Chapter 23 ‘Peaceful observations’
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After making sure that her niece had a comfortable landing, Cura searched for a tree close by to relax in. Making sure she was still close enough to hear them. With both the parents of the children busy, she oversaw watching them.
'She really needs to stop with the whole hero game, it's doing her no favours'
Cura had been told by her sister about the cause of her niece's obsession with playing hero. Apparently, Navy had watched a battle between her sister and some human hero. She thought the human was cool and started imitating him since then. Cura could only shake her head and watch the silliness of her niece's actions result in her getting an ear full from the demon girl.
'She needs more etiquette training'
'My sister is really being too soft on her...'
Cura had never thought she would use such a word to describe her sister, but she had noticed her sister's hidden reluctance at administering any serious punishments to her niece. Even convincing her that the bracelets were necessary had been such a hassle. It was also starting to interfere with her niece's training. Her sister was holding back.
'I guess we all have our weak points...'
But she was not the only parent being overprotective, she also struggled getting the father of the two twins on board with this bonding exercise. She was sure the only reason he listened to her was because of how vastly powerful she was.
Cura sent a glance down at the kids.
'It's a good thing my sister is not here'
Cura remember one of the many concerns her sister had mentioned in passing after she had begun to make arrangements for the kids meeting. Her sister kept saying Navy was too tiny to interact with the other kids without being bullied. Granted her niece was tiny, but not so much it should be a consideration.
'Ahhh... overprotective parents'
"I'll go first. I am Gol-"(G)
"As if I'm going to listen to you after that! Take your words and shove it up your-"(N)
Cura could only sigh as she watched the golden bracelets light up. Her niece's go to defence mechanism after being embarrassed about anything is lashing out. This outcome was predictable.
'I think I might need something more effective to keep her in line'
"Are-are you okay!"(T)
Both kids crowded around the now curled on the floor Navy, checking if she was all right.
"What are those bracelets! Why did they shock you?!"(T)
"They didn't shock me... I-I just tripped and fell..."(N)
Navy was hiding her face in her curled position while spouting lies.
"Look sis! Don't those kinda resemble mom's special artifacts?"(G)
"Now that you mention it, they do! But they look more... special?"(T)
"Yea! Those duds need some sorta special phrase to work. Did she say it by mistake?"(G)
The demon girl, Teen, paused and seemed to think back to their conversation. A look of realization spread on her face that slowly morphed into a grin. The teasing voice of the little demon girl followed after.
"~Navy, are you under punishment?~"(T)
Instead of answering, Navy got up quickly and bolted in a random direction.
"H-hey where you going!"(G)
The little demon boy ran after Navy.
"Don't follow her! Ah fine!"(T)
Seeing that her brother already took off, the little demon girl ran after him.
'Well, this is proving to be very interesting'
Hopping off the branch she was rested on. Cura took to the sky following the children.
Today was an important day. A historic day. Today would mark the start of the truce between demonkind and the United Afia member races. Lucy should be happy, everything she had ever worked hard for was finally in her grasp. But... she couldn't, no matter how hard she tried to tell herself. The joy just wasn't appearing. Instead of joy, she felt a raging anger simmering. She was upset, no furious. Why had such a victory come at the price of her most beloved student?
Guilt was eating away at her. She was the reason he had died. Her selfishness had cost him his life. She still remembered when she first recruited him.  A naive little boy who thought he could pick pocket someone like her. He was an awful liar that seemed to be in his own world. Lucy had made him enlist for a chance to improve his life. He seemed like a good enough kid who she thought shouldn't be stealing. She wanted him to make himself a better life and for a while it seemed like he had.
He's success within the military was so explosive. It felt like everyday she would receive a report on his latest achievement. As his fame grew so did his ego. The small shy boy she picked from the streets had become a loud boisterous hero. She herself had been praised for finding such a talent. But, not everyone seemed happy with the rise of the new hero. Politics within the army had gotten worse. People were hunting for her student. She managed to shield him from the worst of it but there were limits with what she could do.
She remembered trying to warn him but he was still too high on his success to care.
'I should have been more assertive!'
Regret was an emotion that seemed to plague her mind of late.
'No more, with the last breath I will cleanse our rotten system'
She had hardened her will once more into a fine weapon. Not as sharp as when she was younger but just as willing.
The door to her office opened up. In stepped the new reigning hero and her greatest asset.
Dragon Waiter White had paid her a visit.
I was so tried I almost forgot to upload this chapter, Hope you enjoy!!