Chapter 31 ‘A kind of love’
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Marie had seen her mistress upset before, but it had never been this bad. 

Their journey through Afia was one filled with tension. After meeting the United Forces at the border lands, their relatively small escort had been guided by them towards the capital.

The origination of the tension was obvious. Her mistress was fuming. Upon her steed, the Wildebeast, she sat. The aura she allowed to flow crushing the entire envoy. It created an odd silence around the combined massive envoy. The demons as well as the other races were on high alert. All prepared to turn their weapons on each other.   

Marie was familiar with this situation. This was not the first time her mistress had unconsciously allowed her aura to roam. Normally it would take her mistress a couple of seconds to rectify this issue. If it persisted longer, she would inform her mistress and try calming her down. The only really odd difference today was the fact her mistress seemed to lose control in front of so many people. She was always in control when people were watching her.

'She must really miss her... that's oddly cute'

Over the years Marie had thought many things about her mistress. Never once were they cute. Her mistress was always just so... powerful, beautiful and frankly rather unreal. She was the pinnacle of existence. Everything she did was just so perfect. 

When Marie first laid eyes on her mistress she found herself at a loss for words. Unlike the carefree air that hung around her sister, her mistress aura commanded respect. It was something special. Truly a wonder for the world. It was at that moment Maire had decided to dedicate herself to her mistress.

Her mistress had been rather aggressive when they first met. It was understandable though. Maire was introduced to her by her sister as a way to control her. The first couple of months were shaky. Marie knew her mistress didn't care much for the lives of mortals. There were many occasions she thought would be her last, but Marie was determined to get close with her mistress.  Months passed by, just the two of them. Those months turned into years and through those years a unique bond had been built. Marie started to learn more about her mistress. Her perfect mistress was not so perfect. She was a messy eater, had a strange fear of insects with bright pink dots and struggled showing her affection for the things she loved. 

One would think Marie would have become disillusioned by her shows of weakness but on the contrary Marie's dedication grew. She believed she had found her purpose, her calling. It was her mission to ensure her mistress's happiness. For that wherein her happiness laid.

In her eyes, her mistress was perfectly imperfect.

'I better try and sooth this over before those silly soldiers kill each other'

As her mistress's only waiting lady, it was her duty to serve her.

Maire scooted closer to her mistress.

"How may I help assist you, my mistress?"(M)

The voice that was the centre of her world spoke.

"I am fine Marie. I require no assistance."(G.Q)

'Like mother like daughter, Huh' 

Marie had expected such an answer and was adequately prepared.

"Mistress, if I may be so bold to voice my thoughts. I would like to tell you of an idea I had."(M)

Her mistress sent a questioning gaze before stating in an impassive manner,


"I was just thinking of Lady Navy... I bet she's feeling rather lonely..."(M)

"Where are you going with this Marie?"(G.Q)

"What I mean to say is, why don't we send her something? Some sort of message to cheer her up. Just because were stuck on the road doesn't mean we can't send her something"(M)

Her mistress didn't respond immediately but Marie didn't need to receive a response to know her words had had the intended effect. The aura around her mistress drastically reduced. Many of the soldiers releasing bated breaths they didn't know they were holding.

"If it's for her... I guess we could work something"(G.Q)

If Marie wasn't sat right next to her mistress, she would have never heard those words.

An envelope, which was accompanied by a pen and paper, materialised in front of her mistress. Her mistress quickly wrote her piece before handing the paper towards her.

"Be quick"(G.Q)

Marie was momentarily surprised before quickly regaining her composure.

"Certainly, my mistress"(M)

The body of a snow-white harpy manifested from the thin air. A golden bracelet strapped around his neck. Looking as sheepish as a bird could.

"Y-you called for me mistress"(V)

Marie felt a little bad about tricking both her cute little lady and this naive familiar, but it had been done with good intentions. Her mistress believed it would lead to them forming a closer bond. True to her belief, it had.

"Redeem yourself Vultur. Deliver this to Lord Ariel."(G.Q)

"I-if you will it mistress!"(V)

The bird scrambled to take off from the Wildebeast's body startling the soldiers nearby.

"Is that a-!"

The soldier was quickly hit by his commander.

"March soldier, march"



White needed to prepare herself. She had to. She was about to come face to face with her commander's murderer. The only being solely responsible for his early death. A death she was sure wasn't sweet. A death that was a direct result of their weakness.

Her commander had always been the heroic type. A man willing and able to charge into the heat of battle to become the saviour they needed.

A true hero.

Unlike her. She was a fraud. A shameless replacement. She lacked the valour, charisma and presence of a true hero.

'Focus White, now is not the time for such thoughts'

White knew such thoughts were unbefitting for a hero. What would her commander say? Seeing her like this. Moping about and feeling sorry for herself? She had a duty. Not to herself, not to her soldier, not even to her family, but to the people of Afia. She couldn't allow such filthy thoughts to taint her mind.

'If they want a hero, I will be their hero'

White went before her extravagant mirror. Being the hero does grant you some certain privileges after all. 

A practiced smile could be seen on her face.

'I am the hero'

Regardless of whether she was prepared or not. The people needed a hero. And so long as they needed a hero, she would have her weapon at the ready.

White got up from her massive bed. The gold decorated frames seemed to taunt her as she donned her lavish armour. Plated with the finest jewels and gems that could be offered, the obsidian armour gave her a sense of brash comfort.

She shouldn't forget herself. She was a soldier. A soldier has no need for fear and uncertainty on the battlefield. Only precision and confidence.

If she was going to greet a monster, she couldn't afford to have her hands shaking. 


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