Ch: 27 [Romance in the morning]
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The next morning, sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow into Travis's room. He lay in bed for a moment, his thoughts still processing the events of the previous day. The unexpected visit from Gordon had left him both relieved and on edge. It was a reminder of the challenges he now faced in navigating his return to the world he thought he had left behind.

With a sigh, he pushed aside the heavy thoughts and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. Max, who had been resting by the foot of the bed, stretched and yawned before padding over to him. Travis ruffled the dog's fur affectionately, a small smile playing on his lips.

He got up and walked over to the window, looking out at the neighborhood. It was a beautiful day, and the sight of the sunlit streets and the familiar houses brought a sense of comfort. Yet, beneath the surface, there was an undercurrent of tension, fueled by the recent incidents that had shaken the community.

Travis's thoughts turned to his plan to visit Aunt Alison in Metropolis. His dad had warned him about her eccentric personality and unique way of doing things. Travis knew that he had to tread carefully during the meeting, especially considering the kind of reputation his aunt seemed to have.

As he contemplated the day ahead, there was a knock on his bedroom door. "Travis, are you awake?" It was Sarah's voice.

"Yeah, come in," he called out, turning away from the window.

The door opened, and Sarah stepped inside, a cup of coffee in her hand. She offered it to Travis with a warm smile. "Morning. Thought you might nee... Oh!" Her eyes fell on Travis's back. He isn't wearing any shirt, only a small shorts.

He glanced down, realizing that he had forgotten to put on a shirt before heading to the window. He chuckled awkwardly, feeling a faint flush of embarrassment. "Guess I got a little too lost in thought."

Her cheeks turned slightly pink as she averted her gaze, trying to hide her reaction. "Right, sorry about that. I'll, uh... Ahem! Wow!"

Travis couldn't help but grin at her flustered reaction. He took a playful step closer, enjoying the playful atmosphere that had suddenly enveloped the room. "Wow, huh? I must say, I'm quite flattered by your reaction."

Sarah's eyes widened, and she quickly cleared her throat, attempting to regain her composure. "I, uh... I meant to say 'coffee.' You must need your morning coffee. That's what I meant."

Travis raised an eyebrow, still grinning, "Oh really?"

A smirk played on her lips as she crossed her arms, a glint of mischief in her eyes, "Yes, really. Unless you'd like me to change my mind?"

The underlying meaning in her words sent a shiver of anticipation down Travis's spine. He took a sip of the coffee, enjoying the strong, rich flavor. "Hmm, delicious," he said, his voice dripping with innuendo.

Sarah bit her lower lip as her gaze lingered on Travis's bare torso. Her eyes fell on his bulge, and she swallowed thickly.

Travis put the cup on the bedside table, a sense of recklessness coursing through him. He closed the distance between them in two quick strides, his hands finding their way to Sarah's hips. She let out a soft gasp of surprise as he pulled her close, the heat of her body radiating against his.

"I think I do need something else right now," he murmured, his lips inches away from hers.

"And what is that?" she breathed, her eyes half-closed as she surrendered to his embrace.

"You," he whispered, claiming her lips in a hungry kiss.

She moaned softly as she melted into his embrace, her hands roaming over his bare chest and back. Travis deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring her mouth. Sarah responded eagerly, her fingers tangling in his hair as she pressed herself against him.

Their bodies melded together, the desire between them growing with every passing second. Travis felt his cock harden as he ground his hips against hers, the thin fabric of their clothes doing little to contain their passion.

His hands found their way under her shirt, and he caressed her skin, eliciting a soft moan of pleasure.

"Hey, Sarah. Is he up yet?" Travis's mom's voice drifted up from downstairs.

Sarah broke the kiss, her breath coming in short gasps. "I should go. Your mom's calling."

Travis sighed, resting his forehead against hers. "Yeah, talk about a bad timing."

Sarah smiled, her fingers tracing the outline of his jaw. "Later, then," she whispered, her voice husky with desire.

She stepped away, smoothing out her clothes before turning to leave. Travis watched her go, a mix of lust and amusement swirling in his chest.

"I love you so much..." He mumbled with a smile, shaking his head in amusement.

The memory of their encounter lingered in his mind as he got ready for the day. By the time he took a shower and came downstairs, the delicious aroma of breakfast wafted from the kitchen.

The entire family sat around the dining table, the conversation lively and full of laughter. Travis couldn't help but notice that the atmosphere was more relaxed than the day before.

As the family enjoyed their breakfast together, Travis found himself engaged in the banter and laughter that flowed around the table. Despite the tension that had been present in the past few days, this moment felt like a brief respite from the worries and challenges they were facing.

Andrew recounted a humorous incident from his workplace, making everyone laugh. Travis's mom shared a funny story about her attempts at gardening, and even Max seemed to be in a playful mood, wagging his tail and occasionally pawing at the table for attention.

Amid the laughter and shared stories, Travis's eyes frequently wandered to Sarah. He couldn't help but recall the passionate moment they had shared earlier that morning. Her flustered reactions, her playful banter, and the desire he had seen in her eyes ignited a fire within him.

As the meal came to an end, Travis leaned over to whisper in Sarah's ear, "Hey, what do you say we spend the day together?"

She turned to him, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Are you planning more surprise encounters without shirts?"

Travis chuckled, his gaze locking with hers. "I can't make any promises about the shirts, but I can promise you a day full of fun and adventure."

Sarah's lips curved into a playful smile. "As much as I would love to take you up on that offer, I'm afraid it will have to wait till Sunday because I have to go to work, an important meeting. I can't afford to skip it."

"Ohh! That's three long days away!" Travis groaned, "You sure you can't skip it?"

"Don't be a baby!" Sarah replied with a smile. "It'll fly by, you'll see."

Travis sighed, his shoulders slumping. "Fine," he said, trying not to pout like a child.

"Come on, you two. Get a room." Andrew joked, playfully rolling his eyes.

Sarah chuckled, leaning close to Travis's ear, her voice barely above a whisper, "How about I make it up to you tonight? Meet me in my bedroom when everyone is asleep."

"What do you have in mind?" Travis asked, his pulse quickening at the thought of being alone with Sarah.

Sarah winked at him, a smirk playing on her lips. "That's for you to find out."

He laughed, his gaze lingering on her as she turned to join the others. His heart raced in anticipation of the night ahead. He couldn't help but wonder what she had in store for them.

After a while, his dad pulled him in the corner, "Why don't you pay your aunt a visit? Get the ID done as soon as possible..."

Travis nodded. He knew that was the right thing to do. "Yeah, I think I will do that today," he replied.

"Great! I'll call her and let her know about our situation briefly... Or else she might just shoot you!"

He chuckled. "Thanks for the encouragement, Dad. I'm sure everything will turn out just fine."

Soon, Sarah dressed up and was ready to leave. Andrew was also ready to go to the office, so he offered her a ride. After bidding goodbye to the family, they left for the office.

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