Chapter 31: Butterfly Effect
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"Understood." I said.

I then ended the call I was on. Leaning back in my chair as I did so.

Processing the information I had just received from Mina Bonteri.

Its only been one week since we had our inaugural meeting and decided work together, in a sense, and she's already working to uphold her end of our bargain.

She just gave me a report of her progress to get my petition for an Outer Rim Judicial Force taskforce approved.

Seems she's already some support for the petition from members of her own caucus and several senator's from planets in the Outer Rim. Though she did say even with her steadily growing support base it would still take several months to get the petition on the floor of the Senate and voted upon.

The wheels of government.

I'm honestly not holding my breath.

Not with how corrupt the Senate is.

Though if Mina can pull it off I will be extremely thankful.

And even if she can't I see no reason to dissolve our partnership.

I have the feeling if we stick with each other we will be able to accomplish great things in the future.

Speaking of the future I can't help but wonder how the changes I've made will truly effect it.

We're literally right on top of the Invasion of Naboo.

As I thought about various possible outcomes different from canon my head started to hurt. So I stopped.

"Obsessing over it won't help. Whatever happen will happen." I muttered.

Yes, trying to control everything is just not possible. Concerning Naboo I will have to role with the punches.

Besides, I don't think things will turn out worse than canon.




"Ah fuck." I muttered.

I definitely just raised a flag.


(3rd Person: POV)

Inside a privately owned apartment complex in a secret room two beings sat across from each at a table.

The being on the left is a native of the planet Naboo and is a human. In public he goes by Sheev Palpatine. But in private he is Darth Sidious.

While the being seated on the right is a male muun. In public he is known as Hego Damask II but in reality just like Sidious he has another name.

Darth Plagueis.

An extremely powerful Sith who trained Sidious.

The two Sith were meeting today to discuss the Grand Plan.

The ultimate goal of the Sith line founded by Darth Bane. Which is to destroy the Republic from within, discredit and then destroy the Jedi Order, and finally turn the galaxy into a Sith run empire.

This has been the Siths goal for the last 1,000 years.

A goal they have been slowly and steadily progressing towards.

"How goes things on your end Sidious?" Plagueis asked his apprentice.

"Well my master. Everything is proceeding on schedule." Sidious replied.

"Good." Plagueis replied. "Given the strange turn of events we've experienced in the last couple of decades I am glad to see we are still on track to reach our goal."

The strange turn of events Plagueis is referring to is the fact two people he and Sidious planned to make into pawns, jedi master's Sifo-Dyas and Dooku had pulled away from them.

Sidious and Plagueis both could tell that Sifo-Dyas and Dooku held no love for the current Republic and Jedi Order.

That's why they had planned to turn both men against said organizations and use them for their own ends before disposing of them.

Since after all, no jedi would be allowed to survive in the Grand Plan. Former or not.

The risk was too great in both dark lords eyes.

The two Sith had wondered if Sifo-Dyas and Dooku somehow sensed their intentions regarding them.

Since in the past two decades both jedi masters had changed.

It was a subtle shift, but both Sidious and Plagueis noticed it.

The two jedi masters had a renewed sense of self. Both still had their worries and fears of course, not to mention their dislike of the current bureaucracy, but if was if something had sparked a new hope in both men.

Sidious and Plagueis simply didn't understand where this spark of hope came from.

That's why the two Sith had subtly tried finding out the cause of it from the two men.

Sidious more than Plagueis, since the former in his identity as Sheev Palpatine was good friends with several jedi. Sifo-Dyas and Dooku included amongst those numbers.

As Palpatine Sidious tried to determine what was going on with the two jedi. However every time he inquired about it both men would either avoid the subject entirely or shift to a different one.

Seeing this Sidious stopped his inquiries. Lest Sifo-Dyas and Dooku become suspicious of him.

In the end both Sidious and Plagueis decided to give up on discovering what changed the two jedi masters.

Since it became clear to the two Sith this change made both men harder to manipulate.

They knew if they pushed to far Sifo-Dyas and Dooku would turn on them. Endangering and most likely bringing an end to the Grand Plan.

An outcome neither Sith would allow.

"Since Dooku and Sifo-Dyas have been lost to us, how goes the cultivation of our new pawn?" Plagueis asked his student.

"Very good my master." Sidious replied. "I have no doubt master C'baoth can be turned and fulfill the role we need him to."

"Excellent." Plagueis replied.

Having lost their first two candidates to play the role of villain for the upcoming war the Sith were going to initiate in the next decade or so, they had switched to a back up candidate to shape and mold to fit their machinations.

A jedi master by the name of Jorus C'baoth.

Like Dooku and Sifo-Dyas he was a close friend of Sidious public persona Palpatine.

He was also the one Sidious wanted to corrupt and manipulate in the first place.

Given C'baoth arrogant nature and his views on non-force users.

Yes, Sidious thought him perfect for the Grand Plan.

Until his master vetoed his idea. Pointing out that the same traits Sidious admired about C'baoth also had the potential to make him potentially uncontrollable in the long run.

Of course Sidious disagreed with his master.

But in the end kept his mouth shut. Since his master is still stronger than him and Sidious knows the muun would kill him without any hesitation if necessary.

That's why Sidious went along with his masters suggestion to either take Dooku or Sifo-Dyas as an apprentice.

But now things were working in his favor.

This brought Sidious great joy.

"What of the Clone Army, have you found a suitable candidate to base them off of?" Plagueis inquired.

"There is one I consider better than the others. A mandalorian by the name of Pre Vizsla." Sidious spoke.

"Ah yes. The fool who lost to the current rulers of Mandalore and its people and is now on the run. Having become nothing more than a common criminal and mercenary." Plagueis spoke. Disgust apparent in his voice. "Do you really consider him a candidate to give birth to the clone army?"

"I do." Sidious replied. "Although all the things you've spoken about him are true master it is also true Pre Vizsla is a skilled warrior in his own right. Not to mention his hatred and lust for power will make him easier to manipulate."

"True." Plagueis agreed. "Even so he must still be tested to see if he is worthy."

"Of course my master." Sidious repliied.

While outwardly he barely showed any expression inside he is grinning like a madman.

First his original candidate to manipulate C'baoth becomes the primary in the Grand Plan once more and now his master is agreeing to give his candidate which will be used to create the Clone Army Pre Vizsla a shot.

For Sidious it is a truly wonderful day.

As for Van if he knew of changes taking place due to his actions right now he would be cursing with all his might at the top of his lungs.

Since things had gone from bad to worse.


A/N: Major foreshadowing.

I wanted to show the consequences of Van's actions and the butterfly effects it has created.

These are not the only effects mind you. There will be many more in the future.

So stay tuned in.