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A loud resounding laugh is coming out of Creed. His voice is enveloping the whole living room that Serena got her arms crossed and is starting to get ticked off with a crease above her pretty face. Ana and Gain are just going in circles around Graham as if to fully inspect her from head to toe with marveled faces. Adam is sitting on a sofa that isn’t far away; he’s carefully watching how the situation is unfolding, because it’s partially his fault, at least that’s what he thinks as to why there’s a situation like this in the first place.

Everyone is back here because the head maid notified Serena that Graham will use a spare maid outfit and hung up without any further deliberation, which made Serena extremely curious and dropped whatever she was doing. The others just got dragged along because they got curious as to why Serena just came back early.

“Huff… pufufufu phew… hehe..”

As Creed was just about to finish his laughter, he took a glance back to Graham.



But it was meant with another set of laughter.


Graham tightly clenched her fist that it ended up shaking over her own strength as she saw this man just straight up laugh at her upon sight.

“Haha- Ack!”

Serena tugged the long white-silver tail that kept jumping up and down due to Creed’s laughter which made Creed involuntarily look straight at the ceiling. “Please stop laughing now.”

As to why Creed’s laughing, it’s related to what Graham looks like right now. Graham’s currently wearing a maid uniform that actually fits her. Still wearing the gold rimmed rectangular glasses, along with her purple irises, and combined with her green medium length sideswiped hair, she looks like one of those diligent maids that strives for perfection.

Though she looks like she’s there for perfection, she has opted not to wear the maid headdress, white stockings, heels and garter belt which showed a pair of smooth white legs while wearing black boots which made it feel very contradictory and delinquent-like in conduct.

Creed still actually had long hair? Well yes, he never cut it in the first place, Adam just didn’t notice it because of the cheat automatic cognitive inhibition; Creed just ties his hair in a low ponytail in a discreet manner. Adam only noticed it a year later after the birthday party because Creed turned around quite too fast, and it just slapped Adam across the face which finally made him aware of the still long hair. Serena reprimanded Creed not to turn around too fast afterwards.

“S-sorry, hehh.. it just looks too ridiculous that-”

Serena just stared at Creed without saying a word. But that was enough for him to switch gears and be composed again.

“Ahem. Yes, so you were saying?” Creed urged for Graham to continue.

“…I used a… a magic and then I can’t go back.”

*nod* “I see, and why can’t you go back?” Creed asked in a very solemn and serious tone as if he were interviewing a witness of a crime scene.

“….Nng!” Graham visibly gnashed her pearl white teeth, as a vein can be seen throbbing on her temple. “I… I’m on my menstrual cycle.”

*Wheeze* “HAHAHAH”


Graham snapped; having enough of Creed’s laughter, within an instant a sudden circle of light appeared under Creed’s feet and expanded at breakneck speed. The circle had the exact same structure as Graham’s [Transmogrify] that was on the floor.

However, seeing it with Adam’s memory, he can tell that there’s information that’s slightly different than what Graham did earlier, and it did not result in a 1:1 imitation of the circle that was made of chalk.

It made Creed hop a few centimeters in the air out of reflex, but the circle instantly glowed as if it was activated and then,


It just dimly fizzled out and vanished as if nothing happened.

A bead of sweat went down on Creed’s face. “Hey! What the hell was that?!”

“Tsk, you really are immune to any kind of magic that even dares to modify. Goddamned Hero.”

“What did you say!?”

It’s been known that Creed hates being called a “Hero”, but here we have Graham, openly calling him that as if it wasn’t anything of importance.

Darn, Great uncle is really feisty… He never really confronted father head on. Almost as if he’s… wait, he really is, isn’t – she? That bloody cycle. Ugh, I don’t want to experience that.

Graham adjusted the glasses on her face with an index finger. “What? Are you going to hit me? The old Hero, hitting women. What a joke.”

Creed stood right in front of Graham without saying a word. The two kids who were circling Graham earlier fearfully backed off.

