Chapter 47 ‘A Yalery and her Magic’
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"Greetings, I am the daughter of the most esteemed Golden Queen. N-Navy..."(I)

Ignavus was beyond tired and frustrated, but that did not seem to be a concern of his mentors.

"I feel like she should add princess when introducing herself. What do you think?"(C)

'Would you please just shut up!?'

His dear auntie Cura, as she like to be referred to, had ruined his already trying morning. Her unique ability to randomly show up and do so was becoming increasingly annoying and uncanny. Ignavus still remembered the disaster leaving the twins alone was. His dear aunt Cura had decided to drop in early in the morning after he had had his breakfast and was again playing target. This time no cheating as he had ratted both the twins and Vultur out to the twin's parents. Both parents were present and watching ensuring a fair game. Ignavus was sure he was going to win; he could have even sworn he saw Teen trembling. But alas, fate was a cruel mistress.

It was at that second his dear, sweet auntie Cura had decided to show up. Ignavus at the moment didn't know what was more annoying. The fact that everyone present seemed to respect someone like her enough to bow or the fact her landing had thrown his shot way off. Ignavus could only coldly stare at his auntie for a second before controlling his expression and coming to a sad realization. She had again forgotten to bring a carriage. It meant she planned on carrying him all the way back. Something Ignavus was firmly against. He expressed his wishes by refusing to go and running around the legs of his auntie. Successfully dodging her grasp for a couple of seconds until she tripped him and hoisted him up by his tail using her own. The faces of everyone present was something he desired to forget. Same with the few remarks his auntie gave apologising on his behalf about his admittedly childish behaviour.

"Certainly, but before that we must get this most basic phrase down"(G.Q)

Ignavus was given a look by a certain queen mother. A look that made him want to disappear. They had been practicing that one simple phrase for quite sometime now and by their standards, Ignavus was still yet to get it right. He kept stammering and tripping up on his words hoping they would just give and leave him be. Slow progress was being made and Ignavus was entirely to blame. But progress was progress even if Ignavus didn't like it. It was just... openly admitting what he knew deep down was still disheartening.

"Do you really think she'll be ready?"(C)

"I will make her ready"(G.Q)

They just did it again. Ever since arriving back they kept referencing something. It was something Ignavus was tempted to ask about, but just from the way they kept tip toeing around the subject he knew it was a lost cause. It did make Ignavus silently worry about his future though because it for without a doubt involved him.

"Mother, may I request a break?"(I)

Ignavus was learning. All his time spent around his self-proclaimed mother was not for waste. What the queen desired from him was becoming clearer with each and every passing day. He had to be tough but not too tough, he had to be obedient but not too obedient, he had to be everything but also nothing at the same time. It was a balance. A fragile one. One only someone as great as him could even dare try and accomplish. So, as much as it pained him to refer to her as mother, it would be worthwhile in the end when he gets what he wants.


'Oh, come on!'

Admittedly there was still a few kinks to work out, but Ignavus still felt like he was making progress figuring out his new guardian. After all, he could have sworn he saw her eyebrow twitch. It was the first time he actually referred to her as mother.

"Don't be like that Navy! We are just getting to the fun part of today's lesson!!"(C)

Ignavus could only grimace at the proclamation. Unlike his queen mother, his auntie was mostly still a complete mystery. Other than bullying him and being lazy, he didn't know what her deal was.


Ignavus felt a tail wrap around his chest before launching him off the ground and into the arms of his queen mother.

'A warning before you do that wouldn't hurt'

He might complain but was internally a little grateful she wasn't carrying him just using her tail. It was more than embarrassing.


A little girl stood within the middle of an open field with her tail nervously swaying back and forth.

Three people were spectating her. Two sat in comfortable cushioned chairs while the extra stood beside them serving snacks.

They were all waiting for something to happen.

'Oh, what I am going to do?!'

Ignavus was panicking for he had just been asked to do the impossible.

