Chapter 32 ‘Relaxing evening’
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In a red forest where the trees grew in twisted shapes.

A young demon boy could be found.

Lying lazily in a bed of leaves. A contempt smile was plastered on his face. It had been a long time since he had been allowed to relax.

'Now this is the kinda punishment I deserve...'

Gol is always getting heat from both his parents in the literal and metaphorical way. His father was a general under the command of the Golden Queen. He always had pushed him and his sister to be the very best they could be. This resulted in unholy amounts of time just spent training. Perfecting his magic and body to a degree many would find unreasonable. One would hope for at least one calm parent, but his mother wasn't any better. In fact, he would argue she was much worse. She taught him the scholarly arts and would whack him over the head whenever she even suspected he was not paying what she calls "proper attention". It was truly a living nightmare.

There was hardly any room for any real fun. Most of the time allocated for it was spent resting and preparing for the next on slaughter of lessons. His sister was the only person he knew that would enjoy such a thing. She would spend their precious rest time actually studying as if they didn't already do enough of that. She would go on to berate him about being lazy while wishing for MORE work. 

Gol wasn't about that life. He didn't want to waste his life constantly working... so he resorted to skipping out on lessons. This greatly upset his sister as she would be forced to look for him which she deemed a waste of time. He would normally receive an ear full and a handy punishment to accompany his escapades, but he always felt it was worth it to experience a little freedom.

"Will you just give up already!"(T)


Gol's smile shifted into a light frown as he tried to reclaim his calm. Those two meatheads had been at it for a better part of an hour. The constant yelling was the only thing ruining the chill atmosphere. Gol was tempted to head in deeper into the forest but was scared of getting lost.

'I should probably do something...'

Gol sat up and gazed at the ongoing dual. The start had been somewhat interesting, mainly because Navy still had the energy and ideas to put up an entertaining show. She first had come out with a strong dash which was foiled by a well time kick. This was repeated a couple of times before she realized she wouldn't just be able to dash past Teen. She then resorted to using magic as a distraction, though Gol was still somewhat reluctant to call what he saw magic. As far as he could tell, all that was happening was Navy repeatedly failing to call forth her magic. Her aura would flare like something was going to happen, never once did anything though, but the threat alone made Teen wary.

Unfortunately for Navy, his sister had no patience and quickly got fed up with the fake outs. When she finally deemed the flare as a none threat, she would punish Navy heavily every time she flared her aura out by bashing her in the ground. Navy adapted to Teen's change in attitude and decided to use tactics many would consider underhanded. She resorted to trying to blind Teen long enough to escape the circle by kicking up dust into her eyes. This only served to further enrage the already angered Teen who responded to this provocation by choke holding her.

"Let go of me!"(N)

"Not until you yield!"(T)

Gol knew this duel would end soon. Navy had only lasted this long because Teen was actively holding herself back. Navy was not a bad fighter by any means, she clearly had some form of training. The problem was not technique, but her lack of any real power. She was physically weaker than Teen and couldn't even use magic to compensate. Gol knew this and Navy seem to. The moment Teen grabbed her she knew she was a goner.

A desperate look flashed through Navy's eyes. She opened her mouth... and bit down on Teen's arm.

"You bit me!"(T)

Teen had let go of Navy and let her stumble forward. Navy turned back and glanced at Teen with a bewildered expression. It appeared she, herself was confused with her own actions. Navy glanced at Teen then back at the circle's edge. A sigh left her mouth as she walked over to Teen.

Teen was kneeling on the ground clutching her arm. A pained expression was all that could be seen on her face.

'Well... that went out of hand fast'

Gol wasn't too concerned for his sister. He doubted that Navy could do any real damage to her. 

"Oww...m-my arm..."(T)

Not that Navy knew.

"A-are you okay?"(N)

"I-I think so..."(T)

"Is it that bad? Bring it here, let me see"(N)

"No way!"

Teen pulled away and hid her hand.

"I was just trying to help! And you did this to me! Why are you being so difficult?! Can't you see how dangerous it is!?"(T)

Navy seemed to somehow grow even smaller from the verbal lashing.


Teen's face contorted into a saddened expression. 

"Promise me Navy, promise you will listen to me. I'm just trying to get all of us home"(T)

Navy's face scrunched up.

"Uhh... I don't...think"(N)

Teen mustard up the most tearful face Gol had seen. Navy quieted for a second before finally responding.

"S-sure, whatever..."(N)


Teen bound up from the ground with a jovial attitude.

"Okay! Let's first work out a plan"(T)

A look of disbelief encapsulated Navy's face.  She had been had by his sister.

His sister could be cunning when she needed to be which was rather horrible. Gol sympathised with the feeling. 

It felt awful.

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