Chapter 33 ‘Stake out’
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Teen had duped him and as much as Ignavus wanted to call her out on it, he held back.

He had no right to talk after just biting a child. He had got too caught up in the moment and had forgotten himself. Something that felt like it was becoming a bad habit. He was a man. An adult, and he had allowed himself to lose his cool over some annoying brat. What he had done was inexcusable. Being a child was really, really messing with him.  

'Ahh... what is wrong with me...'

Ignavus had not been acting his age for a while. He was the adult in this situation for crying out loud! He needs to take charge! Not argue with a bunch of kids.

The fact Teen had tricked him into agreeing to help was almost irrelevant. He should have helped the moment he realised they were lost, that's what people expect a hero to do.

'Take charge...'

Ignavus glanced at Teen who was lying beside him fast asleep. All talks of making a plan fell through the moment she realised the sun had practically set.

'As if that would happen...'

As much as Ignavus didn't want to admit it. Teen was way stronger than him. She was tough as nails to the current him. That combined with her rather aggressive personality didn't lend well to the idea of him leading them. His body was still aching from its repeated greetings with the ground. 

'What is my life...'

All within a day Ignavus had been dropped out of the sky, kidnapped by a monster and lectured by a child. If someone told him this was his future, he would have thought it was some sick joke.

Teen shifted in her sleep displacing the bed leaves Gol had made for them. Her actions further sandwiching him between the demon children.

'Not again!'

Ignavus was sleeping in one of the most uncomfortable positions he had ever been forced to. Teen had stated that in order to make sure he was safe throughout the night, it was imperative that he slept in arms reach. Ignavus wasn't a complete idiot. He knew Teen just wanted to cuddle him while they slept like in the cave. She and Gol had even commented about it in their sleep.

'Tomorrow is a new day, Tomorrow is a new day'

This short phrase saved his sanity in the past, hopefully it still will. Ignavus was already tired and thinking about how much his day sucked was not going to make it any better. He might as well try and get some sleep and think of some form of a plan in the morning. 


"I know your awake! Get up already"(T)

Ignavus curled tighter into himself.

'When will this nightmare end?'

By the way things were going, he wouldn't be able to wake up from this dream anytime soon.

"Come on Navy, let's just get this over. I dunno, maybe it could even be fun? Like those cool myths your mom is in."(G)

Teen's face lit up at those words.

"OH! This could be the start of some legendary tale! 'Three travellers journeyed across the desolate twisted red forest in search of a mighty beast to slay' -"(T)

"Weren't you banned from those books? You have a serious problem those..."(G)

Gol's unamused face stared down his sister's own.

Teen let out a cough before grabbing both their hands.

"A-anyway, we have a mission people! Let's get to it!"(T)


Ignavus was beyond bored. They had been camping out in the tree branches the entire morning a few minutes away from the impromptu camp. Not only was he bored but he was also starting to feel a little hungry.

"Some great tale this is gonna be"(G)

"Hush your whining and, Navy quit looking at me like that. I know you both know how important this is for the plan"(T)

The plan as Teen had mentioned was simple. Find out when the beast left its cave, then sneak in and nab the stone. Ignavus hated this plan because of its obvious flaws. Especially its major one. They didn't have any clue if the beast would actually leave its cave. Monsters like this have been known to reside in their homes for decades. When Ignavus pointed this out, Teen said they would wait it out for one day and if nothing changed. A new plan would be forged. She seemed to be under the impression that a beast that size needed to hunt on a close to daily basis.

Ignavus got fed up with the faulty logic and offered up a more active plan. Smoking out the beast. They would gather leaves then set them on fire which would fill the cave with smoke. When the beast ran out, they would sneak in grab the stone and high tail it out of there. This plan was shot down because Teen didn't want to risk a possible close confrontation with the beast. If things went south, they wouldn't be able to pull out. She also highlighted the beast's ability to sense them like when they were wandering the forest. The moment it came out and sensed the three of them, they would be dead.

'There must be some limitations to its ability, after all it is yet come out to chase us away'

Despite Ignavus pointing this out Teen still favoured her own plan saying his had too much risk.

Ignavus felt his stomach growl for the second time today.

'Forget this! We don't even have enough food to last a day'

Ignavus started to climb down from the tree.

"Where do you think you're going!?"(T)

Teen whispered yelled.

"Getting something to eat. Wanna come?"(I)

A conflicted look appeared on Teen's face. It appeared he wasn't the only one feeling a little peckish.

"You know I can't let you go, right?"(T)

'I think I might really be starting to hate children'

"Don't worry I'll accompany her. We'll bring you whatever we find"(G)

Teen finally thought for a moment before finally relenting.

"Don't be long then"(T)


Ignavus couldn't believe just how bare this land was. There was nothing. Absolutely nothing. The red twisted tree bore no fruit and the bushes that dotted the landscape were almost all dead. The only alive shrub they found was poisonous and to top off the pile of misfortune they hadn't spotted a single animal. There was no way they were going to survive here much longer.

'How did that stupid beast even find food out here! There's literally nothing to eat!'

Ignavus found himself starting to crave that damnable meat. It appears his new body couldn't go long without some sustenance.

'This plan is doomed to fail. Something has to change!' 

Ignavus went and grabbed the poisonous berries before marching off to where Gol had decided to take a nap. Shaking him awake, Ignavus spoke,

"We need to head back. A change of plan is needed"(I)

Still in his sleep stupor Gol replied dumbly, 

"W-what, did you find anything?"(G)

Ignavus was tempted to smack him over the head. Gol had only helped him in the first five minutes of searching for food before retiring under the pretence of monitoring the area for threats. 

"Yes! Let's head back"(I)

'Hopefully Teen understands'