66. Scorched Earth
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Chapter 66: Scorched Earth


Saboteurs are one of the five main crests of the Ak’hims. They have sharp drilling claws and drilling tails. Their porcelain-like skin is smooth and secreted a special type of liquid that allowed ground and dirt to just fall off their bodies. They are well-known for their ability to traverse underground.

As their crest’s name may suggest, they are experts at sabotage and disruption, oftentimes using their excellent affinity with ground-based magic to disappear within the ground and appear beneath the enemies footsteps. Their claws and tails also make them excellent climbers, able to scale walls and sneak through the terrain. Their abilities of stealth were second only to the Cunnings. As if that wasn't enough, the crest was also known for their abilities to use magic.

Klauna had made excellent use of the crest. Using them to make underground tunnels to transport troops and armoured vehicles across the battlefield in an attempt to surprise the enemies. She had also used them to plant devastating bombs right under the enemies feet. None of the Saboteurs crests has been made demon lords in the Northern Demon Kingdom but the crest had numerous demon lords within the now no longer existing Southern Demon Kingdoms. Notable Saboteurs within the Seventh army includes Blackmask and Pringgar.

Parash is one such Saboteur. He used his hands now turned claws to dig out the earth out of his way, constantly looking at his map that was illuminated by a soft lamp to make sure he was going in the right direction. Once confirming that he was indeed in the right place, he placed down a package before covering it with dirt. That was the last package he had to place for the day. Wiping the sweat off his face, he then turned around before making his way back to the camp.


“Aberanis, Parash. I need you two to delay the Alliance further. Use any means at your disposal," Parash recalled the orders that Klauna gave to him and his best friend.

"Our two armies are just five thousand strong. How do you expect us to delay the Alliance with those numbers?" Parash recalled Aberanis who talked back about the matter. 

"Scorch the earth, destroy the roadways, launch ambushes with hit and runs, poison the water source. Do whatever you want, the whole place has been evacuated, destroy everything between here and Dragonsmourne if you have to. Anything to inflict further attrition on them, anything to deter them further to reach Divinatus," Klauna responded.

Parash remembered asking her a question. "That's...Don't you feel like this is going a bit too far? Into petty territory?"

"What does it matter if it's petty or not? We are beyond that point. Besides…" Klauna looked around the meeting room when responding to the question. "I was told that you two are the most experienced at this sort of tactics."

"By whom?" Aberanis asked.

“By Liliel,” Klauna responded.


Parash’s thoughts ended there when he reached the end of his path, the temporary camp that the Second and Third army set up to use as their current temporary base of operations. By the time he came out of it, it was already reaching sunset. The soldiers within the area scrambled to get a little bit more work done before the lights go off. To avoid getting detected by the enemy, they would spend the nights without a single source of light. This meant that getting things done was of absolute importance.

Contrary to the others in the camp, Parash was absolutely calm. He had done the things he needed to do, there was no need for him to rush. He observed around the camp area to find the other general that went on this mission with him before spotting him on top of a tall tree, looking at the setting sun. He was holding a long telescope, a magical tool that allowed him to see things from afar. He was calm as well. Probably like Parash, Aberanis must have finished the things that he needed to do.

Being suddenly reminded about his dead lover and having nothing else to do, Parash decided to have a little chat with this best friend. If not to take his mind off things, then to enjoy his last moments with his companion should any of them were to die. It never occurred to Parash before, but the possibility of death was real for them. Especially now, during the final stages of the war. If someone as strong as Leida could die, then anybody could die.

Climbing up the tree with his claws, he soon reached the top. “How's it going along for you?” Parash said as he sat down next to Aberanis at the top of the tree.

“Things are going along smoothly,” he said, not paying much attention to Parash. His focus was on what he was seeing right now.

“I see. How many do you see from here?” Parash asked, knowing that his friend was probably looking at a group of Alliance soldiers in a faraway location.

“About a thousand or so. There’s probably more that I can’t see, obstructed by the trees,” Aberanis said as he passed the telescope to Parash.

Parash viewed through the scope and spotted exactly what Aberanis said: a group of elves, dwarves and humans, gathering and getting ready for the night.

