Chapter 41 ‘The baby child’
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Ignavus was thoroughly sick of this woman.

"Is this really necessary?!"(I)

Ignavus was currently sat in a chair that could only be fit for toddlers, being spoon fed by the kids' mom.

"Of course Princess. Lady Marie was very clear on this matter"(Ch)

"Now say 'Ahhhhh' "(Ch)

Ignavus reluctantly opened his mouth as he saw the incoming spoon. He needed this to end soon.

"Good girl!"(Ch)

In the corner of his eye, Ignavus saw Gol and Teen struggling to contain their laughter.



'Why are they still even here! They both already finished!'

Ignavus could feel his face burning up. Both kids had stayed back just to see him humiliated.

"Gol, Teen! Its off to your rooms if you can't control yourselves!"(Ch)


Both kids had straightened up at their mother's address.

"That's more like it! You must be more understanding towards Princess Navy! She's not nearly as strong or as capable as you yet!"(Ch)

""Yes mother""(T&G)

'Serves you right brats!'

Ignavus let out a taunting smile as the mother's attention was drawn on the kids.

"Come on now Princess Navy let us finish. See, your almost done!"(Ch)

Ignavus could only hung his head in defeat and continue to be spoon fed.

'To think there was worse than home...'

Ignavus didn't know what crazy instructions Marie had left but it had pretty much ruined his entire stay so far.  The kids' mother had babied him relentlessly. Not allowing him to lift a finger for himself for even the most mundane things. 

After his short reunion with Vultur, he was whisked away to the baths. Something he was entirely for until he was told someone had to accompany him. Reason? In case he got hurt or needed help. Ignavus had hoped that he would finally get some alone time in the baths. A hope he managed to somewhat fulfill. Talks with the mother revealed she was instructed to specifically make sure his wings and tail were clean. Ignavus got her to agree to only assisting with his wings. How? Endless pleading. It was a little shameful but the pay-off was worth it. He got to clean himself for the first time in a while. It might not have been entirely by himself, but it was better than nothing. 

The mother had also insisted that he be carried everywhere citing how tired he must be, which to be fair was true, but it didn't mean he liked it. It just gave Teen and Gol another reason to laugh at him. He was provided clothes similar to the torn ones he had after his bath then his hair was neatly combed.

Ignavus remembered the face that stared back at him as he had his hair combed. The face of a little girl. It reacted whenever he lifted his hand or blinked his eyes. Mirroring his movements. The thoughts running through his head at the time were conflicted as ever.

'What am I even?'

Ignavus sometimes liked to believe he was still himself. A mighty hero. A great man. Something the reflection in the mirror reminded him he was not. All he saw in the mirror was a little girl named Navy, whose life was filled with oddities. She looked like a baby pushover.

The small girl in the mirror attempted to make a fierce face. Only for it to come out as adorable more than fierce. The tiny girl could feel the lady behind her gush at her actions.

'A serious joke...'


"Good job Princess! You are free to play with the twins and Vultur."(Ch)

Ignavus was lifted up from his high rise chair and gently placed back on the ground.

"Kids, why don't you show her around?"(Ch)

Both kids nodded vigorously before each grabbing Ignavus' hand and leading him out of the dining room.

"We'll see to it mother"(T)

"No problem"(G)

"Hey! Wait up!"(V)

Just as Ignavus was being dragged out of the room he heard,

"Dear, don't you think you were a bit too strong?"

"'Not at all my love. Didn't you see how small and lovely she was? She definitely needed all the help she could get"(Ch)

"Fair enough my love"

'Damn them all'


Ignavus couldn't help but think back to the letter that was sent his way. The thing was so veiled in threats of aggression and punishment should he give his hosts too hard a time. It was the main reason he was trying to be extremely compliant. It also served as a reminder that his stay was short. His brief freedom was short. The moment someone came to pick him up, he was going to go back to his new routine that mainly consisted of over the top training. It was also serving as a reminder as to why he should try and enjoy his situation.

"Wow, Navy you really suck at this game!"(V)

"I do not! I wasn't even trying! Pass me another stone!"(I)

The group of children stood in a stone courtyard. A white wooden target with three black rings was hung about fifty metres away. The name of the game was simple. Whoever gained the most points by the end of the game is the winner. The first and smallest circle was worth 5 points, the second and medium circle was worth 2 while the last and the least was 1. Each player got three shots per game. The kids had played a total of six games. With Gol winning three, Teen winning two and even Vultur winning one. Ignavus on the other hand... had not even hit the target once.

'That dumb bird doesn't even have arms! If he could hit it, there is no way I can't!'

Vultur had been using his mouth to launch pebbles. A crude method but one that was apparently more effective than Ignavus' own.

"Maybe we should try another game?"(G)

"Just after this last throw!"(I)

Ignavus could hear the collective sigh of three beings behind him but he did not care.

"Isn't that what you said for the last two throws?"(T)

Ignavus decided to ignore the negative comments and focus real hard on this throw. He knew something fishy was going on with this target, but it only appeared to happen whenever he threw. Whenever he tried to call it out, he was called a sore loser. Which was not the slightest bit true!

Ignavus steadied his breath and took his stance. Instead of aiming directly at the target Ignavus aimed to the complete right of it.

'I got you this time!'

The target would shift place ever so slightly to the right whenever he threw. This time he accounted for that and overshot to the right anticipating the targets movements. This was not the first time he was attempting this, but it was the attempt that carried the most corrections. It was bound to hit.

'Fly true my stone!' 

The stone was on target and prime for the hit. Ignavus knew that at this point he was not going to win any game, but that was not the point. He just wanted to prove to the non-believers gathered around him that he could at least hit the target once.

'Yes! Yes! Yes! I've done it!'

Just as the stone was about to hit the target it disappeared. The target disappeared.


Ignavus turned back to face the others.

'They must have seen that!'

No one was paying attention. Gol was laying on the ground with his eyes closed while Teen's attention was focused on inspecting Vultur's feathers.

"Did you guys see that!"(I)

Teen looked up from her inspection and asked,

"Did you finally hit it?"(T)

"W-well not really... but it wasn't my fault! T-the target, it disappeared!"(I)

"Disappeared? It's right there though?"(V)

Ignavus looked back at the target hung limply. Rage was beginning to cloud his mind.

Someone was messing with him.

"Don't worry Navy. We can't all be good at everything and lying will not make us any better..."(G)


Ignavus didn't need to hear it to know.

None of them believed him.