Chapter 13 ‘What it means to be a symbol’
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It was over.

They no longer hunted us. War was over. The end of an era. The end of the massacre. Whatever one would call it.

'Why? I don't understand.... I really don't understand anything...'

White would never claim to be the sharpest tool in the shed, but as of late, she felt like more of an idiot than ever. She knew something was happening, but it was beyond her to even try and guess the reasons or the causes.

Two days after her return, the United Forces of Afia had held an address. Thousands listened in, curious of the state of the war. The news received was good, the demons had opened up to peace negotiations. The negotiations apparently had been happening since last month. A story she couldn't bring herself to believe. 

'The demons had the upper hand, why would they even bother? To start with... nobody even knew why this war started.' 

Nobody knew why the demons suddenly launched such a random invasion. Nobody had even noticed them amassing such an army...

'These really are confusing times...'

White stopped gazing at the window in front of her. If she continued to waste time, she would be late for the award ceremony. Her award ceremony. Army command decided to make it seem like her unit made a decisive victory against the demons, forcing them to open up to negotiations. It also just so happened that her commander had died in a heroic but tragic retreat back home. This was the story she was fed. Propaganda at the finest sense of the word. The general populace seemed all too happy to believe this easy lie.

She had admittedly, lost her cool the first time she was told the story assigned to her. She was told about how she would become one of the greatest heroes of their time. Respected and admired for her valour.  They tried to butter her up and fill her head with such nonsense. She completely declined it.  But... after some time alone in thought, she accepted her duty. Her reason for doing why? Her commander would have done the same thing. She believed the people needed a hero to look up to. To admire. To calm them down in the worst of times. To be their ray of hope. Now that her commander had passed. It was her duty as his subordinate to carry his will and legacy.

Her step became stronger as she reaffirmed her beliefs.

'I shall become the symbol of peace and freedom.' 



He had never felt so comfortable. Wrapped in this warm embrace. He didn't want to leave. For the first time in a long while he felt truly at peace. His hands stretched out to pull the warm body closer. A contempt sigh escaped his lips.

'Why can't things always just be like this'

His thoughts threatening to return to sleep. The feathers hugging him from all sides created the perfect environment.


Confusion bloomed in his tired mind as he tried to piece back his foggy memories.

At that moment. The feathers started to part letting light enter his warm nest. A massive bird head appeared in view. Looking like it was trying to smile.

'Can even birds smile...?'

It took a second for Ignavus to recognise the giant bird head staring at him. It was a head he had hoped to never see again.

A loud yelp broke free from his mouth as he scrambled to get away from it.

'Why? WHY? IS IT HERE?!'

Ignavus did a quick scan with his eyes looking for an escape. He was back in his bedroom once more.

The door was right in front of him. He hopped of the bed where the massive bird sat perched gazing in his direction. Pulling the door handle, he found the door refusing to open.

'Since when did it lock!? It doesn't even have a lock!!'

Ignavus turned and faced the bird, trying to circulate the mana he had felt earlier. Not feeling anything, he sunk to the floor with his back facing the door.

'I'm really going to die to a stupid bird...'

The bird, seeing he had finally given up. Refocused its attention on him.

"~Hello lady Navy!! I am Vultur, your mom's pet familiar and your new best friend! ~"(V)

'I'm going to die to a stupid talking bird with a ridiculous voice...'

Sinking into despair he didn't process what it had said.

Ignavus had nearly died a hand full of times to it. On the face of the mountain this thing had repeatedly tried to impale him. It and that other cat looking thing had hunted him for half of his climb. He managed to find cover in a cave which allowed him some respite. For all of two seconds until the cat caught up to him. It stepped on his tail, and after immobilizing him, dragged him out the cave and threw him off the mountain. Ignavus lost consciousness at that point.

'I can't believe I went through that hell just to die here...' 

"mmmmh... hello, you listening?"(V)

"Don't worry. I'll wake her up"(M)

The demon maid marched over to Ignavus and gave his tail a squeeze. Instantly snapping out of his daze.

"AH!! You demon, let go! I didn't do anything this time!"(I)

"What did I tell you to call me? I let you have my name for a reason my lady"(M)

An exasperated sigh left the maid's mouth as she saw her lady starting to put up resistance again. 

"Must I call the mistress and tell her of your behaviour? She won't hesitate to discipline you again..."(M)

'Damn it...'

Ignavus looked away. Trying to hide his embarrassed face.

'I promised myself never again'

He spoke in a whisper.

"Sorry Marie..."(I)

"Now apologize for ignoring Vultur"(M)

"But he tried to-"(I)

Marie shot him a look that 'screamed test me'.

"Sorry Vultur"(I)

'She's still treating me like some poorly behaved child! I swear, someday I'll make her pay...'

"Good! Now go back to sleep. You must still be tired"(M)

With that remark she opened to door with ease before leaving.

"Come best friend! Let's cuddle!!"(V)

Spreading his wings, the bird gave him a warm welcome.

'Does she really expect me to sleep with that bird in the same room...'
