26. Overdue Relationship Updates
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content warning: lewd stuff

"Oh my Goddess!" Tabby cried out, before slumping back completely limp across my bed.

Her arms and legs were splayed out to either side, and her beautiful chest was rising and falling with her deep shuddering breaths. I actually thought she'd passed out at first, until she spoke again a half minute later.

Her voice came out in a quiet whine as she mumbled, "I can't believe I'm saying this after all that, but I'm still fucking horny!"

I shifted over from where I was kneeling between her legs so I could reach my phone on the bedside table. After unlocking it I checked the app then told her, "The collar's still active, it's at about two and a half right now."

"Want me to turn it up? Or down?" I asked with a smirk. "Or I could turn it off if you want."

We'd both lost track of time, but it was already kind of dark outside and I figured my sister would be home any minute now, if she wasn't already. The first hour or so after me and Tabby came upstairs to my bedroom we'd sort of bounced around a lot of intense emotions together. We went through some fumbling embarrassment and extreme levels of awkwardness, combined with some lust and a lot of excitement.

Then once we'd kind of burned out on all that we spent a while just goofing around and experimenting with the sci-fi magic tech of her collar. We tried out the different power levels, which was just as wild but also kind of funny as well as hot. Like we figured out that anything above level four left Tabby too distracted to focus on anything difficult or complicated, and above level six she had trouble even remembering her own name.

We also learned the thing Tabby was just whining about. When the collar was active her horniness just never went away, no matter how many times she was satisfied. And we both agreed that could suck if you really weren't into it or absolutely needed to focus, like in class or during exams or something. On the other hand it could also be kind of hot when you were in the mood for it.

The last thing I'd figured out wasn't much of a revelation, but after all that experimentation I was even more eager to get one of those collars for myself. I made a mental note to talk to Jinx about it next time I saw her, which was probably going to be at dinner. Or maybe breakfast tomorrow morning, if Tabs and I didn't manage to get out of bed before then.

My best friend was quiet for a few more seconds before she finally groaned, "The horny part of my brain wants you to turn it up, but the responsible part thinks you should turn it off. What time is it anyways? How long have we been doing this?"

"It's quarter after nine," I told her, after checking the clock on my phone. "I guess we should stop and think about some food? Avery's probably home by now, and I should see how Jinx is doing too."

Tabby let out a long sigh then agreed, "Yeah ok. Turn it off please Cheryl? Then I'm going to need a few minutes here to recover."

"Ok Tabs," I grinned. I went back into that app and moved the slider down to zero then asked, "Want me to unlock it so you can take it off?"

She bit her lower lip as she hesitated. After a couple seconds she shook her head, "No thanks. I trust you not to mess with me when it's inappropriate."

I couldn't help thinking her saying that was kind of like telling me she actually wanted me to do that exact thing, but I didn't want to risk getting her upset with me. Instead I just put my phone aside then slowly got up out of bed and stretched, before pulling on a nightshirt. Then I excused myself and went to freshen up, while Tabs stayed in bed for a little while more to finish recovering.

When I emerged from the washroom I realized I could hear my sister and Jinx talking downstairs. That was actually a nice surprise, especially since Avery wasn't shouting and didn't sound angry. I figured if she was having a normal quiet conversation with the little half-demon it meant she'd probably forgiven her for all the trouble she caused on Tuesday.

As I made my way down the stairs I noticed the smell of food, which made my stomach rumble slightly. Then when I entered the kitchen I found Avery and Jinx sitting at the table eating take-out dinners. My sister had a can of cola in front of her and there was a glass of water by the small half-demon's plate.

"You and Tabby finally had enough did you?" Avery asked as she gave me a look. "Jinx said you two have been up there for the past three or four hours."

Suddenly my face was beat red and I mumbled, "We were experimenting with her collar? To figure out how it worked and everything. For uh, science and stuff."

My sister rolled her eyes, "Uh-huh. Anyways I got dinner for you two, and from the sound of it you'll probably need the calories after that work-out."

"You might want to warm it up first but it's over there on the counter," she added as she gestured. There was a bag from the take-out chicken place all ready and waiting for us.

"Thanks Avery!" I grinned. "How are you doing? How was work?"

After another bite of her meal she shrugged, "Mostly quiet. Not a lot of people out looking to buy furniture on a Friday night."

Then she gave me another pointed look and commented, "I understand you and Tabby and Jinx had some excitement this afternoon? I heard the three of you came into a bit of money."

"You already told her?" I frowned as I looked at Jinx. "I was going to talk with her later about it."

The half-demon had a mouthful of fries so she couldn't respond right away. She looked kind of guilty though.

Then my sister came to her defence, "Don't blame Jinx. You weren't that careful when you were tidying up the living-room, I found six hundred dollars under the coffee table when I got home from work."

"Oh," I cringed. Then I frowned, "So how come you're not mad at us?"

After a second I added, "Or are you mad but you're going to wait until after dinner to freak out at us?"

Avery shrugged, "Yelling at you isn't going to fix it. Anyways Jinx filled me in on the details, and Tabby left her notes on a scrap of paper on the coffee table. So I have a pretty good idea of what you did. I definitely don't approve of it, and I'd have told you not to do it if you asked. But now that it's done, I'm going to do whatever I can to ensure none of us get in trouble for it."

