Chapter 28 ‘Deadly foe’
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A familiar aura seemed to wonder her lifeless forest. Making twists and turns with no discernible pattern. The aura was very weak, so weak to the point Shpinxunus wouldn't have noticed it if it wasn't for its own uniqueness. Such an aura roaming around her forest could very easily spell her doom. Something had let the walking nightmare roam free once more.
Shpinxunus could still remember the havoc wrecked upon the land 100 years later. After all, not even the land had completely healed. Her very own forest was a reminder of that. The old green forest where trees used to stand thousands of metres tall, laid to waste. In their place grew weaker more inferior copies. All spotting a sickly red hue. A trademark sign of mana sickness.
The forest had lost its heart and with it, most of her power. She was but a shell of her former self.
Shpinxunus knew about the doom of her dear forest well before it happened. The forest had warned her so. Pleading with her to run away. To save herself. But... how could she? The forest was all she ever wanted. If she were to leave, she would leave with nothing. Against its wishes she decided to stay, preparing to face whatever was destined to come. In doing so she sort help. Recruiting anything willing to fight by her side for promises of the forest bounty. They stood no chance.
Everything was plunged into despair  when the beast descended. It was hunting. Not for food, nor water but for the very heart of her forest. 
The winds in the air, the ground at her feet and the waters around them danced. A mad dance. Mana was flowing from them and to the monster. The mana was eager to listen, to be commanded, to be led. The monster didn't even seem to pay attention to its begging. Instead choosing to call forth its own might. The golden aura that surrounded the monster was dazzling. So tempting, so alluring, so inviting. The lesser creatures that were gathered appeared to be unable to handle this. Loads proceeded to die right at the start and the battle hadn't even begun in earnest.
Shpinxunus could still remember the words spoken to the assortment of gathered creatures.
"Do you desire life?"
Such simple words echoed out. Carried by a powerful voice. Madness was born as dozens of creatures scrambled to get away from it. None of them were willing to die just for some treasures.
Left standing alone Shpinxunus prepared herself. She was aware a monster was coming but she never thought it would be a Yalery. Her fate was truly sealed.
A bored expression played on the face of the Yalery. 
"I see you have some connection to the forest. Mind telling me where I may find its heart?"
Taking in a deep breath Shpinxunus  allowed her mana to flow freely within her body.
The Yalery let out a tired sounding sigh.
"Everybody is so eager to waste my time"
At that comment Shpinxunus felt her body start to tear. Something was trying to ripe her in half. Pull her apart.
Then... as suddenly as that feel came: it disappeared.
 Another presence joined the scene.
"Now sister, you surely know better than to use such power?"
A slightly taller Yalery stood beside the golden glowing monster clutching its tail. An annoyed expression was held by the golden monster.
"We are not children; such things no longer affect me"
The tail of the golden monster escaped the grasp of the hand before promptly launching itself at the taller Yalery who jumped back in response.
"As cold as ever sister, can't even give me a warm welcome after finding what it was you were so desperate for"
A familiar sapling was held by the Yalery.
Shpinxunus' body moved before she could register her own action. Powerful winds propelling her straight towards the mighty thief.
"A lively one! How fun!"
Barrelling straight towards the Yalery Shpinxunus shaped the very air around them. Making it take the form of deadly spikes. The spikes set to their target as if they had a will of their own. The Yalery didn't move to dodge, it didn't will its mana to rise in retaliation nor take any visible means to defend. It simply walked forward. When the spikes of air reached the Yalery they disappeared as if they never existed. Shpinxunus was not disheartened or discouraged by this development. Continuing her reckless charge at the great foe.
Ariving with terrible speed, Shpinxunus  paws shot towards the Yalery's head with her claws in full baring. The target of the attack moved suddenly and quickly. With its outstretched hand the Yalery grabbed the throat of the creature.
"Ever so bold. How... pointless"
The Yalery made a face full of mock pity. Its massive body pitched forward as it held the creature.
"Let this be a warning"
The creature didn't hear those parting words as its body was already sailing through the air.
Shpinxunus woke up at the base of a fallen tree unable to move. Not through a lack of trying though. Her body was simply beaten broken. The entire forest was quiet. Deadly quiet.
<Golden Queen>
The golden queen still couldn't believe she let her sister talk her into taking Navy out. She knew her sister well. A lazy, useless, waste of space who likes sleeping for years. What influence could such a person have on her daughter? The queen had been bugged and pestered into agreeing to this. Her sister had a special way of pushing her, that would always make her relent in the end. The queen had let her temporary emotions control her.
She was admittedly in a bad mood. The thought of her daughter being so far away from her was starting to get to her. Ever since bringing Navy home the queen hadn't been more than a short walk away. Knowing that her child was close and safe gave her a peace of mind. After all, she went through a lot of effort to bring the rebellious child home.
"Mistress we will be arriving soon"(M)
Dealing with mortals is always waste of precious time. The queen had many arguments with her sister on this very topic. Her sister appeared to have a strange fascination with the lower races. One that caused her to be furiously protective of them. The queen didn't care much about the lower races but knew her sister would intervene if she thought they were in serious trouble. It was for that sole reason alone the queen decided to make peace with them. She was not yet ready to properly battle her sister. The consequence of this is wasting time formalizing the peace. So, while she was her floundering around with lower races. Her sister spending time with her daughter. Her Navy.
And that thought was beyond upsetting.
A brief intermission before we get back to the gang.
Btw sorry for the late upload, I kinda fell asleep watching a rather silly movie