Chapter Nineteen; “They shall not rob us of our nobility!”
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Monday — World-Ender

Tuesday — Feral

Wednesday — Wyrd

Thursday — Asylum Online

Friday — new series 

'This is great!' Kane thought. Aisuri is cutting through the horde of base level hollows like butter, the masses of mindless monsters attracted by her surge of reishi. Each hollow killed was another fifty or so blood tokens, each hollow killed made them that much more powerfull. The menos though, were lurking a bit too close for comfort. Kane had exchanged Blood Tokens for Shunpo Training every chance he got. The faster she was the more she could kill, and the faster she could get. 

It got to the point where he simply could not increase her ability to use Shunpo. Kane had frowned at this, but no where he looked throught the system menu's could he see the reason why. Merely assuming he maxed out his and Aisuri's ability, he moved onto the Zanjutsu Training. He was one year of training in when the two of them had suddenly found themselves not being beseiged anymore. As if they'd killed them all. But that would be impossible; Hueco  Mundo is far too large and populated for just one Soul Reaper to commit a complete genocide of all Hollows.

"Something is wrong..." Aisuri whispered, goosebumps appearing on her forearm. To their shared senses, they could sense Reiatsu being drawn from the surroundings, the shrieking of the forest around them growing quiet. 

'Tread carefully. Total silence in even a normal forest is a sign that a predator is near. I sudder to think what may have the Hollows on guard.' Kane warned, prompting Aisuri to nod in understanding before she Flash Stepped to the air, going high up. As she stood on seemingly nothing, she looked down, scanning the forest floor. It took her only a moment before she found out the cause for her unease and the forest going quiet. 

There, a hundred or so meters from her position was a massive, writhing mound of bodies. Low-level hollows and Gillian class Menos, all eating one another. A feeding frenzy. Kane recalled the knowledge he gained through the system. These hollows had gone mad with hunger and hunted their brethren. These hollows tend to group together in to piles of cannibalism just like this, so this isn't an unusual sight. Usually, these feeding mounds result in a bunch of deal hollows, as if even a single bite is taken out of the hollows that partake in the mound, evolution is cut off from them forever, leaving a ravenously hungry dead end. Usually the ones that wind up evolving into an Adjuchas are those that arrive last and eat all the other hollows too busy feasting to notice they're being eaten in turn. 

Of course, Kane doesn't care to fight an Adjuchas or Vasto Lorde. Such Menos are outside of their capability for now. 

"Aisuri." He intoned. "Kill them all, quickly."  

The Shinigami nodded in understanding and held her sword up and cut her palm on the blade, activating her Shikai with a shout. "Let blood be our sacrament!" The rush of Reiatsu that befell the surroundings and the large reishi signature gained her the attention from every hollow within a mile. 

Not that it would avail them, as Aisuri used Shunpo to slam down before the feasting Hollows and stabbed her blade forward, a small explosion eterminating the hollows in the center. She followed that up with a sweep of her blade, which cut through them, the wave of fire that followed reaping their lives. Finally she slammed the blade down, cleaving through the remains before their bodies were swept away by the following explosion. 

The soul reaper waved the flat of her sword to disperse the embers and smoke she'd kicked up, satisfied at her wanton slaughter of the hollows. The exercise of her power felt good. She gripped her hand as tight as she could, astonished at how strong she was. She knew that she shouldn't be this powerful, but... Kaatei held many mysteries. She'd have to pester him for answers later. 

"We done? We've been fighting for hours. I can go for a shower, some hot food, and a nap." she said. 

Unbeknownst to her, a figure had been watching her, even as she left.