Chapter 39 ‘Best friend blunders
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Big news! This story just got its first reviews! Thanks to Whatthejug and Aoiluze. I am beyond glad you guys are enjoying the first book in 'Tales of the free' collection. It gives me much confidence and motivation! I know I might not always reply, but I greatly appreciate each and every one of you guys' comments! 


A snow-white bird could be seen soaring through the sky. With the features of a harpy and a massive frame, it was quite the sight.

Vultur was beyond glad he finally was let out of his mistress' domain. When he had arrived back with a shiny new collar, she was not all too pleased with him. He knew he had messed up real bad when she didn't even acknowledge his return. The short glance she threw at him almost made him die. He had hoped when he returned to his mistress' inner domain, he would experience some relief. Instead, he was greeted by the berating of all the other familiars.

{Will you guys leave the child alone? Is it not normal for the young to make mistakes?}(P)

Puma came to his rescue just like always. Reassuring him that everything was okay and that all the other familiars where just envious of him. Vultur could hardly believe his words. In their eyes and his, he was just some small bird who was not spectacular in any regards. A weakling compared to them. They had every right to think that. The familiars gathered inside the inner domain of his mistress were nothing short of terrifying. When he first came inside his mistress' inner domain, he could hardly even look at half of them without going mad. If Puma weren't there to reassure him and comfort him, he wouldn't be alive today.

The initial hostility of the other familiars resurged with greater intensity after they learned why he had gotten the golden collar around his neck. He had met the mistress' daughter, and even slept with her in the same room. A luxury many of them are yet to have. A luxury many of them believed was theirs.

{Will you all relax! You all know too well why you can't meet the young girl!}(P)

From what Puma explained, most of these creatures were simply too terrifying to meet Navy without causing her harm. Something Vultur easily believed. If he struggled, he couldn't imagine what would happen to a weakling like Navy. Puma and him were the only ones capable of meeting Navy. Him because he was so weak and Puma because he could alter his body to impressive levels.

'I just hope Navy is okay...'

Despite having a rough time Vultur was mostly left unscathed. Although he had passed out from the initial shock of his new collar, he wasn't actually hurt. He just was passed out for a second before he felt his mistress' summon him back to her. He was lucky. The same couldn't be said about Navy. She had gotten smacked, shocked and... well he didn't know what the last punishment was, but it couldn't be anything good.

'I really hope she's okay'

Vultur knew he wouldn't be allowed near Navy anytime soon after his dumb idea. He was even lucky his mistress' gave him a chance to redeem himself.

'If only...'


Vultur had finally reached his intended destination. The house of Lord Ariel. He was not a stranger to this place, having come here before to deliver messages his mistress wanted to keep private. He made his way to the courtyard where he proceeded to hover for a second before deciding it was safe enough to land. Like he usually did.

Unlike usually though, he was not greeted by a mirid of maids. Only two maids were before him. The older maid, the house maid as he came to learn, was standing up right with a firm bow. Her younger counter part though, was staring with wide eyes before copying the older maid a little too late.

"Greetings Sworn Vultur, I am delighted at your visit. Please allow me to call my master"

Vultur was still getting used to his title. Being referred to as Sworn symbolised something. A commitment every familiar makes. A commitment he didn't make willingly.

After Vultur nodded his head in agreement, the older maid gestured towards the younger one who promptly left as if being chased.

A few moments later two demons appeared. A tall, muscular demon and a slender, lean demoness.

"Greeting Sworn Vultur, I hope your travels finds you well?"(Ch)

"They did, thanks for asking"(V)

'I hope that came out formal sounding...'

It was hard to talk with a piece of paper in your mouth after all.

Lord Ariel smiled at his words before asking,

"A letter for me?"(A)

His voice sounded a little tried. Something nobody would blame him for. These letters were hardly ever good news.

Vultur walked forward and dropped the letter in his hands.

"To my dear Navy?"(A)

It was that exact moment Vultur sensed a familiar presence and from the way the others perked up, they felt it to.

'She's here!!'


Vultur wanted so desperately to rush and meet Navy but both demons had stopped him. Simply stating they wanted to see what they were doing. Vultur accepted this painful request because of how nicely they asked. So, all of them went inside the home and just watched as the kids hopped the fence.

When Vultur saw Navy's state, he was momentarily filled with dread. She looked like someone set her on fire before rolling her in a mud bath filled with horns. The only thing that held him back was the small smile on her face whenever she interacted with those other kids around her. His best friend had gotten other friends. He was not jealous at all. Not. At. All.

The kids had finally gone into the room before Vultur's desire to meet Navy grew out of control. He waited until the door opened before tackling Navy and enjoying her warmth and smooth skin. Navy was a bit prickly about it but gave in like he knew she would. Even when she says she doesn't like it, she keeps rubbing her face deeper in his feathers without his prompting.

Vultur couldn't help but feel like he was on the clouds after having Navy agree to the cuddle time. 

'Take that other friends! Only a best friend can do this!'

Though, Vultur had to resort to lying a little bit to get Navy to agree. No familiar would cuddle him even if he didn't have the golden bracelet around his neck.

'I can't wait to be wrapped in her arms'

Vultur's gazed drifted to Navy's small hands.

'Her arms are... wait... what are those?'

Clutched in Navy's hands were clothes. Not just any clothes though. Clothes she was explicitly banned from ever wearing. Vultur remembered back when Navy was trying on clothes and similar clothes to that were found. Navy had begged to be allowed to use them but was denied. All such clothes were banned from that moment due to not being lady-like enough.

"O-okay, nice to meet you"(N)

Sneaking up closer to Navy and lady Charish, Vultur decided to ask Navy.

"Mhmm... Navy what are those clothes?"(V)

Navy froze.

"O-oh these? T-they are just... clothes...clothes I-Im carrying for Teen..."(N)

Navy pointed to the little demon girl not too far from her. Vultur knew there was something fishy about her answer, but he couldn't point it out. Vultur did finally get it when the demon boy spoke,

"I thought you were wearing those?"(G)

The demon girl shot him a vicious glare while the smile of lady Charish grew.

"Is that so?"(Ch)

"Please Vul, don't tell! I won't ever get this chance again! Please let me wear this!"(N)

'I have a nickname!'

Vultur wouldn't ever tell even if Navy didn't ask him but the same couldn't be said about lady Charish who, swiftly grabbed the clothes right out of Navy's hands.

"No! My clothes!"(N)

"Your clothes?"(T)

Giving an apologetic smile lady Charish explained herself,

"I'm sorry Princess Navy but I was given strict instructions regarding what you could wear. Please forgive me"(Ch)

"No! Please let me wear it! I promise I won't say a thing! No one will!"(N)

"I'm sorry. A No is a no"(Ch)

Navy didn't give up though and kept making her pleads,

"I can give you whatever you could desire! I swear! Treasures beyond your wildest dreams!"(N)

Lady Charish tapped Lord Ariel's shoulder then muttered,

"Letter please"(Ch)

Lord Ariel handed her the letter with a slightly confused face.

Lady Charish took the letter and opened up her hand towards Navy.

"Please read this. I believe you will understand the situation"(Ch)

Navy stopped mid speech and looked at the letter with mild apprehension. She reached out and opened the letter then started reading. Her face seemed to fall the further she got into the letter. After finishing she tried to rip the paper. Paper made by the Golden Queen. Of course it wouldn't falter. Instead, Navy handed the letter back to lady Charish while muttering under her breath,

"Sending a letter really is cheating..."(N)