Chapter 6 ‘What you are👍’
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A pretty little girl was sitting on a bed.

In a lavish room.

Enchanting was the only word that could describe her.

Short silver hair, big golden eyes, and a tiny body made her appearance one many would protect.

This little girl was unusual, though.

On her back, two small, golden bat-like wings could be found. Travelling down her back, one would come to notice a light lemon lizard tail with a cloudy white underside. The oddities did not stop there. If one looked up at her head, they would be able to spot four numbs. The front two sticking out of her hair show the developing horns. 

An expression of great confusion rested on the little girl's face, and despite her outwardly calm appearance, she was freaking out. 

'What the hell!! Why does everything look so big? What am I doing here?! More importantly, What the hell happened to my body?'

Ignavus' hands ran over his body again for the sixth time since he woke up.

Pinching the wings and poking the horns.

'This feels too real!!'

Lastly, he lightly tried to pull on the tail but felt a sharp tingle crawl up his spine, which was convincing enough to prove it was attached.

'Why is it so damn sensitive?'

He was almost certain that after waking up in such a lovely room, he had been rescued by some miracle. That all that pain he went through was in the past now that he had been saved.

'This got to be some sick joke; please let it be!'

The longer he stayed awake, the less that seemed like a possibility.

'That beast did this to me!! Is this why she wanted to capture me?! Some kind of sick experiment!'

From the looks of it, it had managed to complete whatever it was trying to accomplish.

Ignavus quickly scans the room, looking for an escape path. He immediately notices the right wall with a window and makes a break for it.

Or, to put it in a more realistic way, he tries. 

As soon as he stood up to run, he tripped and hit the ground. Hard.

His balance was way off.

'These stupid wings are in the way! I really do not have the time for this! It could be on its way any second!'

With hopes renewed, he got up again to try.

After a while, he felt like he got the basics down enough to somewhat walk. It felt like something was guiding him and helping him learn a lot faster than he normally would.

'I'm just going to ignore that for now; hopefully when I get home, some powerful mage can fix me...'

He finally made it to the window and tried to circulate the dormant mana within him.

'I can't feel a thing! Did it take away that knowing I would try and run?'

'As if that's an actual question….'

His body was already tired from all the earlier movement; there was no way he could brute force it. So, he climbed onto the bed while trying to think up another plan.

A sudden knock came from the door in front of the bed.

'Oh shit! I'm out of time!'

Frantically getting up on his feet and hopping off the bed. He prepared to charge the door but instead slipped on the bedcover, which his new claws had dug into. Resulting in him falling to the floor once more. 

A girlish yelp left his throat.

A lady dressed in a full black dress came into the room. Her red skin matches her outfit. She glanced around the room. A brief look of anger flared on her face before her expression returned to neutral. A smile that didn't seem to reach her eyes bloomed as she began speaking.

"Greetings, my lady. I am Marie, a maid in service. I was summoned to help prepare you for your meeting with the mistress.” (M)

Despite receiving very crucial information, only one thought hung in his mind. 

'Did she just refer to me as a lady?'

'Ah! I need to focus

Ignavus glanced around at the mess he had created. He didn't even notice the claw marks around the room. He had been so focused on escaping that he didn't realise the claws on his hands and feet had been assisting with learning how to move. 

"Who is your mistress?" (I)

"Your mother, my lady.” (M)

"My mother?" (I)

It didn't take a genius to figure out who this demon thought his mother was. He was a spitting image of the beast that had bested him.

'If this demon thinks I am going to willingly march myself over to that monster, it’s got another thing coming to it'

As if sensing his unwillingness to comply. It spoke out again.

"The mistress has instructed me to use any reasonable methods to see this done." (M)

'That sounded like a threat. If this random demon thinks it can be one of the best, it is welcome to try'

A smirk lit up his face. 

Seeing this, the demon sighed.

He couldn't follow her movements. His body was simply too slow to follow. Before he knew it, it was too late.

Behind him, the demon appeared.

What followed would be the start of something Ignavus wished never happened.

The demon simply grabbed his tail.

His whole body froze instantly as the sensation of having his tail pulled drowned out all other stimulation. 

"I didn't want it to come to this. You forced my hand; now apologise for the attitude and promise to behave. If you do that, I might let go." (M)

'Why does that hurt so much? I can't...I can't move...'

A couple of seconds fly by before Marie gives the tail a light squeeze.

A very loud girlish scream rang right after that.

"Stop....Stop that..." (I)

"Will you comply?" (M)


Feeling Marie's hands start to tighten their grip again, Ignavus quickly replied.

"Yes! I... I'll listen...." (I)


"I'm sorry..." (I)

That sounded pathetic even to his own ears.

'Stupid high-pitched voice'

"Great!" (M)

Letting go of her hold. Ignavus' body started to fall, his strength failing him. Before it could reach the ground, however, the woman quickly scooped him up in a princess carry.

"See that wasn't so hard my lady." (M)

She said this while shooting a manic smile.

Ignavus looked away. His face was burning.

'No one deserves such shame