Chapter 19 ‘The comforts we seek’
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Marie knew something was wrong with her little lady when she started listening to her two days ago. Not once had she made an attempt to defy. She didn't fight during her bath; she wasn't making a fuss whenever they took for her daily training and was even willingly allowing the queen to feed her smoothly. By all means, she was being an exemplary child.

'As much as I enjoy the easy work, this is very unhealthy behaviour'

The lady had completely stopped responding to questions unless she absolutely felt like she had too. Whenever it seemed like she was about to freak out, she would turn her face and let out a quiet scream. It was becoming a bit depressing.

'I miss her lively attitude...'

'Okay! It's decided! I need to cheer her up!'


Marie was combing out silver strands of hair. Finishing up, she set down the comb.

"Do you like it?"(M)



"Is there something wrong my lady?"(M)

"Nope, nothing at all..."(N)

'Guess were doing this the hard way'

"Not even those lovely new golden bracelets?"(M)

The lady turned her head away before quietly replying,

"It's just a gift from the guest..."(I)

Marie had been briefed on the situation. Her lady had gotten herself into trouble once more. Apparently, she had fought with her aunt about what to wear and had ended up saying some unsavoury things.

"Really, just a gift?"(M)




Deciding to not let the lady bath in the silence of her lie, she spoke,

"I heard you got into trouble again."(M)


"What did you do this time?"(M)


"I-It wasn't even my fault"(N)


"It's true! I promise! I was very polite even! But she kept insisting I wear those... those... odd clothes!"(N)

The lady seemed to struggle to find words that wouldn't trigger the bracelets.

"She's a mon...! not a very good person and is determined to make my life... not as good as before"(N)

"She follows us when we go training and always finds a way to make it harder!"(N)

The lady made a cute pouting face before mocking her voice.

"Why don't we try a blindfold: it's too easy for her, tie her hands behind her back for more of a challenge, she doesn't need that much water!(N)

"I swea- promise the day I have my revenge-"(N)

A golden glow shone from the bracelets as her lady's face contorted in terror.

"No! NO! N-"(N) 


Marie stood beside her lady as she watched her twitching on the floor.

'Has she really learnt nothing? Ah well whatever, at least her spirit appears to have somewhat returned'

Scooping the lady in her arms she let out a sigh.

'I guess all she needs is to vent...'

Marie sat on the bed and let the lady rest on her lap as she recovered. She played with her freshly done hair, waiting for her to speak.

Through choked sobs her lady spoke,

"I was a great hero... you know. "(N)

"Most definitely my lady, the greatest"(M)

Marie was aware of her lady's obsession with some human hero her mother had fought. She seemed to idolize him a little too much, to the point of wanting to be him. Marie didn't really mind humouring her if it made her feel a bit better. She was still just a child after all.

"I used to fight spectacular  battles too..."(N)

"I can only imagine my lady"(M)

Her lady looked up to her with tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"M-Marie it's-it's not fair"(N)

Finally letting the tears fall, Marie pulled her lady into a hug.

"Shush... it's okay, no need to cry. Things like this happen."(M)

The lady was full on wailing while Marie patted her head.

'Oh, how can I not help but cuddle such a cute thing'


They were both standing outside the door of the lady's room. Her lady had not been able to look directly at her after her little session.

"Marie... can you forget that happened?"(N)

"Forget what happened?"(M)

Maire saw the corners of her lady's mouth lift for a second before falling down.

"Uh, nothing"(N)

'She really is cute when she smiles'



Ariel walked the empty halls of a castle. His fiery body unable to damage the rare material. Each step was taken with purpose for he knew he had a mission. A mission to be given by one of the most powerful beings in the world.

He arrived at two white giant gates. The gates to the throne room. As if they sensed his presence, they opened and what it revealed was a sight many hope to never see again.

Sat on her throne a queen could be seen. Massive golden wings spread from behind her, four devil horns mounted her head and a long-scaled tail swayed back and forth. All this accumulated into giving this creature something entirely unique to it. A sort of presence one had to respect and fear.

Walking in, he lowered himself as low as he could go before the queen.

"You have summoned me my queen"(A)

Ariel knows his place; he had been taught well.

"Lord Ariel, I believe you have fathered offspring aged about five years"(G.Q)

Of all the questions he was expecting, he had not prepared for this. It caught him off guard which resulted in him stumbling on his words.

"Y-yes my queen"(A)

Fear welled up in Ariel.

'What could the queen want with my kids?!'

"Starting tomorrow a visitor will regularly be coming over to see them. Do you understand?"(G.Q)

"Yes, my queen. I shall make preparations"(A)

"Good, dismissed"(G.Q)

As Ariel got up from his knees, his mind spun at the implications of what the queen said.

There had been a rumour more absurd than a human defeating the queen. So absurd that he had entirely erased it from his mind.

'Does the queen really have a child?'

The mere thought of having another person as powerful and as active as the queen filled his heart with joy.

'We are truly living in the golden era of demons'

'I must calm myself. I am being too hasty. I don't even know if that's true'

He hoped it was true though. If his kids were connected to the heir...

Let's just say he hoped for good things.