're confident about yourself now?" I asked. "Did it work?"

She looked thoughtful for a couple seconds, then smiled. "I guess it did? At least a bit anyways. Like I said, I forgot all about feeling embarrassed or ashamed when I was focused on making sure you were safe and everything."

I smiled back, "Cool."

"How about you cutie?" she asked. "You can't be too shy or embarrassed either, considering you obviously don't have a bra on under that tight top of yours."

Once again my cheeks warmed up as I mumbled, "I don't know how to put a bra on yet. And I didn't have time to figure it out this morning."

My friend gave me a sly look, "Well maybe I can help you with that cutie. And um, do you still want to experiment with that curse you're under? Test the limits, like you said?"

My heart rate sped up a bit as my cheeks got brighter, but I nodded "Sure. That all sounds good to me Tabby."

"Then to start with how about you take off your top?" she suggested.

"Ok Tabs," I replied as I pulled the tight top up and off. I draped it over the back of the empty chair next to me, then looked back at my friend as my blush got even brighter. Then I got a thought and asked, "Want me to start calling you 'Miss Tabby'?"

She was already looking me over again, admiring my naked chest when I made that suggestion. And it looked like she was actually considering it, before she finally shook her head. "No cutie, I'm not going to ask you to call me that."

I smiled and teased, "How about I call you 'mistress' then?"

Tabby's eyes widened as she blushed once more. She didn't respond right away though, like maybe she was actually considering it.

"Aha!" I grinned. "You actually like that idea, don't you? Is that one of your secret turn-ons maybe? Having cute girls call you mistress and do your bidding? Or is that something your catgirl character is into? Where can I read those stories you've been writing? I want to get to know that Tabby, to find out what else your 'idealized self' is into."

"No!" she insisted as her blush got even brighter. "I'm not into that Cheryl! If I was I wouldn't be making such a big deal about Holly using that curse on you, or being worried about you being able to consent or not, would I?"

I was still grinning as I teased some more, "I dunno Tabs. Maybe all the protesting and stuff is just to cover up your own naughty thoughts?"

"Or maybe," I added as I got another idea, "Maybe I have it the wrong way around? Maybe you're into that stuff, but you want to be calling someone else mistress while you do her bidding? That would explain why you're the one wearing the collar, right?"

By that point her face was bright red, and she was blushing all the way down to her chest. She mumbled, "I can't believe you're bullying me while you're the one who's under the compliance curse!"

"I'm not bullying, I'm teasing!" I insisted with a triumphant grin. "And anyways, I'm sure you could stop me if you wanted. After all, I'm the one under the curse, right mistress? Just order me to stop. Or distract me with some other instructions. You have the power Tabby, but you're not using it."

My best friend tried to give me a hard look, but she couldn't quite pull it off since she was pouting at the same time. Except a moment later it seemed like she decided to take my suggestion after all. Her pout faded and she ordered, "Take off the leggings too Cheryl. Then make me a fresh cup of coffee."

"Yes mistress," I smirked as I got up out of my seat. As I pulled my leggings down I added, "By the way I'm not wearing any undies."

"I can see that," she responded as she looked me over.

I added the leggings to the back of the chair where I'd left my top, then stark naked I went over to the coffee machine to clean it out and start it up again. And while it was doing its thing I gathered up the three mugs from the table and rinsed them all out.

"Anything else I can do for you, mistress?" I asked after I was done with the mugs. "It'll be another couple minutes before the coffee is ready."

Tabby got to her feet and nodded, "Make us some breakfast please cutie. I'll be back in a couple minutes."

"Yes mistress," I replied with a smile.

She rolled her eyes as she headed for the stairs, "I never told you to call me that you know?"

"You never told me not to," I pointed out.

My best friend just mumbled something to herself about being bullied as she went back upstairs again. Then I turned my attention to the fridge to figure out a simple breakfast for the two of us.

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