Chapter 5: True Purpose
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Naya was filled with anxiety, but with it came annoyance at herself for feeling that way because of a human. 

The ability to detect magic was rare; Naya couldn't recall a single Elf having the capability in recent memory. Because of that, it wasn't well documented. She had no idea how deep the blond woman's magic senses went and just how much of herself the woman could see.

Naya bit the inside of her lip and tried her best to keep a blank face after she sat down.

Calm down, Naya. There's no way for her to hear me directly. She can feel my presence at most, and sorry to say, but when you stop to speak to me, it becomes easy for someone with her ability to connect the dots... In other words, she's playing with you.

That made sense, putting Naya at ease as she stared at the golden-haired woman who was smiling playfully at her. She's annoying!

Naya had completely forgotten about the old man by now, and he had retaken his seat and was eyeing people around the table nervously, especially the blonde woman. The rest of the gathering were all likely waiting for their leader to say the first words, though they stared holes into Naya, which made the situation all the more uncomfortable.

"First of all, I should introduce myself." The blonde woman stood up, "My name is Sophia." She looked like she would say more but decided against it and sat back down.

Ha. She knows titles would mean nothing to you.

The whole table still had their eyes burning holes in Naya. She expected they'd bombard her with annoying questions if Sophia wasn't here. 

This is what happens when you isolate yourself from the world for so many years... Well, not that the history when the Elves were active was a pleasant time.

Naya wanted to ask but knew Lia wouldn't explain anything, and the situation wasn't ideal for an interrogation.

Sophia clapped once, bringing all attention back to her and off of Naya, "While meeting an Elf is plenty exciting, we have much more important matters that require addressing." 

Naya heard the village chief audibly gulp. He seemed more fearful of Sophia than of her, which felt odd. Who is this woman?

I do have an idea. 

Lia didn't continue, much to Naya's annoyance at her so-called partners' continuous secrecy.

Once everyone's eyes were on her, Sophia looked at the chief, "I trust you'll explain your history with Naya." She squinted, her tone turned sharp, "You neglected to mention you had relations with an Elf."

"The human has no relation to me." Naya interrupted. She would never form a relationship with a group, let alone a human one. 

"Naya is right, Madam Paragon." The chief misunderstood her intentions as he sent Naya a grateful smile. But he spoke with more respect than he had shown Naya in either of their encounters. 

Paragon. I knew it; she's someone high up in the Sanctum hierarchy.

I don't know what that is.

You'll find out soon.

Sophia continued to eye the chief, and he took that as a sign to elaborate.

He stood up and deeply breathed, "Naya came to the village only this morning and asked us if we had any information about witches... As you know, we just happened to have a problem with one in the Silent Forest... That's why we called Sanctum, Madam Paragon. But we didn't expect you so soon and with someone of your caliber to lead it." he spoke fast and nervously as if trying to assure his innocence.

"Hmm~" Sophia leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest.

Nobody at the table said anything, each seeming to only exist as accessories to Sophia. Even their clothing screams nobodies.

They're wearing mage robes that represent a type of magic for Sanctum. Lia chuckled. You're awfully rude, but you're also right.

Sophia looked at Naya, "Actually, Naya, I'm here today because of the Silent Forest."


Sophia lightly laughed, "You called the chief a liar, but the tower was indeed there for a brief moment."

Naya shook her head, "There was only a clearing with a boring house and a weak witch - I killed her," Naya said dismissively. While teleportation magic did exist, transporting an entire building would lead to many problems, not to mention the ridiculous Arcana cost of such a feat.

"You killed a witch?" Sophia asked; she did appear mildly shocked by that, which offended Naya. Does she think I'm weak?

Well, she has magic sense, and you don't exactly have magic.

"She's dead?" The chief sighed in relief and leaned back in his chair, a weight lifted off his shoulder.

"Easily," Naya said, while she glared at Sophia.

"Well, Sanctum thanks you for your aid." Sophia's smiled, but it was quickly replaced by a frown. "However, that just makes the situation all the more mysterious." her tone turned grave.

I don't care.

You should. That tower likely belongs to a powerful witch with access to her devils Arcana; there's only one explanation I can think of.

Sophia stood, "The situation is as I expected when I arrived in Rella." She turned to the village chief, "It wasn't to answer your call, chief. The Silent Forest is home to a 3rd order Witch, one whose Devil can warp reality." She walked toward Naya.

"Another one?" The chief looked far more dejected despite the Paragon and an Elf being there. 

Looks like I won our bet!

Naya showed no reaction and stood, "I'm going."

"I'll be with you in a bit," Sophia said as she stopped next to Naya as if it was a certainty.

We won't be able to avoid her; just let it go. I think she'll be a great help to you.

"...Fine." Naya immediately turned and walked out the door, not sparing a glance at those at the table who were eagerly watching her go. Sophia gently smiled at her and watched the entire way.

