27. Three, Two, One…
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content warning: lewd stuff

"Getting Jinx some ID is important Cheryl," my sister stated. "Getting you a silly sex collar isn't. So let's focus on ID first, then once that's out of the way maybe you can do the other thing. If you really feel it's necessary."

Tabby agreed, "Avery has a point. Without ID Jinx will have endless trouble trying to do pretty much anything."

I shrugged, "Yeah I know. I never said she couldn't get ID. I'm just saying after that, I get my collar. Ok?"

Avery rolled her eyes but she didn't bother trying to argue. And Tabs couldn't really complain either, since I wasn't actually disagreeing with anyone.

Then I suggested to my girlfriend, "Why don't you do the cursing and stuff Tabs, to get Jinx's ID and stuff sorted out? Since you know how to do it, you already did the loophole stuff with the money and everything."

"Ok Cheryl," Tabby replied. "Just give me a minute or two, to work out some details."

Avery and Jinx were both ok with that, so the three of us stayed quiet while Tabs used her pen and scrap paper to make more notes and stuff.

Two or three minutes later my girlfriend announced, "Ok I think I'm ready to give it a try."

"Instead of an annoying billionaire I'm going to ruin the day of a nasty politician this time," she added. "You know that outspoken jerk from Toronto, who's always spouting off with transmisic and homomisic bullshit? He's going to be our victim for this curse."

Avery responded, "I know the guy you're talking about. Losing his ID won't be much more than a minor inconvenience to him, but I agree he certainly deserves to have his day ruined."

"That's why I picked him," Tabs said with a slightly evil grin. "I'll just have to try not to enjoy this too much. Anyways I'm ready to do this now. Jinx, if you would provide the curse words please?"

The small demon reached her arm out as the text appeared there like before. Tabby focused for a bit, then carefully read out the words along with the queermisic guy's name. There was a little delay of a couple seconds, then a bunch of random stuff suddenly appeared on our coffee table. It wasn't just ID, we actually got a wallet, phone, shoes, a wristwatch, and a key fob.

"What happened?" Avery frowned. "That's a lot more than ID."

Tabs smiled, "Yeah, I figured instead of just stealing his ID I'd specify everything he had on him that wasn't clothes. I didn't think that would include his shoes, but whatever. Jinx could always use another pair for herself."

I grinned too, "I wonder where he is right now? And what he's thinking, now that he's got no shoes, no money, no keys, and no phone."

"I honestly couldn't care less," my girlfriend responded. "The man's evil and he'd happily do worse to all four of us."

Avery looked like she agreed wholeheartedly, but instead of getting into that she commented "We still need to change that stuff so it's not his anymore. The sooner the better. They might be able to trace his phone if you don't do something with it."

"Right," Tabby nodded. Then she addressed Jinx again, "Can I see the curse we used last week to transform property please?"

Our little demon friend happily obliged, and a half minute later all the stolen goods on the table were transformed into stuff that was appropriate for Jinx rather than the politician who lost them. The shoes became small cute sneakers, the wallet became a small black and pink purse, and the phone, watch, and key-fob all changed slightly as well.

Jinx picked up her new purse and with a wide smile she started pulling stuff out of it. There was a few hundred dollars in cash, a bank card and credit card that now had her name on them, and more importantly a drivers license and health card with her name and photo and other information on them.

"It worked!" the small half-demon announced with a smile. "And there's only one curse left to go before I'm free!"

Avery cautioned, "We should destroy the bank card and credit card. Even if they have Jinx's name on them they might still be linked to his account, and if they are then as soon as she uses either of them the police will be on us."

"Aww!" Jinx pouted.

Tabby grimaced, "Avery's right. Those two get shredded. Sorry Jinx."

"We should check the phone too," my sister suggested. "And the smart watch? Make sure they're not still linked to him in any way."

My girlfriend did that, she had a quick look at the phone then smiled. "It's got Jinx's name in it, and the three of us are her only contacts. It looks like the magic really did purge any link to the jerk."

"Maybe it did the same thing for the bank and credit card then?" I asked. "Is there any way to check?"

Avery frowned, "I don't know. Tell you what, let me hang onto them for now? We can't use them until we know for sure, but we don't need to destroy them. I'll put them somewhere safe, and we'll deal with them once we know for sure."

