Chapter 22 ‘A twisted meeting’
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Ignavus had given up hope of flying anytime soon. The reason for that was simple. His wings were simply too weak to support him for anything longer than a moment. After his first failed attempt with Marie, he was set on not trying it anytime soon but found his hand forced. During training, whenever he fell off the mountain his first instinct was to spread his wings. It did not save him, luckily the bird did. Against the harsh winds of the mountain, it was impossible to even sustain gliding let alone flying. One time he was even smashed back into the mountain face.

The point is, he didn't want to fly if he could avoid it. Suddenly being dropped from a height had become a bit traumatic for him.

He let out a loud wimpish scream the moment he felt his hands get pried off by his 'aunt'.

He tried everything he could to at least stay in the air. Furiously beating his wings. But something was wrong. The winds were acting strange. A bad kind of strange. They were somehow more powerful than they had been on the mountains. Instead of even being held up for a moment, he was plunging straight down towards a particular red tree.


There was nothing he could do to stop himself. Only lament at his fate.


The first tree didn't feel as bad as the second that killed his momentum.

He was in pain but surprisingly he could still somewhat move his body. Did he though? No. He just sat at the base of the dented red tree.

Contemplating his life. He thought,

'Is this really what it has come to? Being jerked around... damn I am so pitiful'

Letting out a tired sigh he couldn't help but silently curse Marie.

'So much for good news'

An old dream he had popped up in his mind. One where he was the greatest farmer in all the land. A dream crushed when he was forced to enlist after trying to collect the needed start-up capital. Life just couldn't let him be happy.

'I should have just begged some random farmer to take me in'

As the dust he kicked up from his fall settled down, he spotted two little demon children. They appeared around his same size if not slightly larger.

'What are they doing in the middle of nowhere'

From the way they were dressed they weren't some peasant kids.

'Why are they staring at me so creepily?'

They appeared to be hypnotized by something on him. The boy of the two was just openly staring while the girl kept taking repeated glances from her curled position.

'Are they afraid? Well, I did just drop from the sky like a crazy person...'

Ignavus tried to stand only to fall. A shameful noise left his mouth when he hit the ground with his knees.

'Damn that hurt!'

Ignavus' body still wasn't up to speed.

'I need help...'

Glancing at the kids a resigned look appeared on his face.

'They could at least tell me where I am'

Clearing his throat and mustering up his former commander voice he prepared to speak,

"Greetings tiny children! I demand you to tell me where I am!"(I)

'A classic line always works!'



Teen always considered herself the exemplary child. Compared to her brother she was well behaved, well-mannered and expertly groomed. The only time she ever got in trouble was when her brother was involved. He just had a way of setting her off.

Well-mannered, well spoken and properly groomed. She was ideal. It was for this reason why; she couldn't understand how she found herself lecturing a tiny, cute girl while pulling her ear.

Rewinding a couple of moments before, something had smashed into a nearby tree. As the dust settled it revealed the most adorable creature she had ever seen. A tiny girl with golden wings, unnaturally ivory skin, a long scaly tail and stubs on her head was sat at the base of the tree. She looked dazed and confused as she slowly took in her surroundings. After a minute had passed, she got up before falling to the ground on her knees again, letting out a cute squeak.

'What is such a delicate thing doing here?'

She seemed to be gathering her thoughts, making odd faces, before finally seeming on landing on a decision. A light smile could be seen on her.

'She's so expressive... that's too cute!'

An odd feeling of protectiveness was welling up within Teen.

"Greetings tiny children! I demand you to tell me where I am!"

A beautiful high-pitched baby voice rang out. It sounded like it was trying to be serious like the grown-ups. It failed spectacularly in that regard.

When Teen finally processed the words said, something within her just snapped. Getting in trouble with both her father and mother was weighing on her mind, especially since it had mostly been her brother's fault, add to that a little bratty kid who didn't seem to know basic etiquette... Her mood was less than stellar.

Before she knew what she was doing, her body was marching toward the girl.

The girl in question had a smug look on her face after finally achieving her goal of standing.

"Ah! Tiny child assist- OW! Let go! What are you doing!!"

Having grab the little girl's ear, a tactic she had learned from her mother, she expressed her thoughts in a very unkind manner.

"Is that anyway to introduce yourself to a stranger!!"(T)

Pulling her hand that contained the ear higher into the air for max damage, she continued her tiraid.

"Any lady with a ounce of sense knows such simple things!"(T)

"Let go of me!"

"Not until I am done! How can you drop in so shamelessly and demand help without even giving your name! Refering to those whose help you seek as 'tiny children' when your even smaller than them!!"(T)

"Introduce yourself properly, now!!"(T)

"How dare you talk to me- Okay! OKAY! I will, just let go!"

Teen had started twisting her grip to inflict more pain.

"Do it first!"(T)

"I-I'm Ignavus and I am just passing by looking for- Ahhhh! I'm doing what you said! Stop!"

"Do you expect me to believe such blatant lies! If you're going to pick a fake name at least make it female!"(T)

"I'm not lying! Please let go, it hurts!"

Teen sent the girl an unamused stare.

'She's yet to crack'

Five seconds pass until the girl finally relents.

"I'm called Navy! There! You happy! Now let go of me!!"(N)

"Now apologize for lying. It's morally wrong!"(T)


"Come on sis, lay-off. You can't be attacking injured people. If you keep this up, she's going to end up crying..."(G)

"I'm not going to cry!"(N)

Teen took a quick glance at the balancing tears in the girl's eyes. Deciding to let go she spoke,

"F-fine, I hope you've learned your lesson."(T)

'She's too darn cute!'

Her brother walked forward.

"Sorry about her. She can be kinda tense sometimes. Let's try proper introductions again?"(G)