Chapter 29 ‘Fickle dream’
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Three children could be found sat in a cave. Slabs of meat were present in front of them. Red raw and dripping blood. You couldn't have guessed what it was. Ignavus sent a silent prayer to whatever unfortunate creature had fell at the claws of the beast. It couldn't have been a pretty death.

'She doesn't really expect us to eat this? This must be some sort of test? Right?'

Ignavus already knew from the expression of the beast that this was not the case. It really expected them to eat this meat.

"What's the matter children? Not hungry?"

Ignavus was tempted to give some lame excuse about eating earlier but was hesitant. Angering a beast that was deciding whether you lived or died seemed like a bad idea.

'Calm down Ignavus, you have done this hundreds of times!'

 Ignavus was an expert bullshitter. His rather recent streak might suggest otherwise, but who doesn't have a few bad days once in a while? Or weeks? It might be hard to believe but even greats like him are sometimes prone to failure.

'Besides I was very stressed. Mother and Marie were-'

Ignavus paused mid-sentence. Something he just thought felt very wrong.

'Since when did I refer to that awful thing as 'mother'?'

Ignavus felt his heart furiously begin beating at the implications. His situation was getting worse.

'One problem at a time, one problem at a time. I can sort this out later'

He couldn't afford to freak out right now. He had more important things at hand. For example, not eating this nasty thing.

"I must excuse myself as I have already eaten"(I)

'The simplest lies are the hardest to mess up'

The demon kids seemed to be quick on the up take.

"Y-yea, we all just ate! We couldn't possibly eat anymore!"(T)

"O-oh! yeah, like thirty minutes ago..."(G)

The beast's gaze lingered on Gol.

"That couldn't be children. I have been watching you wondering for at least an hour. Now hurry up and eat. I am so curious as to what landed you here"

Ignavus and Teen glared viciously at Gol.

'Damn idiot! He didn't even need to say that!' 

Gol wilted from the glares sent his way before appearing to come to a decision. He picked up the slab of meat that fitted well in his hands and... took a bite.

'What a brave idiot...'

They both watch as the little demon boy scarfed down the questionable meat.

Gol looked like he was about to throw up. He kept dry heaving and retching. The boy was not too far from death.

A look of resolution shone on Teen's face. She had come to a decision.

'Not you too!'

Teen reached out and grabbed the meat in her hands. It was now or never. She proceeded to eat the meat before collapsing next to her brother who had been knocked unconscious.

'I guess that just leaves me then...'

Ignavus feared nothing. Certainly not some shady meat. If mere children could do it, he could not call himself a hero if he were to run away. Ignavus brought the meat to his mouth and took a bite.



Ignavus woke up in the embrace of two people. Laying on his side, one was snuggling into his stomach while the other was snuggling into his legs. 

'What the heck happened...'

His memory slowly returned has he tried to squirm free of his captors. He didn't know what happened after they ate the shady meat, but he knew an opportunity when it presented itself.

'This is the perfect chance to escape!'

Or would be if he could actually free himself from the children hugging his body. Treating him like their personal pillow they could cuddle with. The more he struggled, the more the kids snuggled him tighter. Gol buried his head deeper into his stomach as Teen clutched his entire lower body in a firmer grip.

'What the hell is this!'

Ignavus continued to struggle while searching for his freedom. If he could just-

"Morning child. Did you sleep well?"

The beast was sat on all fours at the corridor that led to the entrance outside the cave. Silently watching him. Its menacing aura was entirely directed at him.

'How did I not notice it?!'

The menacing aura in the air made it hard to breathe. Ignavus was unable to return the greeting.

"As much as I love idle chatter I must ask, what brings you to my already destroyed land?"

The creatures eyes bore into him. An open threat.

"Do you seek to finish what your mother had started? Are you searching for glory? Or the treasure this land had?"

"Speak up child my patience runs thin; do note I have no love for liars"

Ignavus choked back tears as the pressure caused by the aura finally let up.

"I-I mean no harm.... I am just... just..."(I)

Ignavus was terrified. Never before had something this strong directed such killing intent at him. Simmering hatred seemed to lace the creatures every word. He could feel it. This creature had every intention of killing him. Ending his hopes. Ending his dreams. Ignavus couldn't help but feel scared. He didn't want to die. He had just started living.

"I just... want to farm! I don't want to hurt you!"(I)

For a brief moment everything became clear. A small truth that alluded to a greater whole. Ignavous had spent the better part of his life struggling to just survive. Every day was a special hell. He never knew what the next twisted thing life would throw at him. He was tired beat, hungry and defeated. But despite that, he never gave up on an old childhood dream he had. It was from when he visited the marketplace for the first and last time. That was the first time he had seen what a true farmer was like.

Wagons loaded up with so much food that one would never be able to run out. People that were so plentiful they could sell the excess. It had been an enchanting sight for him. Those few seconds before the guards caught him and threw him out of the gated market where ones that would last a lifetime. They became synonymous with true freedom. To live without a care except for crops and a trusty shovel was a dream. No suffering hunger pains and enough money to buy a few nice things.

The beast gave Ignavus a confused look.

"A farmer?"    

Either from the beast's presence or the rapid movements of Ignavus, the demon twins woke up. Quickly taking in the sight of a crying Ignavus.

"Navy what's wrong, what did that thing do?!"(G)

"Did you try and attack Navy while we were asleep?! Don't you know its cowardly to attack weaklings!"(T)

That last comment was unnecessary and a little hurtful. Though, it would pale in comparison to what Ignavus just said. If people found out about his ridiculous dream, he wouldn't be able to look at himself in the mirror.

"For a princess that is rather surprising..."