"Fine," Jinx sighed. On the other hand she was happy about having a phone. The keys weren't much use to her though, and she wasn't that interested in the watch either.

Then I figured I'd try and cheer her up with something that'd distract her from the other stuff. I smiled at her and asked, "Hey Jinx? How do you feel about using your very last curse now, to get me a shiny new magic collar like Tabby's?"

"I'm still not sure that's good idea," Avery stated. "If this really is the very last curse and you get something wrong there's no way to undo it. And like Jinx said, curses have victims. What if this backfires on you? I think we should do something safe and harmless with the last curse."

This time I was the one pouting, "But this is probably my only chance to get some magical bling like Tabby got!"

"Maybe Tabby and I can come up with something?" Jinx offered with a hopeful smile. "She's been pretty good at finding loopholes lately, I'm sure she can figure out a way to get you what you want without too much risk?"

"I think it's a much better use of my very last curse than wasting it on something safe but meaningless," she added.

That got me smiling again. I nodded, "Yeah! Go for it, I know you and Tabby will figure it out!"

The small half-demon moved to sit next to my girlfriend so the two of them could conspire quietly together, while Avery just sighed and shook her head.

"You haven't forgotten that every time you've been cursed something's gone wrong?" my sister asked me. "Remember there's always a catch, because they're curses not wishes."

I shrugged, "And everything's worked out ok in the end anyways, right? It'll be fine. I trust Tabby and Jinx, they know what they're doing."

Avery didn't bother arguing any further, and after another minute or two the others were ready.

Tabby gave me a serious look and asked, "Are you absolutely sure about this Cheryl? Instead of a collar we're going with a different kind of bling for you, since the collar is more of a cat thing. It should still work the same for you as my collar does for me, so don't worry about that."

"Yeah!" I grinned in nervous excitement. "Let's do it!"

"All right then," she smiled back.

Like before, Jinx held out her arm and Tabby read out the magic words, while focusing on me. She mentioned my name at the end, and with the three of them staring at me we all waited for it to happen. It only took a second, then I let out a little yelp as I felt a sudden pinching sensation. It wasn't anywhere near my neck though.

My eyes were wide in shock as I stared at Tabs and Jinx, while I gently pressed my hands over my suddenly tender nipples.

The small half-demon was smiling back at me while Tabby looked surprised, as if she wasn't expecting me to react like that. And Avery just looked worried.

"What just happened?" my sister asked. "What did you two do to Cheryl?"

My girlfriend sounded uneasy as she replied, "Instead of a collar I figured earrings would suit her better, but -"

"These aren't my ears!" I stated while I kept my hands over my boobs.

I could feel some strange hard lumps through the fabric of my nightshirt, they were positioned around my thick sensitive nipples. At least I knew what they were now, I'd been kind of worried at first.

Meanwhile Tabby's eyes widened as she grimaced, "You got nipple piercings instead?!"

"It sure feels that way!" I replied.

I finally moved my hands away and quickly peaked inside my nightshirt to check. Sure enough there was a shiny new silver-coloured barbell right through each nipple. Nothing appeared swollen or inflamed or anything, and apart from the initial pinch there wasn't any pain. I figured that's because it was magic, so hopefully I wasn't going to have to deal with whatever long painful aftercare would normally come with that kind of body mod.

"Yep. They're pierced," I announced as I looked up at my girlfriend. Then I asked, "So how do we control them? I guess it's through your phone? It wouldn't be on mine."

"My phone's upstairs with my clothes, let me go grab it!" Tabby responded as she jumped to her feet. Then with her tail swishing around in excitement she raced up the stairs.

Avery was still watching me, but she didn't look worried anymore. Instead she just sighed, "I hope this doesn't backfire or -"

She was interrupted by a ping from her phone. At the same time Jinx's new phone pinged as well. The two of them exchanged a look, then they both went to check what just happened.

The small demon's eyes widened as a big grin settled on her face, "This will be fun!"

"No it won't!" Avery stated. "This is the sort of thing I was just talking about!"

I frowned, "Why what happened?"

My sister turned her phone screen around to show me as she replied, "I've got a new app on my phone that lets me control your silly enchanted sex piercings! And -"

"Me too!" Jinx interrupted happily.

