Chapter 137: Ruler, Cog of Fate
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It has been a long while since I learned the method of “world travel”. It was something I discovered when I wanted to go back to this world, Earth, after being stuck for quite some time in Gekai.

It was annoyingly difficult to do back then, but not now. The biggest problem, a world’s coordinates, could be acquired easily through the holy grail’s miracle. In this case, I already knew about it from my conversation with Zelretch.

Although the “world coordinates” from his mouth is slightly different than what I am used to, I have already converted it into an equivalent with the use of Laplace’s Box. The quantum computer made out of several kilograms of photonic crystals easily completed this task within a day.

As of now, it is responsible for hosting Laplace Box’s ability of ‘guarding’ the entire world. Every single satellite going around Earth’s orbit is currently under its control. Its absurd processing power made it easy to ‘guard’ every region on the planet, in turn monitoring the spread of the Twilight Syndrome as well as the cases of curses in Japan.

“You’re going by yourself?”

“It can’t be helped. It will be closely guarding everything in that world.” I explained to Melusine. “It might be able to track an abnormality. That alone has enough strength to forcefully eject me from that world.”

From my King as well as Galahad’s memories, I found out the main reason behind my death. When I found the Holy Grail, its vast potential made it a danger in its eyes. That prompted it to take action through the use of “Counterforce” to forcefully bring upon my death, thus “returning” the grail to Heaven.

However, He chose to send me into another world instead along with the grail.

The Singularity that I visited back then didn’t have its influence due to its uniqueness. However, the world that I will be visiting has its presence.

The prior plan is to create a miracle that would distort the time ratio of that world to be extremely high, thus allowing me to return to Earth in a short span of time. After all, there would be several implications if I disappear for quite a long time. I fear something might happen in this gap.

As for the means of traveling, I will create an “identity” with a second miracle. The said identity is similar to that of a “Servant’s” back in Romani-san’s world. That way, I will have the “disguise” and “justification” to freely act in that world. There wouldn’t be any interference by the “Counterforce”, making it easier to do my tasks as an otherworlder.

Although it requires me to “comply” with the “identity”, I would still be able to use most of my strength if I play my cards correctly.

“Is that so…” She muttered before saying, “...good luck.”


Dispersing my magicka, everything returned to normal. The remains of the [Black Barrel] was placed back into the transparent box container before being placed inside my storage.

The magic circles within the room shifted positions. They soon formed a large circle filled with innumerable inscriptions that filled the entire room. From the defense magicka, it became a teleportation spell.

The magicka was activated, sucking me inside a black space filled with stars. A bright light lies on the end of this pathway.

‘Miracle Usage Detected.’

‘Purpose: To distort the time ratio’



Just as the first miracle was used, I used up another one.

Miracle Usage Detected.’

‘Purpose: To create an identity of the Heroic Spirit [Ruler]’



Transparent distortions surrounded my entire being as the Holy Grail worked in full swing. It is the first time I used two miracles in a row.

I could vaguely feel that the ‘time’ of my destination became far higher than the ‘time’ of my world. A whole night on Earth’s side is enough to finish everything.

Meanwhile, a sense of identity came to my mind. Just as I was about to process it, I was transported into an extremely familiar landscape—the white desert.



I bowed slightly to express courtesy, though it was received by Galahad’s blank expression. Since it is another world, it is different from the Galahad I met back in the Singularity.


“I understand why you came here.” He replied. “For a solution.”


He gave me an understanding look as he nodded.

“I was granted the class of Shielder but I am certain you plan on having something else. Through our [Revelation] skill, the Ruler class could be granted to us. However, this is a risky maneuver.”

“Yes… The Counterforce and all.”

“It seems like you know everything.”

Despite our first meeting, there was a skill that allows all Galahad to understand many things in a moment: Revelation.

It is something found in his epithet, “Knight of Revelations”, as we received the word of God when we found the Holy Grail. It is the main reason behind his ability to see through the future of the “forsaken world”.

“...Good luck.”

“We remain the same, I see.”

Galahad soon disappeared. What remained was the bright light that was already in front of me. The information I gained during the creation of my “identity” was engraved into my mind.

Just like Melusine, I gained my very own ‘Servant Sheet’.

I closed my eyes and envisioned it. There are six bright orbs of varying intensity.


Class: [Ruler]

Strength: B+

Endurance: A+

Agility: A

Mana: B

Luck: EX

Noble Phantasm: EX


It listed the strength that the Ruler-class Galahad should exhibit. There is also a list of skills that should belong to this identity.

At this time, a massive chunk of information came from my [Revelation] skill. This was the first time I saw it go active other than seeing a certain future.

“Ruler-class, Galahad… Supervision of the Great Holy Grail War… Holy Grail Site….”

I processed this information after a while. It contained the list of names of Heroic Spirits that participated in this Holy Grail War.

Most importantly…

“Twenty-eight command seals…”

I didn’t expect to receive this much command seals out of nowhere. Two command seals were given per Heroic Spirit. Since it is a “Great” Holy Grail War that consisted of fourteen Heroic Spirits, I was given twenty-eight of them…

“It’s like a refund.” I mused. “Should I…”

In the end, I decided not to convert them into chances yet. Ten should suffice on whatever I would face here. These command seals would also give me enough leverage to accomplish my task.

After all, I am not a “real” [Ruler]. This is merely my identity to get closer to the Greater Grail of this world, and in turn, the Reverse Side of the World where my answers lie.

Stepping into the source of the light, my surroundings had swiftly changed.



