Book 1 – Chapter 12
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“You look marvellous, dear.” Esme smiles at me. I look at myself in the mirror, and despite knowing how vain it sounds, I have to agree. A white dress flowing freely like water, with blue accents here and there contrasting the angelic white. The dress hugs my body in the correct places, accentuating the curves and feminine traits of my body.

“Rosalie will lose her mind.” I smirk at the statement, and Esme laughs.

“Thank you for helping me, I’m sure you’d like to help your children.”

She tsks at me, bringing me into a hug. “You are one of my children, my little angel.” Tears threaten to spill, making me hug the vampire closer.

“You should get ready, Rosalie will be here any second to pick you up. I’ll get the camera ready.” I snort, despite everything, she is such a mother.

I find myself smiling along to the memory of Rosalie’s promposal. It wasn’t anything grand. She entered the cafeteria like any other day, except she was wearing suit pants, a blouse and a blazer. A step up from her usual elegant appearance. Walking up to me, she kneeled, presenting me with a blue rose and asking if I wanted to be her date to prom.

I wasn’t expecting her to give me a public invitation, considering how private the both of us tend to be. I do appreciate the gesture though, despite the week of rumours, glances and whispers it caused.

A camera shutter and a flash brings me out of my thoughts, making me blink at the source of interruption. Esme is standing there with a camera, grinning at me.

“You had such a dreamy look on your face, I couldn’t help it.” She chuckles, making me mock growl at her, swatting at the camera.

The sound of a car approaching makes me feel nervous. I know it’s Rosalie, and I don’t care about the fact that we’re going to prom, it’s a different kind of nervousness. We have never been on a traditional date. We’ve simply been at her house, mine, or in the forest. We’ve never had a picnic, dinner, or movie. We’ve never gone to the amusement park, a museum or the aquarium. This is the first time we’re doing something traditional, it’s a step in our relationship, despite me knowing I’ll most likely spend the rest of eternity with her. We’ve never said those three words, we’ve never gone further than groping and making out. 

Taking a deep breath, I calm myself, before snorting. I can stare down a murderous vampire and battle him, but going on a date with my bonded? I make a mental note at the fact that my species calls it bonded, not mate.

A knock on the door brings me back to reality, but Esme blurs down the stairs to open it before I can react.

“Lilith, come downstairs.” Esme’s voice snaps me out of whatever trance I was in, and I walk down stairs barefooted, only to halt in the middle of the stairs.

Blonde braided hair, hanging in the front of her right shoulder. Light blue vines that look like they’re frozen entwining with the braid, dotted with light blue petals.

Dark, and smokey eyeshadow underneath what I can only describe as divine gold. Like it was melted down and is now swirling inside of Rosalie. Upper eyelid in a frosty blue, contrasting the dark and the gold.

A waist coat in the same blue colour, with three black buttons and a black tie.

Tight fitting blazer, hugging every of her vast and feminine curves, enhancing her already godly physique.

Suit pants that flare off at the end, yet still making her legs look endless, like I can drag my eyes across them for days upon end.

Heels that can only be described as killer, with a stiletto that tapers off until it looks pencil thin.

Golden eyes find my own blue, and the smile that lights up on her face could set the sun aflame. I find my knees growing weak, and before I can blink strong arms are holding me, carrying me like a princess down the rest of the stairs.

For the second today, the flash and shutter of a camera brings me out of my reverie. I tilt my head to look up at Rosalie, but she’s looking ahead, at Esme. Raising a hand, I trail a finger along Rosalie’s jaw, the familiar contour and shape calming me, and the small intake of air I hear makes me smirk.

“You look ravishing, my love.” I whisper as I tuck my face into the crook of her neck. She responds with a growl, and I feel myself smile.

Another flash, another picture. “Go ahead, I can’t get a more perfect picture than that.” Esme smiles at us.

✧ ⋄ ⋆ ⋅ ⋆ ⋄ ✧ ⋄ ⋆ ⋅ ⋆ ⋄ ✧

The music is loud, yet still catchy. The event coordinators managed to hire a competent DJ. It started out with slow songs, perfect for intimate dances, and I dragged my tiger to the dance floor for a few songs.

Casting a glance over at my bonded, talking with her siblings in a corner of the event hall, I throw her a smile as she looks at me, no doubt feeling my gaze.

Rosalie is a very good dancer, however reluctant she was. I can understand her feelings though, as the slow dancing we did was intimate, and felt private, something that shouldn’t be shared with others.

I don’t care for ‘human experiences’, but I’m glad I got to enjoy such a moment this early on in our relationship. For human teenagers, a few months would have been a lifetime, but for us, adults in teenage bodies, frozen in time for eternity it is just the blink of an eye, the beginning of something that will last for the rest of our time.

The smell of shifters grabs my attention, and I spot Isabella following Jacob outside. I give Rosalie a comforting smile as I slip out of the hall, following them outside.

“He uh, also wanted me to say this word for word. ‘We’ll be watching.’” I tune in to the end of Jacob’s speech, the boy is thoroughly confused by his father’s creepy attitude. Understandable, as the young wolf doesn’t know the stories are real, not just yet.

“Don’t worry Jacob. You can tell your father that I’m watching as well.” I spook the boy with my sudden appearance, making him jump in surprise.

“Who are you?” Right, he hasn’t met me.

“A friend of Isabella.” He snorts, making me quirk an eyebrow. “Lilith?” I nod. “I’m surprised she lets you get away with calling her that.” He says, making me chuckle. “Oh she’s not letting me do anything.” I grin at him, baring my teeth as my eyes flash orange. “I’m the scariest thing in Forks. Something you should remember in the future.”

Isabella looks between the two of us, and I place a hand on her shoulders. “Should I run interference? I know he’s your friend, you can invite him to a dance if you want to. I’ll keep Edward at bay.” I whisper into her ear, before withdrawing and looking into her eyes. She shakes her head, and I smile at her before heading back inside.