Avery sighed and continued, "And it does more than just make you horny, Cheryl!"

"Huh?" I frowned. "What else does it do?"

The little half-demon spoke up first as she read off some text on her phone screen, "Toggle 'Compliance' on and off. When 'on', subject will be more inclined to cooperate and comply with any requests or orders issued by Avery, Jinx, or Tabby."

"It's that curse your tutor used on you last week," my sister stated. "From the look of it now me and Tabby and Jinx can activate that on you any time we want."

I found myself starting to smile, "Ok... But from what Jinx said it also sounds like it only lets the three of you take advantage of it? And I trust you three, so that's fine. Anyways, it can't make me do stuff I really don't want to, or stuff that's against my nature right? It wasn't a big deal when Holly used it on me last week, and I'm even less worried about it now."

Avery sighed and shook her head, then frowned "I wonder what's keeping Tabby? She should have come back downstairs by now."

"Hey Tabs!" I shouted in the direction of the staircase. "Everything ok up there?!"

After that we could hear my girlfriend finally coming back down. She was moving slowly though, without any of the excitement she had when she ran up there to grab her phone. Another few seconds passed before she finally came into view down the half flight of stairs from the kitchen and dining room. Her shoulders were slumped, her ears were drooping to either side, and her tail was down between her legs.

She gave me a sad worried look as she said, "Cheryl I'm sorry. Things didn't go quite like I expected. The curse did something else..."

"It's fine Tabby," I told her with a smile. "We already figured out my bling doesn't work exactly the same as yours."

"You did? How?" she asked with a confused frown. "And what do you mean 'we'?"

Avery held her phone up as she replied, "Me and Jinx both got the same magic app on our phones."

"What?!" Tabs gasped in surprise. Then her eyes widened again and she looked even more uneasy, "Oh no! That means both of you can mess with Cheryl too?"

My sister nodded, "We can. But neither of us have."

That made me frown, "Hey that's right! Nobody's messed with me yet. We need to find out of this stuff really works, right? Otherwise you're all freaking out over nothing."

Tabby and Avery both gave me looks, like they were still taking the whole situation way too seriously. Jinx on the other hand was happy to provide an answer to my question. She tapped something on her phone, and the result was pretty much instant.

I let out a little yelp as a tingle of sensation shot down my spine. A moment later my nipples were acting like a pair of little olympic-class weight lifters, doing their best to shove those shiny barbells straight through the fabric of my nightshirt. At the same time I had to squeeze my thighs together, and I was positive I was so wet I worried about leaving a mark on the cushion underneath me.

It was pretty much like that horniness curse from last week, except Jinx and Avery and Tabby could all do it to me at literally any time, without any magic words. Just like I could do it to Tabby.

"Holy cow this is amazing!" I gasped a few seconds later. "What level is that?"

"One and a half," Jinx replied.

My eyes bulged, "That is equal parts amazing and terrifying. If this is one and a half, what's five like?"

Tabby snatched the phone out of Jinx's hand before she could use it to find out, because she was absolutely about to do it. Then my girlfriend stated, "That's something Cheryl and I will figure out later in private."

"Good," Avery agreed. "I really don't need to see that. It's bad enough I'm probably going to have to hear it later."

My girlfriend left Jinx's phone on the coffee table, but the thing that really got to me was she didn't bother turning down the slider first. So I sat there squirming while she started talking about theories and stuff.

"So I guess that's where the 'curse' part kicked in," Tabby said in a thoughtful tone. "For me the collar itself was a 'cursed side-effect'. But Cheryl wanted that, so I think her 'cursed side-effect' is the fact that you two both got access to it? That and having the compliance thing on there as well."

My sister seemed to agree, "Makes sense. Like both Jinx and I kept saying, they're curses not wishes."

"And like I keep saying, it all worked out ok in the end!" I mumbled.

Then I gave Tabby a pleading look and asked, "Can we either turn down the power or go up to my room and deal with this?"

My girlfriend gave me a naughty grin and replied, "Let's head upstairs Cheryl. We have lots of experimenting to do."

"For science," I added as I scrambled to my feet.

"Right!" she nodded. "For science!"

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