It came from the Latin word revelatio, meaning “to expose”. The word simply means “Action which makes something known”.

True to its meaning, Revelations grant knowledge about an optimal route. There could be tragedies that could’ve been avoided; lives that could’ve been saved; a possibility with the least amount of pain and sorrows.

Shinjuku, Tokyo.

“Huh? Huh?!”

It was the sound of something exploding. More than half of the building collapsed immediately. The damage was done across an entire street, causing cracks and craters all over the roads.


Several cars went on hazard mode due to the aftershock.

“That bright light…”

Sagara Hyouma stared dazedly at his bloodied hands. He was still holding the sharp knife that he was about to use to sacrifice someone in order to summon his ideal Servant. Before he could do it, the Servant Summoning turned out to be completed silently.

The woman he was about to use as a sacrifice woke up, had the three command seals, and the Servant whom he summoned showed murderous intentions towards him.

Just before everything could happen, an explosion occurred which sent him flying along with countless rubbles. Hyouma could do nothing but blankly stare at his front.

Even now, he felt as if a dozen flashbangs exploded right at his face—or an artillery shot that exploded nearby.

His blonde hair is covered with soot and dust. A trace of moonlight shone on his entire body.


Despite his blurry sight, he managed to see a blurry black silhouette in front of him. He appeared in a blink, sending chills down his spine.

“Doing a human sacrifice right at my first arrival…” The figure murmured. “Magician Ethos, Article One, Section Three… Any form of human sacrifice is thereby banned in all cases.

Unexpectedly, the figure spat out a bunch of words which he couldn’t recognize.

“As one of the Society’s Magisters, I shall do my duty.”


The last thing that Hyouma saw was the blinding white light. It was something akin to a peaceful ray of sunlight in his perspective. He felt nothing as he was burnt into nothingness.

Little did he know, it was his low perception that made him feel like that. Once it caught up, he would feel nothing but an unimaginable amount of pain.


A portion of the house’s rubble fell to the ground, revealing a girl and a woman being enclosed in a transparent barrier. As soon as it disappeared, the girl took a protective stance against the silhouette.

The man wore a set of black overcoat and pants—his usual attire as the Magician Society’s Magister.

Nobu’s golden pupils looked at the “young girl” for a moment before flashing a sense of sympathy.

‘Just like back then… but worse.’

The girl’s emerald-gold pupils are as clear as they could be, yet her aura, instincts, and origins are as dark as they could get. It was far worse than the moment he saved Lili from her “drug addiction” in the former Soma Familia.

He turned his attention to the woman who was fully awake now.

“Codename, Sirius. I am a Magician. It’s nice to meet you, miss.”


Nobu’s formal introduction lowered the woman—Rikudo Reika’s vigilance—towards him. Coupled with the fact that he saved her from death, it was enough to maintain a basic conversation with this certain stranger.

“It is my first time in this place. I didn't expect to run into someone like him.” He explained. “However… You are now involved in the Holy Grail War.”

Pointing to the young girl clad in black, he continued:

“She is your heroic spirit. A companion of sorts.”

Within five minutes, Nobu was able to simplify the concept of the Holy Grail War and explain it to Reika. Surprisingly, she was able to comprehend the key points as well as the nuanced acts from it.

In short, she understood it was a melting pot of troubles and dangers.

“I could offer you two choices. One is your forfeit to the Grail War. It results in losing your Command Seals as well as capacity as a Master. In turn, I could help you settle somewhere for the rest of your life.”

While he explained, Reika patted the young girl’s head, much to the latter’s satisfaction. Her aggressive state was easily resolved by Reika whom she met moments ago.

For some reason, both of them could sympathize with each other the moment their connection was made.

“As for the other option… it is to continue fighting in this Holy Grail War as a Master. Of course, I shall provide you assistance in the form of knowledge and other important things.”

Just as he was about to fall silent, Nobu noticed the connection between the two. It was at this moment that everything clicked in his mind.

‘Assassin of Black… Jack the Ripper… This…’

From the information he gained, he knew that Jack the Ripper is the combination of thousands of unborn fetuses resulting from countless abortion back in Europe. Their resentment was strong enough to ‘manifest’ as a young human girl.

As a result, she came back for the prostitutes who disposed of their unborn child in the river, killing them off one-by-one. It was a karmic cycle that punished the wrongdoers.

These feats are significant enough for her to leave a mark in history.

‘This negative energy… It’s similar to Cursed Energy…’

Once he was done thinking, he suddenly gave out a third option.

“There’s a third option. You and your heroic spirit could continue living a mundane life unnoticed from others within this war. I will give your heroic spirit a way to exist peacefully.”

“...Why are you doing this?”

No matter how befuddled Reika was, she was confused as to why the young man in front of her could go such lengths for them. She feels it was strange to receive goodwill without expecting anything in return.

“Well… This happened a lot. I admit, I like poking my nose where it shouldn’t be.” Nobu explained slowly. “However, seeing the people I help live out a better life is enough to satisfy me. You can consider this as selfishness of mine.”


It was the first time she encountered someone like him. Throughout her life, it had been nothing but a series of tragedies.

As if the death of her parents wasn’t enough, she was severely abused before being adopted. This happened when she was six-years-old. This abuse continued after her adoption until she was forced to sell her body to survive.

In simpler words, she lived through a string of bad luck in her entire life.

Meeting Nobu is akin to seeing light on the bottom of a well.

She silently looked at Jack before making a decision.

“...The third option…”

A small cog of fate was overturned at this moment.