Chapter 29: Backing
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Oh how time flies.

Nine more years have come and gone.

Bringing the galaxy ever that much closer to the Clone Wars.

Though before that is the catalyst that will set those events in motion.

The Invasion of Naboo.

Which is much closer.

Though I'm not all that worried.

Since my preparation in response those coming events have been proceeding rather smoothly.

First, is the jedi.

The coalition master Sifo-Dyas and I started within the order to combat the coming darkness has been steadily growing.

We've recruited and convinced several more Jedi to stand with us when we leave the current order and form our own that will once again embody the true ideals of the Jedi as peacekeepers and protectors for the entire galaxy. Not just a small and elite portion of it.

Those now apart of our cause include Quilan Vos, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Micah Giett, and several others.

Including to my great shock the chief librarian of the jedi archives Jocasta Nu.

Seriously, I never expected her who once sat on the Jedi High Council to be a sympathizer with our groups views and join our cause.

Which once again told me I can't judge a book by its cover.

Pun intended.

Jokes aside, things within the order to gain allies are going well.

We haven't been discovered yet, and hopefully if we are it will be too late for the high council to act. But if not I have already made several contingency plans with the inner members of the coaltion.

Which is composed of those of us who met in the Room of A Thousand Fountains that night in 44 BBY.

The Jedi within the order who support our ideals for the path the order should take look to us to lead them.

A responsibility I take very seriously and try to live up to every single day.

Moving on.

Several other events have taken place in the galaxy over this past near decade.

For one I have published several more novel series from my previous life. Which has allowed me to amass a personal fortune that continues to grow every single day.

Though I don't just hoard all that money.

Oh no.

I give some of it away to various galactic charities and causes I find just. While the some I use to support the new Jedi Order I am helping to create. Though I do keep a small portion of the money for myself.

A little nest egg so I can enjoy retirement in luxury once I help to save the galaxy.

Though that is far off in the future.

Next up, to my great joy and utter relief the True Mandalorians won the Mandalorian civil war and now are firmly in charge of the Mandalorian people.

I knew keeping Jango Fett and his allies alive was the right calll.

Now the universe has a stable Mandalore. Where the New Mandalorians are a small minority of the population and Death Watch has all but been erased and is seen as what they truly are by the Mandalorian people. A group of territorists.

Though from what I hear that bastard Pre Vizsla managed to escape once Jango and his allies started cleaning house.

It's why I am always on the lookout for him.

Since that bastard is too dangerous to be left alive.

That's why if I find him I'm cutting off his head the second I do.

I know that will make Jango very happy to hear.

In no small part due the fact he and I have sort have become friends over the years.

I'm not kriffing with you.

After Galidraan I stayed in contact with him and we have developed a rapport.

Much to the shock of both our respective groups.

A jedi and a Mandalorian becoming friends.

I don't think this has happened since the time of Revan and Canderous Ordo.

But I'm not complaining.

Since it's a friendship I quite enjoy.

Finally, my relationship with Adi finally took off.

The two of us are now a couple. Well a menage a trois since Komari is a part of the relationship as well.

To say it was a bit strange for me when the three of us began it was an understatement. But now I have this relationship thing down packed.

Life is good.

But of course there is no time to rest.

Not until all is said and done.


Seated in a chair dressed in some fancy clothes in the lounge of the area of the ship I am currently on I looked out the viewport in front of me and took in the vastness of space.

Which was suddenly filled with four ships dropping out of hyperspace. 

The ships alarm started sounding as soon as this happened, but I remained in my seat.

Even as smaller boarding vessels launched from the ships directly in my view and started heading towards this vessel.

"Warning. Pirates are boarding. I repeat, pirates are boarding!" The panicked voice of the ships captain rang out from the speakers of the ship all around me.

Until eventually he stopped.

Just as he did so I heard a crashing sound behind me.

Turning around I saw several armed men rush into the lounge and point their weapons at me.

Since I am the only one still in this area of the ship.

Everyone else when to find a place to hide.

Not that I can blame them.

