Chapter 45 ‘The Familiar Creature’
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Cura stared down the body of a creature.

Its grotesque form a shadow of what was once a beautiful being. 

"I should have known better to think anything would have changed"(C)

The body of the creature let out a low growl.

"Do ever so calm yourself. I would hate to accidentally kill you"(C)

The sound the creature produced slowly waned to a stop. For all its bravado, the creature was deeply scared.

'What shall I ever do with this thing?'

Cura had completely forgot about this creature. It was only when she heard it mention her dear sister in its conversation with Navy did she remember. This was the creature she had once stole from. The formerly high standing lush green forest had been reduced to a sorry state. Smaller twisted crimson trees dotted the once serene landscape. It was no wonder why Cura didn't remember this place.

'What a mess'

Cura had meant to spare the creature from her sister's wrath but consequently led it to a fate many would consider worse than death. A sluggish degradation. It appeared that since she had ripped out the heart of the forest the creature had been on a slow steady decline. Something Cura had honestly not expected. From her quick glance at the situation all those years ago, it seemed like the heart was siphoning off energy from the creature. Seeing the results from this current defeat, Cura was beginning to doubt her split second judgement. 

'All this time to mature... how disappointing'

Cura had saved this creature for two express purposes. First, to regulate her sister's liberal use of her might and second, in order to foster an entertaining foe to battle. She had expected the despair of losing something so dear would to drive the creature insane for revenge. A little old trick she had used many times in order to nurture opponents that wouldn't die just because she breathed wrong. All the manufactured opponents had one thing in common. Greed. Whether they wanted justice or power they all believed that could be attained through the defeat of a Yalery. An impossible feat yet one they would be the first to accomplish. Cura couldn't help but pity them.

'Mortals never learn, do they?'

Cura bent down and gazed at the creature which was a few moments away from death. Her mother had always taught her self-restraint. A lesson she had generally taken to heart. Unlike her sister, she had mostly mastered the subtle art. Mostly... well because she still did let loose more often than she would admit. Prime examples would be the manufactured opponents or situations such as the one she currently finds herself in.

"Say creature, would you care for an agreement?"(C)

Cura had bent her knees in order to bring herself closer to the ruined face of the creature. A fun idea had blossomed in her mind.

The creature did not give a response... which was to be expected. It lacked the jaw necessary to make such movements.

"How about I restore your precious forest to how I first saw it? Make it as enchanting and as beautiful as it once was?"(C)

Cura could see her words slowly stringing the creature. Its eyes still held a vain hope it seemed it was not entirely aware of.

"I have a gift you see. A gift I desire to share with you creature"(C)

Cura had adopted a soft, gentler tone. One that fed off on the grand tales told about Yalery kind.

"I have seen how greatly you have suffered. At my hands and as well at the hands of others. Stripped of power and dignity"(C)

A hand concealed in a powerful golden aura extended from the lonesome Yalery.

"Let me restore you to your former glory creature. Become again what you once were and always was. A powerful, magnificent creature"(C)

The hand arrived just in front of the creature's face. Stopping.

"All I ask is that you serve  me. Become an enforcer of my will. A simple task for a being such as yourself"(C)

Cura could see the internal debate that raged within the creature through its eyes.  One that lasted a short while. There was really only one option for the creature if the creature wanted to live. Working with its tormentor.

"Welcome my familiar"(C)

Cura's hand touched the head of the fallen creature. Sealing the deal and establishing the agreement.

'How naive'

The body of the creature slowly began to melt into Cura's shadow in a shower of golden sparks.

'I can't wait to see Navy's face'

A manic smile shone on Cura's face

'Ah, I should probably take care of this forest'

With that thought Cura could feel her body race as her mana grew excited. It already knew what that entailed.

A reaction that caused Cura to laugh aloud.

'It’s been that long has it now?'

Cura was suddenly covered in a splendid golden aura. One that attracted the dormant mana within the air even closer than they normally would be to a Yalery. They were all pleading for a simple thing. Acknowledgement. A desire to be used.

Cura ignored their pestering at the delight of her own internal mana. This was a job only it could hope to achieve.


'It should be about time I picked her up'

Cura was lazily perched high up in a tree. 

Recreating the entire forest had taken longer than she had expected. This was frankly because she kept changing her mind. She had made and remade the entire forest around thirty times until she got a look she enjoyed. One she knew Navy would love after she finally learned how to fly.

'Looks like I'm cutting her fun short. What a shame...'

Cura stood up and stretched her body for a good minute before finally deciding to leave.

What she left in her wake could only be described as an extraordinary sight.

Tall white Oak trees stretched to the skies. The way the bark glistened threatening to evoke feelings of jealously from the brightest light.

Their pure golden leaves stayed hidden in the clouds as if afraid of would-be thieves.