Graham and Creed are staring off face to face, not one is backing off by even a step. You can say that it’s very similar to one of those anime moment where a current is clashing between the eyes of those two.

On this exchange, Creed is a bit taller than Graham. Graham is usually taller than Creed if she was normal.

“Going to pull on my collar again? Or is pulling me closer as a pretense just to cope a feel?” Graham said in a mocking tone while a smile crept up on her face.

Why do I have a feeling that Great uncle is actually enjoying this, now?

“Just because you became a girl doesn’t mean I can’t do anything.” Creed’s voice was chilling, there wasn’t a single hint of joke in it.

“Uncle! Creed! Stop this!” Serena tried to stop the two from fighting, but it seems like it’s falling on deaf ears.



While everyone was on their toes, Adam slowly and quietly got up from the sofa.

Come on! For this to get easily defused, one should have a little “accident” of pushing someone a little bit further. Those two are literally asking for it! Hehe! Adam kept slowly creeping forward without any sound and without even breathing. With how he “trained” himself, he can hold his breath for up to 4 minutes in just a single inhale.

Would Adam even be able to creep up behind Creed before anyone notices? Everyone’s line of sight is literally on the two of them.

As long as I get close, I can feign tripping over by jumping forward!

This person was once a grown adult, everyone.

Adam’s really dead set on making that scene a reality, that certain scene of a fishcake and a tasukette.

Though it would be really hard for him to execute considering how absurd the people of this world are.

Graham’s eyes got unsteady a bit, she almost went cross eyed behind her glasses because of exhaustion, so she said the first thing that came to mind while facing Creed. “Get… your ugly mug off my face, Hero.”

Since Graham resumed, Adam suddenly stopped creeping forward because he felt like something was about to start.

Ugly? Creed thought about one of the lamest insults he’d heard in such a long while. It even came out as something Graham wouldn’t normally say.

That was good, that insult made Creed start thinking of a better comeback.

Ugly huh… you’re off your game, Graham.

Creed leaned to the side of Graham, while maintaining his cold glance. Graham stood her ground, preparing for whatever Creed would do, but she would have never expected this one with her current state.


Creed just blew air on Graham’s ear.

“Hyii!!” Her whole body quivered while letting out a girly shriek. It made her legs weak that made her drop onto the floor on her knees. She then immediately tilted her head to the side while looking down to avoid anyone’s gaze.

“Hah! You’re even weaker in this form, Graham!” Creed looked down on Graham with a triumphant tone in his voice.

This is a father of 3, everyone.

Holy shit, that works too! No need to push them, it literally wrote for itself.

Ana and Gain look flabbergasted! They just looked at the scene, motionless. Serena started kneading her temples. And Adam additionally thought if it’s possible for him to be able to do this kind of attack too.


“Can’t speak now, can you? How about- n!”

Serena pulled the smack talking Creed away from the crouching Graham with her arm.

“You can stop teasing my uncle now.”

She did so by placing her arm over Creed as if to do a rear naked choke hold without actually choking him, then she rested the back of his head on her chest and dragged him away.


Creed remained silent, as if he was a kitten that got carried by the scruff of his neck by his mother. Though his face looked tranquil and calm like an unmoving lake. Almost like he was a monk out for a pilgrimage.

Oh, that face… I know that face! That’s the face you use to not pop a boner, isn’t it? Father is basically sandwiched in between two soft mounds.

Ana has changed her expression upon looking at Serena and Creed, it became a bitter one.

“Sorry uncle! Creed isn’t aware of how devastating that move is.” Serena continued to drag Creed away with his feet just sliding on the floor.


Graham remained motionless on the floor.


It’s a little bit concerning how she remained on the floor without doing anything.

So, comes in Adam, since he was near enough already and somewhat still feels at fault about this. He decided to take it upon himself to see what’s wrong with him. Though they don’t know that it was actually due to Adam’s request that Graham turned like this because he demonstrated how the magic would work, because Adam wanted to know if there’s a magic to making one taller.

“Great uncle…?”