The sound barrier kicked in immediately with the clicking of the door closing, and Naya couldn't pick up the rest of the conversation.

They looked like they wanted to dissect you on the spot.

"That was the most unpleasant experience I've had outside Aleria." She started walking toward the edge of the village, where she saw no completed buildings and only patches of beautiful grass.

For a while, she enjoyed resting against the village wall and staring at the starry night sky. It always put her in an odd mood, and once again, she found her thoughts drifting back to Aleria. 

After an hour passed with Naya reminiscing peacefully, she started feeling tired. She was going to just sleep, but then she recalled Sophia. She still weighed on her mind. Naya wondered just how powerful a human can be and how someone Lia claims may be the strongest of the human race would compare to someone like her mother, who she believed is the strongest Elf.

"What do I do about that woman?"



Just talk with her; she'd make an excellent ally to have. Probably one of the best, actually.

"I don't need anybody's help."

Lia didn't respond until a couple minutes later. I rechecked your memories to be sure, but you really don't understand what it is you're dealing with.

"You can do that?"

Don't sweat the small stuff. Lia said dismissively. Anyway, you've never been properly educated about witches, and it shows... Those stupid councilors. 

Naya wanted to quip back, but she knew Lia was right, no matter how much it irked her to hear it. 

Lia's sigh filled her head. Nayalisia, my only goal right now is to help you get back home. I'm in your head; I know how desperately you crave it.

Naya's ears drooped. "Why? I don't understand you."

While it may seem an insurmountable task, there aren't as many witches as you think. In fact, only people born in a similar state to you can even become witches.

That shook Naya. Her state was the Null Core. Her Arcana core didn't have an attribute, and because of that, she wasn't able to refine Arcana. The only reason she didn't despair about it was because her mother constantly assured her that she'd become far stronger than any mage, even with her disability.

"Why are you only telling me this now?"

I wanted you to learn on your own, but I didn't expect you to be facing a 3rd order witch this early in our... partnership.

"I don't-"

You don't even know what the order system is. It's pretty simple: a contract only works because both sides benefit. So, what does a devil get out of a contract with a mortal race?

Naya considered it. Her lessons never explored Devils, only briefly mentioning them. Lia was doing a great job making her feel that her education was terrible. 

It's not your fault; just accept being taught the things you don't know.

Again, Naya wanted to retort but found herself tongue-tied. Seeing Sophia and hearing so many things in the last day that she had never heard of left her feeling inadequate.

Well, you're only 19. It may be a lot in mortal years, but you're still a child. Lia's voice seemed displeased when she added the last bit.

"I'll... listen." Naya took a calming breath. 

Good. Back to what I was saying... It's simple in theory; the stronger a witch gets, the more influence their Devil will have in the mortal plane. 

Naya perked up, "So there is a chance that a Devil can eventually materialize in the world?"

"Correct, Naya." That voice came from Sophia, who was suddenly standing beside Naya.

"How?!" Naya jumped back and glared at her with her arms raised in a hostile pose. She didn't hear the sound of Sophia approaching, which was a big problem for her.

Lia lightly chuckled. This woman used teleportation just to mess with you.

That eased Naya; she was worried she had somehow not heard her approach. 

Sophia clicked her tongue when she noticed Naya's tension ease. "Your... companion is no fun."

I'm plenty fun! Lia sounded offended.

"What do you want?" Naya was still on guard around Sophia and did not lower her arms.

"Not what I want, Naya. What you want. I couldn't help but overhear your... well, you talking to yourself." Sophia giggled and sat on the grass. "I'm so intrigued by you, Naya." She patted the ground next to her.

It was odd seeing someone of Sophia's standing sitting on the ground. To Naya, the woman screamed royalty with how she looked and dressed. She thinks she'd even like the woman if she wasn't so annoying.

Naya hesitated for a second, then steeled herself.

She can't let this woman think she's so easy to toy with. So her conclusion was to show she wouldn't be easily embarrassed.

She walked over, taking the spot next to Sophia as she sat with her legs out against the grass.

Lia giggled. You're hopeless.

Naya's ears twitched. You told me to be nice to her; now you make fun of me?

Sophia was shorter than Naya, but not by much, which was tall for a human. Still, she looked up at Naya with a playful smile and stared at her face. 

"What?" The staring made her uncomfortable, so she finally blurted out.

"You're beautiful, Naya... I heard Elves were a cut above the rest, but seeing it for myself is really an experience."

The first line made her oddly happy, but it was immediately ruined by the next, and it stung Naya more than she'd thought it would.

It shouldn't have, and she knew Sophia didn't mean anything by it; it happened to her frequently, people attributing what she had to her race, the same way her peers in Aleria attributed everything she had to her mother. 