“Looks about right. We can buy ourselves a day or two,” Parash replied before giving back the telescope to Aberanis.

Though, the Cunning didn’t immediately take it from Parash. Instead, he just stared at the horizon, at the setting sun. He didn’t say anything, just looking at the view with a despondent expression.

Seeing this, Parash too started to look at the sunset with a sad expression.

“Hey, Aberanis… About the other day… I’m sorry for how I acted,” Parashed apologized to Aberanis about his poor conduct the day Leida died.

Though Aberanis didn’t say a thing back. He continued to look at the setting star. 

“Do you know my father was the General of the Second Army before I took his place?” Aberanis asked.

“Dude, I grew up with you in the same village.”

“I always look up to him you know,” Aberanis continued, ignoring the remark from his best friend.

“Yeah, he was a great man,” Parash replied while letting out a small sigh, going along with his moment.

“Indeed. Ever since as a child, I always wanted to be like him. To be a man that can protect his friends and the Kingdom.” 


“How he would roll in his grave if he could see us,” Aberanis went silent as he took out a small package from his robes— a time bomb meant to detonate within the hour. 

“I signed up to protect the kingdom, not to destroy it. And here I am, doing just that. Destroying my very own country just for survival,” Aberanis threw the bomb to the ground in front of him.

“Yet, we are still doing it,”

“Yeap, we are still doing it. What else can we do anyway? I’ll just have to explain to my old man when I reach the afterlife,” Aberanis let out a small chuckle.

“Hopefully that will be a long time from now.”

“Yeah… You know what’s the most frustrating part of this?”


“That of all methods, we are using bombs. That’s like the lamest way we can go about things. If I want to destroy the Kingdom, I want to do it in a big flood or a big earthquake.” Aberanis berated.

“Well, it is the way we know how to do the most after all.”

“Yeah, but blowing stuff up is her thing. I want to do my thing,” Aberanis clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction.

“Now that you mentioned it. Yeah, it is Klauna’s thing.” 

“Say... What do you think of her?”

Parash took a moment to think before replying. “Klauna? She’s fine I guess. She’s a person who can do what needs to be done. I can see now why Kazakiel respects her.” 

Aberanis let out a small sigh. “I see... You know, since you are single again. Want to hit up the pub when we get to town?” Aberanis joking said to Parash.

“No thanks. I don’t feel like getting dumped by another girl so soon after the last,” Parash said back.

The two let out a small laugh as they view the sunset. The sun orange-purplish skies slowly turning into the abyss of the night. 

“‘Fireworks’ about to start,” Aberanis then brought out his hand and a small red energy orb appeared. He then threw it up to the skies. As if propelled by something else, the orb continued to speed towards the skies until it finally exploded in a bright flare.

The next thing the two generals saw were small bright explosions in the distance followed by the sound of the explosion a few seconds later. The explosions continue all over the forest in front of them, consuming the forest. The forest erupted into flames shortly after by a second wave of less flashy explosions. The dark of night was soon replaced with bright visible light from the fire. Using the scope within his hands, Parash viewed the human encampment that he saw earlier.

Scores of humanoid figures could be seen trying to put out the fire in a futile attempt. The mages of the alliance erected small barrier fire barriers attempting to summon a miniature rain to quell the fire.

"How's their condition?" Aberanis asked Parash.

"Dying, but not fast enough," Parash replied.

Nodding to his statement, Parash launched another signal to the skies. This time marked in white. As soon as the signal reached full height another score of explosions occurred, causing the fires to rage even harder.

"Oh, they are dying now,” Parash said.

“Good. Let’s get out of here then. This place is going to explode within the hour. Don’t want to get caught in it,” Aberanis said as he dropped to the ground below.

Parash stayed a while to witness the great fire. It has probably been a few weeks since they started doing this. And they will continue to do so for the next few weeks. In a way, he understands what Aberanis felt. Destroying your own land was not something fun to do. But on the other hand, he felt satisfaction knowing that the bastards that killed Leida were being burned down.

“Yeah,” Parash muttered as he too went down the treetop. He then quickly packed up and left for the next encampment.