Pirates are attacking us after all.

"Well what do we have here?" A male Weequay spoke. He walked up to me and placed his rifle straight in my face. But I didn't flinch.

"Oh, looks like we got ourselves a tough one here boys." The Weequay said. "Let's see how tough you really are. Boys." 

Right after the Weequay spoke his men stated approaching me.

When they did so I raised my hands in their direction and blew them all back with a burst of telekinesis.

As they hit the walls of the lounge I jumped out of my seat and slammed my left elbow in the nose of the Wequay. I then followed that up with a knee to his gut which brought him to his knees.

Once I accomplished this I took his rifle from him and cracked him over the head with it. Knocking the pirate out cold.

Once I did this I aimed the weapon in my hands at his allies who were just starting to stand back to their feet.

"Don't move." I told them.

Just after I did so one of them reached for their weapon.

'There's always one.' I thought. Shooting him in his chest after I did so, before he could so much as tough his blaster rifle.

"Like I said. Don't move. You're all under arrest." I said.

"Yeah, by you and what army?" One of the pirates asked.

I gave him a smile as I did so.

Since right after he said that cliche line I saw several Republic light assault cruiser's and CR70 corvette emerge from hyperspace and surround the pirate ships out of her corner of my eye.

"That army." I said to the pirates.

Whose mouths were now wide open in utter disbelief.

As they usually are when we catch them.

And by we I mean me and Republic Judicial Forces.

Who I have been working with for the last three years to apprehend pirates and smugglers.

So long as I don't step on the toes of any galactic senator's or high ranking republic officials no one cares about my activities.

Though I am a bit irked since I am limited in what I can do.

Even so I can say with certainty I am making a difference.

As well as making connections within the republic military structure and also showing the common person that jedi are not just the Senate lapdogs.

Multiple birds, one stone.

"Come in. Jedi knight Zobek respond." A male voice spoke from my communicator.

I took it out of my pocket and activated the connection. "Yep, I'm fine here. Are the boarding parties on the way?"

"As we speak." The voice replied.

"Excellent." I said.

I then deactivated the comn link.

In no time at all juridical forces boarded the ship and arrested all pirates on board.

As for their allies all of them attempted to flee so the judicial forces blew them to smithereens.

Good riddance.

As the operation wrapped up I took a shuttle to the flagship of the small fleet.

Once on board I went to my quarters and changed out of my undercover outfit and back into my jedi robes. Which have grown on me over the years.

After I changed I headed to the officer briefing room. Getting nods of respect from the judicial forces soldiers as I passed by them. Which I returned in kind.

Soon I arrived at the briefing room and entered it. Finding the commander of the small fleet, and the man I had formed a working relationship with over the past three years, waiting for me.

Terrinald Screed.

A staunch supporter of Sidious in the original timeline, but one I plan to make my supporter instead. Thereby once again weakening the old Sith lords power base.

A task I take great joy in.

Really, trolling Sidious is the best. Even if he doesn't know I am.

Seeing me Terrinald smiled. "Ah knight Zobek. Once again fine work." He told me.

Since we have done this before many times over the years.

I go undercover as a passenger on a ship likely to be targeted by pirates. Then if we are I signal the fleet who is always tailing us and they come in and quickly subdue the enemy.

A tactic that hasn't failed us yet.

We've caught hundreds of pirates over the past three years using this method.

"Thank you commander Screed." I replied. "But without the support of you and your men I wouldn't be able to accomplish anything. I just wish we could do more."

Which is not a lie.

I really want to go clean up pirates and smugglers in the Outer Rim territories.

But each time I have put forth a petition to assemble a task force of judicial forces to do so through the proper channels it has been denied.

Which is going on three years now, ever since I started working with Screed and those under his command.

"As do I. But the Senate will never allow that. Self-serving hypocrites." Terrinald snarled.

His anti-Republic sentiments already deeply rooted inside of him.

Which is good for me.

"Yes." I agreed. "But let's take a bit of comfort in the fact we are at least allowed to do this much. Even if it is a small consulation."

