Locked up
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So as of the writing of this chapter the author of "Reincarnated into the worst otome game" is changing their focus towards another story. Chapter releases are likely to slow down drastically. This means that after this arc and the next ends, this story is probably going on the back burner until I have more material to work with. Even if our two versions of the story are very different, I still want some parity between the two so I'm not gonna run wild on my own.

Kendrick woke up in a cell. He rises off the cot and stretches startling the other man in the room. He is wearing a white coat.

"Y-you're up already?! Incredible!"

"Who are you?"

"Ah yes, you must be confused. I am a royal physician that was assigned to treat you after you ingested the poison. Honestly its a miracle that you're still alive. Even that small amount you ingested should've been lethal. Your vital signs have stabilized after you passed out so you should be fine, but how are you feeling. Any pain?"

"I feel fine, a little better than usual even."

"Hmm, perhaps the Lilac managed to counteract the poision? Well regardless, I am going to report that you woke up to his highness."

Kendrick knew that wasn’t the real reason. The reason he managed to survive is because of how the poison mechanic works in-game. When you are poisoned you take 1/16 of your maximum health for 8 turns. After the 8th tick of damage you either die or lose the Poison effect. The thing is poison doesn't account for temporary health, meaning you still take the same amount of damage you would if you didn't have temporary health. This trivializes poison. As Kendrick was able to drink a portion of the poisoned Lilac without dieing, this means he got a little bit of the benefits that the Lilac provided. The physician turns to leave.

"Ah one more thing before you go, doc! Why am I in a cell?"

The doctor freezes. He doesn't turn back to face Kendrick when he says,

"The king is still suspicious about you. If Princess Ruri hadn't vouched for you, he'd have had a guard finish you off while you were still unconscious. He will likely want to speak to you in person soon. Until then you are to remain locked in here."

The doctor continues his departure leaving Kendrick in silence. Kendrick smiles, but the doctor doesn't see that.


Ahhhhhhh- Watch out!

you might get what your after!

Cool babies,

Strange but not a stranger!

I am an or-di-nar-y guy!

Burning down the house!

As Silvia Frost descended into the palace's dungeon she could hear someone singing poorly. She gives a questioning stare to the guard she bribed to get down here.

"Just ignore that, the prisoner you wanted to see is strangely cheerful. He started singing a few days after he woke up."

Dan Alastair's song stops when he hears the footsteps. He calls out,

"Yooooo is that Steve? You came in pretty early for your shift! How's the weather out there?"

The guard responds,

"Its Philip and for the last time its still sunny! We're in a god damned drought dumbass, Stop asking! You have a very important guest so you best be on your best behavior."

Philip looks back towards Silvia Frost, 

"you got five minutes. Any longer and we risk both of our lives."

With that he steps out of earshot to keep others from intruding. Silvia nods and walks into view of Dan. His face immediately scrunches up in displeasure. She would fix that unsightly behavior in time.

"Hello there Dan. Its been a minute hasn't it?"

"Kill yourself."

That made Silvia flinch. Did he just turn into a monster for a second and snarl at her? She knows it must just be her imagination and continues on.

"You threw quite the wrench in my plan you know? No one has ever gone against my will you know~?"


"Despite that I forgive you. In fact I pulled some strings and soon you'll be released from this horrible place and returned home."

Dan's eyes widened in shock. Yes, this was the adorable reaction she wanted. Hehe, he'd be even more shocked with this next surprise!

"I also have an offer. I want you. Forget that princess and be my man instead. I'll treat you well as my husband."

An ugly emotion shows instead. Dan sneers.

"Fuck off."

There it was again! He definitely transformed again! She couldn't really make out what he said, but it seemed to be some kind of denial. Very well, she could do things the hard way if need be.

"Oh my you seem to hate me so much even though you barely know me! I wouldn't keep up that attitude if I were you. I can make your life a living hell you know~? Well I guess your family would probably get to you first if you continue to deny me."

The man, nay beast behind the bars chuckles. Silvia now felt that something was very very wrong.

"Oh I know you alright. You're monster of choice is the pale rabbit. Your favorite color is green. Your birthday is on 12th day of the third month. Your favorite food is pancakes drizzled with honey. Your hobbies include painting, dancing, and socializing. You like your math and alchemy classes but hate your language and history ones. You wake up at 6am at the dot and go to bed at around 9pm. On Saturdays at 1pm you usually visit a cafe called Robin's Nest with your friends. Oh judging by that look you haven't gone their yet. You really should, their pancakes are divine, but that's besides the point-"

"H-how do you-"

"Don't interrupt me."

Silvia stepped back from the bars, her back soon hitting the grimey wall. Dust stained the back of her expensive clothes, but she didn't care about that right now, because she was still in range of the beast's claws.

"Anyways, the point is that I. KNOW. YOU. That's why I hate you. Your type is a dime a dozen in these stories. You're some stuck up spoiled rich girl with daddy issues who's secretly a masochist, but doesn't know it yet. You'll drown in your own juices the minute some guy stands their ground for once. From there you'll attach yourself like a parasite- no, actually I'm quite fond of a number of parasites. Calling you a parasite would bring down their good name."

The creature keeps howling. Silvia has lost the strength in her legs and sits trembling in fear.

"Ah I'm getting off topic again! Back on track, your idea of love isn't actual love. Your interest in me is entirely because I went against you. If I were to accept your proposal, which I won't, that would mean that I'd have to keep fighting you to hold your interest. That would be hell. The arguments and disagreements would be constant, there's even a possibility of violence! I'm not even interested in having a romantic relationship in the first place, much less the sham you're proposing! Also you're a bitch. Fuck you."

Silvia can't understand much of what the monster is saying, but one thing catches in her panicked mind. 'I'm not even interested in having a romantic relationship in the first place'. Something clicked in her head. Silvia wanted someone as devoted to her as Dan was to Ruri. That's why she came down here. She thought she could tame the beast in front of her and get what the princess had. She was wrong. Dan wasn't devoted to Ruri. That left her with a giant question. She realized just how little she understood the creature in front of her and that terrified her. With quivering lips she barely managed to release her question into the air,

"I-i-if not for love than why swallow poision for the princess?"

The beast smiles and opens its gapping maw

"Time's up Miss, we- What happened here?"

"Ah well, looks like we're out of time for our little tryst! Let's continue this next time alright?

"I-i'm leaving!"

"H-hey wait up!"

Silvia Frost hurriedly gets up and starts dashing towards the exit of the prison. Even after leaving she always felt the beast's breath on the back of her neck...

Alright time for some facts, this time about Silvia Frost!

1. Silvia Frost is the main villainess of the prince's route and the person you out to start the guilt boss fight. Outing her also gets the prince implicated which is the reason it results in a bad end.

2. Choosing the option to out Silvia doesn't immediately start the boss fight. Instead after all the cut scenes, guilt will pop up in the over-world and start chasing you. During this time you can access post game areas.

3. Other than playing a part in Ruri's poisoning and bullying the heroine, Silvia Frost doesn't do that many evil things. Kendrick hates her mostly because she reminds him of one of his own bullies.

4. Silvia's and Kendrick's relationship is like the opposite of a lot of otome iseaki set ups. Instead of being someone who desperately played through all the routes to save the villainess, Kendrick played through all of the routes to find the one that hurts Silvia the most.

5. The Frost family is well known for raising pale rabbits, a monster that originates from the north. The reason for this is because the Frost family used to be a noble family of the Euphoria Kingdom before it fell.