Chapter 35 ‘Concerned Parents’
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Standing outside the door to his bedroom Ariel prepared himself.

A bowl of sweet small delicacies at the ready. He was prepared to meet his dear.

'I give those kids one simple task and they decide to run away...'

Ariel knew his kids didn't really run away but he couldn't understand what would make them take so long. The twisted red forest wasn't far from their domain. It would only take a day's walk to return home. He kept replaying the instructions he gave them in his head and was certain he told them everything they needed to know to find their way back. Well... except for the fact the stone wouldn't work in the hands of his children. Though that was something they would figure out soon after circling the same area for a while.

Ariel wasn't personally too concerned about the safety of his children. They were in the safe hands of a Yalery. If something happened to them, he was beyond certain the issue would be resolved. That said...

'Why are they taking so damn long!'

Now he had to face the mother of his children and explain why the kids he promised would come back yesterday were nowhere to be found. His dear was normally rather understanding and sympathetic but when it came to the kids. She was a whole different beast.

Opening the door to his bedroom Ariel decided to commit to a small unverifiable lie. One that would sound true enough to not question too deeply.

The sight that greeted him was a concerning one. His dear was sat on their desk fiddling with her flame. She was mad. Even though she was mad, Ariel couldn't help but admire his dear. Her beautiful red skin reflecting the deep red of her flame, her fluorescent yellow eyes drawing him in, and as much as he wanted to resist, he couldn't help himself. 

"I see you have returned my dear, was your trip eventful?"

The eyes of his lovely partner stared something ferocious.

"Not at all, my love"(A)

Ariel moved closer to his counterpart who had stood up to greet him. Placing down the bowl of treats, he spread out his arms with the strong intention of embracing his love. Despite his love being in a horrible mood, she didn't refuse his embrace. Instead, moving closer to feel his warmth.

'Ahhhh.... I can never get tired of this'

Ariel couldn't help himself. Everything about his dear was addicting. From her smell to her touch. There was nothing he wouldn't do. Even being away from her was painful. She was a lovely dear. A dear who had gifted him with two lovely children. A dear who had supported through his trials. A dear who was currently very mad at him.

"So... where are the children?"

"They'll be home soon my dear. They merely got turned around"(A)

'I at least hope that's all that happened'

Ariel couldn't really know if that's what happened, but he liked to think that's all that did happen when his thoughts started to spiral.

Ariel spoke softly as he pulled her closer.


Her voice was sharp and subtly disguised with anger.

"Charish my dear, please trust me. They're in safe hands. Hands I would stake my life on..."(A)

The couple stood in the embrace of each other. Enjoying the reassuring air brought by the others presence.

"You know how I worry for them..."(Ch)

"I do my dear, I worry to, but this is an important matter that cannot be ignored... Please understand..."(A)

The couple basked in each other's embrace.

"I know dear. That's the upsetting part"(Ch)

When Ariel had told his dear of the will of the Queen, she had been less than thrilled but complied in the end. The potential benefits outweighed the negatives. It also helped that the Queen was so domineering.

"I have made the necessary preparations for the guest"(Ch)

It appears that his dear had calm down already. Ariel couldn't help but smile at that. His dear was always so controlled.

"Thank you, my love"(A)

The pair continued to enjoy the company of each other. The old feeling of them against the world surfing once again. 

The peaceful scene was shortly disrupted by hurried footsteps. A maid appeared with a frightful look on her face.

"M-my Lordship and Ladyship, A-a familiar has landed with a m-message for y-you"

The maid looked about ready to collapse from fright. Ariel couldn't help but chuckle at the reaction of the maid.

'She must be new'

Finally freeing himself from the sweet embrace of his love. He turned and faced the maid.

"I will appear shortly"(A)

Taking the hand of his dear, he asked,

"Are you ready my love?"(A)

His love flashed him a silly smile before simply stating,

"What a silly question, of course I am"(Ch)

Together they walked to meet the familiar that bore the latest news.



Cura couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed at the result of the confrontation. She had really been hoping for the beast to at least try something. If it did, she would have swooped in and saved the day. Impressing Navy and her little friends and in turn making her sister very jealous. A win-win situation from whatever angle she looked at it. Cura's golden gaze glared at the beast that had just invited the children to its little home.

'I can't believe that creature survived...'

Cura remembered sparing that creature from her sister's wrath and inadvertently saving it from a horrific death. Her sister had a rather short temper. Utilizing devastating power only a Yalery could be capable of. Power that they were taught from a very young age only to ever use in the worst of situations.

Many feared the Yalery kind and for good reason. Mountain raising, continent crushing, ocean draining monsters that faced no real opposition other than themselves. Someone had to keep them in check. A duty Cura decided to shoulder.

'Navy... my cute little niece. I hope you don't take after your mother in that regard. I would hate it if I were to be forced to lock you up too...'