"I suppose you are correct." Terrinald said.

We then chatted for a few more minutes before Screed left to get the fleet underway.

Meanwhile I headed back to my quarters to catch up on some sleep.

Thinking of even more ways I could kriff with Sidious as I did so.


Stretching my arms into the I took in the familiar sky of Coruscant.

Filled with ships, speeders, hoverbikes, etc.

After a month apprehending smugglers and pirates in the Mid Rim the fleet and I have finally returned.

Finishing my stretching I started my way to the jedi temple.

Only to sense someone following me shortly after I did so.

Not showing any outward signs I noticed this person I carefully chose my path and soon walked into an alley.

I then force jumped up to a low changing metal bar and waited.

A few seconds after I started to do so a figure entered the alley.

The moment they were right below me I dropped down and then pinned them against the alleys left wall.

Placing their left arm in a lock after I did so.

"Why are you following me?" I asked me. "Tell me or I might not keep asking so nicely." I explained.

"I mean you no harm master jedi." My stalker spoke up. Reveaking themselves to be a female. "I was simply sent to deliver a message from my employer to you."

"Who is?" I asked.

"I cannot say. All I cam say is they wish to meet with you if you are willing." The woman explained. She then gave me details of where the meet is supposed to take and the time.

Sensing she was telling the truth and held no ill intentions I released her.

She then ran out of the alley as fast as she could.

Meanwhile I took a moment to contemplate who would be calling me out like this.

I don't think I've made any powerful enemies yet but I am not sure.

Of course I could simply ignore this meeting but my instincts are telling me not too. So I'll go.

My decision made I exited the allyway.

Still wondering who wants to meet with little old me.


Arriving at the meeting place I quickly gave it a once over.

An exclusive dining establishment used by the rich and powerful of Coruscant and the galaxy.

Entering the 50-story, and probably overly priced, restaurant I was met with a reception desk.

Dressed in casual clothing mind you.

Since it would just be plane stupid to advertise to everyone here I am a jedi.

Though I do have my lightsaber tucked away and informed some allies of this meeting just in case it's a trap.

"Welcome good sir, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked me.

"I'm here for the engagement on floor 45." I said. Using the exact phrase I got from that woman who told me about the meeting earlier today.

"Of course. Follow me if you will."

I gave a nod of confirmation. 

The receptionist then took me to an elevator, which we got on and rode to the 45th floor.

Once we arrived they led me through the empty floor to a table in the back.

Where an individual was already seated and waiting.

Another familiar face.

Mina Bonteri.

The senator from Onderon.

'Well this truly is a surprise.' I thought.

Since I have no clue what the senator wants with me. We've never had any interaction at all. We don't even have acquaintances in common.

Yet she has called me out for a clandestine meeting.


As I tool my seat the receptionist left. Leaving me and the senator alone.

"Senator Bonteri, am I correct?" I asked.

"You are, master jedi." She replied.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting?" I asked her.

"Straight the the point. I like that. Seems the rumors I've been hearing about you are true. Unlike most jedi you have some backbone. Your activities in dealing with pirates and smugglers, as well as petitioning to assemble a task force to do so in the Outer Rim territories for the past three years also speaks to your character." Mina said.

"Flattery will get you nowhere with me senator. Though it is much appreciated. Now then, I'll ask once more, why have you called me here?"

"Simply put I wish you be your backer." Mina spoke. "I want to support your efforts like the petition to create a task force to deal with the pirate and smugglers of the Outer Rim territories."

Hearing this from the senator I became stunned.

Tonight is just full of surprises.


Van Zobek: Age 27

Jedi Order Rank: Knight

Time Remaining until Order 66 is set to take place: 16 years.

Time remaining until the Invasion of Naboo: 3 years

Year: 35 BBY

BBY: Stands for before the battle of Yavin. Where the First Death Star was destroyed in Episode IV.

So for the next couple dozen chapters there won't any big time jumps. I'll do the next three years until the Invasion of Naboo. Which will out very differently that canon.

Keep tuning in.