Adam walked over to where Graham’s face could be visible. Upon initial inspection, her ear was bright red.

Oh shit.

That looks like a bad sign.

Adam took more steps closer and leaned over to finally get a glimpse of her face.


Just seeing it from the side, her face was fully red, you can also tell that she was breathing rather quickly because of how fast her chest heaved, with a slightly open mouth, and an unsteady eye. But that’s not what’s surprising, Adam just didn’t acknowledge it outright, there was something else more eye catching than those described. A stream of tears was dropping from the side of her face, trickling down to her chin.



She quickly ran away toward the door without saying anything. The glistening tears on her face were conspicuous and even a few dropped on the floor.

“Uncle!?” Serena called out to her, but she didn’t even look back.


Creed tapped Serena’s arm, and she promptly released him. “What’s wrong with him?”

“’What’s wrong with him’?” Serena repeated it to Creed.

“Yeah, what’s wrong?”

He looked really dull and clueless about what he did wrong. Well, for him, this was just the usual banter, it’s even lighter than before since he didn’t get physical.

*Sigh* “I won’t say what’s wrong, but I think it’s better if you learn it from uncle, yourself.”


“How, since when did uncle even... no, let’s not ask that. Why did he even use transformation magic? Hmm… it feels wrong to call it that. Modification? No, since the body parts also managed to replicate the menstrual cycle.”

I think it’s better if I just say it myself rather than Great uncle telling them.

Gathering up his own courage, Adam spoke, “Mama, I just asked Great uncle if he had any magic to make me taller!”

Serena asked, “You want to get taller?”

Ana instantly voiced her concern, “Huh? Why would you want to be taller? There’s no need for you to be taller, Adam. You won’t be that cute if you become taller, you know?”

Gain nodded, “You are fine the way it is.”

You two are saying that because you’re both visibly getting taller each year!

“I’m still too small, and I don’t feel like I’m even getting close to big sis and big brother’s height.”

“You’re still a child, Adam. You can still get taller, no need to rush things. But Mama prefers how you are now. Though with the rate Ana and Gain are growing, they’ll be taller than me too in the later years. Certainly not because I’m worried about being the shortest in our family. So, let’s stay like this right, Adam?”

Woah… you couldn’t have made it any more obvious that you’re worried about your height too.

Look like it runs in the blood.

Gain chimed in excitedly, “Oh, I can’t wait to be taller than mom!”

“Though I’ll be taller first little brother, since I’m older.”

“I’m fine with that, as long as I – do – get taller.” Gain gave a sarcastic smile pointed towards his mother.

“Huh! Are you two openly bullying your mother? Don’t get too excited, it’s still several years before the two of you outgrow me!” Serena then leaned down to hug Adam from behind. “Adam don’t be like your siblings who’re starting to be a bully! You can stay being my small lovable child for as long as you want.”

…Uh if I accept, I feel like this will be a self-fulfilling prophecy of me staying short in the future.

Though Adam doesn’t believe in superstitions, there’s a limit to being a yes-man.

“…I don’t mind it if Adam wants to become tall.” Creed said it out loud and he continued, “No matter whether you’re short or tall, you’ll always be my son.”

That sounded genuine, no underlying joke or sarcasm were present in his tone of voice. It may appear that Creed will just support Adam on whatever he wants for himself.

Adam comically pointed at Creed.

“Papa is now my favorite.”

“Yes!” Creed raised a fist in the air.

Serena stood away from Adam in surprise. “Waa! You’ll easily betray mama and just join the tall people!? How could you! Do you really want to get tall that much?”

I know I shouldn’t mind… but… being such a shorty… hng!!! Whatever! I think we derailed the conversation long enough!

“…Is Great uncle unwell?” Adam with his attempt to change the conversation.

Where did Adam learn to change the conversation?

At least his poor attempt didn’t go unnoticed by the surrounding four.

Serena calmed down to entertain Adam’s attempt.