If she passed any test, it was because her mother was a knowledgeable Arcanist. If she won a physical battle, it was because her mother could afford extensive training. Everything she achieved on her own was attributed in some way to her mother. Now, things are because she's an Elf.

I understand, Nayalisia. But they can't help it; you're the first Elf they've seen in centuries. All they have are rumors and legends, most of which paint your kind as near godly.

I know...but still.

It's not that easy, I know.

Sophia watched Naya's ears droop and frown; she likely knew Lia had said something. 

"Now I'm all the more curious about you, Naya." Sophia stretched, "But for now, let's talk about witches."

Naya didn't respond but welcomed the subject change and paid close attention.

Usually, she'd hate another race trying to educate her, but for a reason she didn't understand, Sophia was different; perhaps because her presence reminded Naya of her teachers in Aleria, and her mannerisms reminded her of her mother. Either way, it didn't elicit the same displeasure.

Or you just have a thing for powerful women.

You should shut up.

Sophia took off her red coat and laid it on the ground behind her before laying on it, "I'll feel lonely if you only converse with your companion."

Naya lay on the plane grass; she preferred the feeling of nature as a bed. She stared at the sky as she waited for Sophia to continue.

Sophia laughed, "Fine, fine... I'll assume your companion-"

"Her name is Lia."

Aww~ thanks!

Sophia's smile grew, "Lia? Interesting. Ok, I'll assume Lia told you about the contracts already."

Naya shook her head, "You interrupted."

"Oopsie~." She continued, "Well, the fundamentals may be different, but usually, it's a quid-pro-quo relationship where the witch does things that make the devil stronger in our world, which also boosts the witch's strength in turn."

"The Witch in the Silent Forest is 3rd order. You mentioned there was no tower, which means the Devil can exert enough influence to alter the space around it or invisibility, but that would be a lot of Arcana. But only to the extent of hiding the tower from prying eyes."

Naya understood, "Makes sense." 

Even if it were a type of invisibility spell or an illusion, the Arcana cost would be significant, far too much for a human to bear. A Devil would likely be able to do that much just with its innate abilities.

"How would you determine the next order?" Naya was curious now; this information had already benefited her greatly.

It's just determined by the level of influence the Devil has on the area around it. You'd notice it if the place looks or behaves differently than anything around it. The Devil is bringing its world into yours or shaping it.

"So is the ultimate goal of Devils to make this world their own, to warp it in their image?"

Sophia's expression was grave, "Yes. While the reasons vary, they all see this world as their own. If we let a witch get too powerful, she'll eventually have her body stolen by the Devil, who will use it to mold their own."

"Disgusting." Naya found herself hating Devils more than Witches, just on principle. To try and take what belongs to Aleria... they should all be eliminated.

I agree. 

"Indeed." Sophia had her eyes closed. "Sadly, killing the devils is not possible. All we can do is kill the witch before it gets what it wants." She seemed tired, and Naya wondered how many witches she had killed.

That's true for everyone else but not for you; you're the only person alive who can kill the Devil by killing its host.

"I can kill Devils?" Naya asked aloud, excitement in her tone. "That means I can offer a direct service to Aleria! I can go home!" That information alone erased her somber mood. If she could benefit Aleria herself, then no matter what else happens, she'd be able to get home regardless of any naysayers.

You said that out loud. 

Sophia was suddenly on top of Naya, gripping her shoulders tightly; her expression was grave, but a light of excitement shined in her eyes, "Naya, are you serious? You can kill devils?"

Naya's ears twitched, and her face flushed. Sophia's was directly in front of her face, closer than anyone had ever been. "Y-yes! Get off me!" Naya was about to throw her off but found herself putting her hands down, not wanting to hurt her for some reason.

Yet Sophia didn't get off. She picked Naya up and wrapped her around around her. "Naya, I could just kiss you! You have no idea what this means for me, for us, for the entire world!"

"I get it! Now let me go!" Naya's face was red, and she was about to just push her down the slope.

Sophia complied with a boisterous laugh. She rolled back onto her jacket, "I suddenly can't wait for tomorrow." She closed her eyes.

What's with this human woman?! Naya took calming breaths.

Lia's mocking laughter filled her head. If she were a normal human, you wouldn't be acting like this, Nayalisia.

Naya's face was still flushed. She turned her back toward Sophia. I don't care; she's so annoying, and she's lucky I didn't break her arm!

She sure is...


19 for an Elf is still nearly a child. Naya is quite immature and has a lot to learn. In case you haven't noticed, she indeed does gravitate more toward powerful people! : ^ ) Anyway, a big battle is coming soon where we'll finally get to see more of Naya's abilities. Even she doesn't know the extent of them. All will be revealed in time.


Actually, the idea for Devils comes from the Elder Scrolls! I was inspired by Mehrunes Dagon from Oblivion and how the skies change when the gates appear. I really loved that idea.