I wasn't sure how to respond to all that, but it was definitely a nice surprise. Then while I was still trying to figure out what to say my best friend wandered into the kitchen. Like me she hadn't bothered to dress, but where I was in a nightshirt all Tabby had on was her skimpy panties and a tight t-shirt. Her hair was still a bit messy and she looked tired, but in an adorable 'sleepy kitty' way.

"Hey Avery," she greeted my sister as she looked around the kitchen with her nose twitching and her tail swaying back and forth.

"Hello Tabby," my sister responded. Then she added, "I brought food, you just need to warm it up."

I offered, "I'll take care of it. Have a seat Tabs, I'll grab you a drink too."

"Thanks you two," my sleepy kitty friend mumbled as she pulled out a chair and slumped down into it.

Meanwhile I pulled the two chicken dinners out of the bag and got one heating up in the microwave. While that was warming I grabbed a couple cans of soda and some cutlery for Tabs and me, then when the first meal was ready I served it up for my best friend. She mumbled another thank you as she tucked into it, with her tail swishing happily back and forth behind her.

I joined everyone a minute or so later when my food was warm, although by that time both Avery and Jinx were finished eating.

As I started on my chicken I glanced at the small half-demon and asked, "I know you've only got three curses to go Jinx, but I was wondering if we could use one of them to give me a collar like Tabby's? It looked like she was having a ton of fun with it."

"What do you mean by 'three curses to go'?" Avery asked.

Jinx responded with a wide smile, "I'm pretty sure that's all it'll take before I'm freed! Three more curses and I'll get all my memories back and won't have to do any more cursing!"

"Except that also means I probably won't be bound to Cheryl anymore," she added as her smile faded and shoulders slumped. "Then I won't have to stay here anymore, you can kick me out if you don't want a cambion hanging around all the time."

"We're not going to kick you out!" I insisted. I looked at Avery and added, "You can't boot her out! We don't know how long she's been stuck as a curse book but right now we're the only friends she has, the only people she knows. And sure I know we've only known her a week, but she's my friend ok? I can't just toss her out."

My sister took a deep breath then shook her head, "We won't kick her out Cheryl, I'm not that heartless. Jinx you're welcome to stay with us if you want, as long as you stay out of trouble."

Avery looked thoughtful as she added, "It does mean we need to think about a few other details though? Especially if we know there's only three curses left, we should probably be very careful about how we use them."

"How do you mean? I thought you didn't want us doing any curses at all," I responded.

She continued to think about it as she explained, "For one thing Jinx is going to need ID. Maybe we can do that with one of her curses, but if there's only three left we need to work out exactly how we're using them so we don't squander any. Which means maybe you don't get a silly sex collar, Cheryl."

"Aww!" I pouted. "No fair!"

Avery and Tabby both rolled their eyes, but neither bothered to respond. Instead it was Jinx who spoke up, and happily she was on my side.

"I'm still bound to Cheryl until I'm free," the little half-demon reminded my sister, "So if she wants to use one of my curses to get herself a silly sex collar then I'm all for it. If we use another one to get me ID that still leaves one more left."

Then Jinx looked at me and added, "Just don't forget curses are curses, not wishes. So if you're going to use a curse to get a silly sex collar, be careful how you go about it!"

My pout was back, until I gave Tabby a hopeful look. "Maybe my best friend can come up with another loophole to get me a cool magic collar?"

Tabs rolled her eyes, but she actually looked kind of thoughtful as she focused on her dinner.

"Best friend, or girlfriend?" Avery asked with a smile. "I've had a few 'best friends' in my life and I don't ever remember making the sorts of noises with them that you two were making earlier."

That got both Tabby and I blushing bright again. Despite the embarrassment we both looked at each other, and in a slightly timid voice she asked "What do you think Cheryl? Want to try being my girlfriend?"

Suddenly my heart was fluttering and I felt a bit giddy, which was kind of funny considering what we'd spent the last three or four hours doing together. Still, that was just us having fun as friends. Being girlfriends was a whole different thing.

It was a thing I wanted though, a lot. So I gulped and nodded slowly as I replied, "Yeah Tabs, I do. Want to try being mine?"

"Absolutely," she nodded back.

We probably should have kissed or something to seal the deal, but we were both still eating roasted chicken and fries and gravy and stuff, and both of us sort of mutually decided kissing would wait until after we'd finished dinner and brushed our teeth.

The mood was kind of spoiled anyways as Jinx stated, "Finally! I thought you two were never going to figure this stuff out."

"It was a long time coming," Avery agreed.

When we were done me and Tabs tidied up the kitchen, then all four of us ended up back down in the living-room again. Avery settled into the recliner while the rest of us were on the sofa. I was in the middle, with Tabby on my left and Jinx on my right.

"I've been thinking about how to use a curse to get Jinx some ID," Tabs announced once everyone was comfy. "It depends on her knowing a curse that'd do the trick, but basically it'd be similar to the one we used to get the money? Except we need a one-time curse rather than something that's going to repeat, and use it to steal the ID from someone deserving. Only instead of just having someone else's ID turn up here, we also want it to change into something suitable for Jinx."

The small half-demon frowned as she thought about all the different curses she had memorized. After ten or twelve seconds she finally shook her head, "Sorry Tabby. There's no single curse that'll do all those things? You'd need two curses. One to steal the stuff and have it appear here, then a second one to transform it so it had my information on it instead."

My sister and my girlfriend both looked thoughtful, while I grinned. "That leaves curse number three for me, to get one of those collars!"

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