“…Right, about uncle… I have a feeling that it’s better if we leave him alone for now, now that he’s like this.” Serena looked over to Creed with a glint of annoyance in her eyes. “It can’t be helped that the progress for the new level of his craft will get delayed for a bit, considering how unstable he looked.”

“…Darn.” Creed looked down; he’s starting to feel guilty about this whole ordeal.

Even if it probably pushed the progress back by a month, a week, a day, or even hours. Just entertaining the fact that Adam will have to deal with the collar on his neck for another extended period is already disheartening enough.

“What do we do about the magic circle that Great uncle drew?” Gain pointed at the big circle made of chalk on the corner.

Serena took a glance at the very complex circle that had a small faint red stain at the center. “…We’ll just have a servant clean it up. We can’t have uncle clean it up himself with how he just acted. Besides, he can easily draw it again if needed be.”

“It’s not working though.”

Gain was standing in the middle of the circle, and it glowed dimly before returning to normal again.

HOLY SHIT GAIN! Adam’s eyes almost popped off out of shock.

“Huh?” Serena glanced back and she also got shocked on his little stunt. “Gain! Get off there right now!”

*Fwip* Creed swiftly swooped on Gain from the circle like a falcon that had just dived from the sky. He is now carrying Gain under his arm and is standing near everyone again.

Gain got startled as to why he’s suddenly floating in the air and looking straight down on the floor before feeling that there’s a hand that’s holding him, to which he looked up to see his father looking at him on with side of his eye.


“E-Ehehe…” Gain can only laugh dryly because he knows he’s just about to get lectured. “A-at least we know it’s safe… right?”

Serena breathed a sigh of relief.

Creed just slowly shook his head. “You’ll be attending extra training today.”

“What? No! We just did training earlier; I don’t want to do any training again today!”

“Grounded or training?”

“…when is the training, dad?”

Holy crap! Oh boy, they definitely don’t know about the imploding and exploding part. If they knew, their reaction would be even more severe. Should they know how dangerous that was or not?

Don’t be such a snitch Adam, like how Graham didn’t snitch you.

Is it because of the safety measure circle? Did it just work now, that that’s why Gain is perfectly unharmed!? I think I really shouldn’t mess with it!

At least now Adam knows the validity of the safety circle.

*tap tap*

Hm? Someone’s tapping on my shoulder.

Looking behind, it was Ana.

“Adam, do you perhaps think that Great uncle may also have magic that can make  breasts bigger? Seeing how he managed to make his – that – big, it should be possible right?”

What? Is Ana literally asking Adam that?

Adam just kept blinking in bewilderment. He even had to rewind the scene in his brain just to confirm that he REALLY didn’t hear it wrong. Now that he had confirmed it, it made him think.

I… I guess he does? Seeing how confident he was that [Transmogrify] can just be modified into being tall, I don’t see how it won’t work to just making big tiddies.

Adam is starting to get confused with how quickly things are happening altogether.

“Anastasia~~~” Serena softly called out to her since she heard that loud and clear.

“Um, I’m just curious mother. Since great uncle seems to have an answer to what Adam wanted, I just thought… I just want to have big breasts such as yours.”

“You kids shouldn’t be rash!” Serena raised her voice, preparing to start a lecture for her children.







Also on that day, Graham didn’t come out of his room even once.



Chapter 20 end. ~~~Is it okay for children to be rash in another world?~~~


Hello! Uh... I already know what the story should be, but I'm having a bit of trouble making it cohesive and placing it on a proper timeline. Such is the way of writing, especially when I get stuck. I really do mean that when I get stuck, I am STUCK, like choking in a food, that I had to stop  at whatever I'm currently, without moving from that point until I figure out how to survive that on my own. Anyway, why do you think Graham would cry on that? Is it a bit too out of character? Well, only thing to fix that if that's the case is to write a proper explanation. Take care! - February 28, 2024


Tasukette - A japanese word for “Help”. Almost any anime character shout this in the feeling of Danger. Maybe you shout Onii-chan too while you’re at it.