It all started when they left the halls and journeyed out into the open fields at the back of the palace. The closer they got to the fields the stronger the sense of impending doom got. 

"Here should be about fine, right sister?"(C)

"Yes. It should suffice"(G.Q)

The queen gently put Ignavus down and without directly looking at him began speaking,

"Today you will learn an important lesson Navy"(G.Q)

The voice of the queen had taken a serious and more subdued tone.

"Today you will learn why Yalery kind are feared"(G.Q)

It was subtle.

The area around only gave short tremors.

A few hiccups here and there.

It was only once the noisy field fell completely devoid of any of its earlier racket did he notice something amiss.

A blink.

There was a tree.

An Ivory tree that boasted its smooth bark which was aglow with a subtle luminescence. It contained intricate golden veins that gracefully coursed through its branches, pulsating with ethereal energy. It was pure beauty.

"Our kind possesses a power like no other"(G.Q)

The queen took steps towards the elegant tree.

"The grand power of creation"(G.Q)

The queen rested her hand on the bark of the tree. The tree sent out a pulse as if acknowledging the touch.


The queen stretched out her hand. The gesture she was making was obvious.

Ignavus hesitated for a second before mustering up his courage. He marched toward the tree and laid his hand against it. The tree reacted in a similar manner to when his queen mother touched it. Ignavus couldn't help but awe at it.

"It's pretty, isn't it?"(G.Q)

Ignavus struggled to find words and in the end just nodded along to that statement.


It was gone.

"The world bends to your will"(G.Q)

The queen turned and faced Ignavus.

"What is yours?"(G.Q)

A minute passed like this with Ignavus still in shock. The implications of what Yalery can do were scary.

"Okay Navy, now its your turn!"(C)

Ignavus turned around and faced the person who would dare say something so ludicrous.

'No way she expects me to do that!' 

"Don't worry, you'll of course start with something a rock"(C)

Slowly closing his mouth Ignavus could see his dear auntie start to crack up.

'Just to get a immature!'

To summarize, that's how Ignavus got in his current predicament. As to why it even was a predicament? Well, from the explanation he was given, all he needed to do was channel his mana and let his natural instincts to take over in order to trigger his power. It wouldn't and shouldn't have been a big deal if his mana would just cooperate. Sadly, she would not no matter how much he pleaded.

'Please just help me out this one time'

There was a good reason Ignavus didn't want the others to find out about his little squabble with his mana. It would require him to explain his meeting with the odd boy. The only thing he got away with hiding from his entire trip to the twin’s place. His dear auntie didn't mention it when recounting his trip in her own twisted light. It appeared that despite what she said, she was not present the entire way. Ignavus still had questions he wanted to ask the odd boy. Telling his auntie or queen mother would just get in the way of things.

'I know you know this is important to us, we might even get in trouble'

Ignavus could feel his mana scoff at the 'us' in his thoughts. It then blasted him with feelings of rejection. Like he had somehow rejected it when it was in fact the opposite.

Ignavus gazed back at the relaxed spectators. There was no way he was going to be able to even create a rock. Something he was quietly excited to try.


"I-I can't do it..."(I)

Ignavus was stood before the Yalery with his head facing the ground.

"Navy... how badly did you upset your mana?"(C)

'Must they know everything'

Ignavus took a short pause before answering.

"Not too badly... I didn't really even do anything..."(I)

His auntie looked at him like he was telling some unfunny joke, but contra to what they believe, Ignavus was truly telling the truth. He still didn't know what he did to make his mana act all crazy.

"Navy, you better tell me-"(G.Q)

"Sister... you know such personal questions about one’s mana is of a sensitive nature?"(C)

The queen gave her sister an irritated, bitter look. The look lasted a second before the queen turned around and started making her way back to the palace.

Ignavus could only gaze at the scene with incredulous eyes. He had fully expected to be drilled for the information. For them not to do that had to mean something right? Because it almost sounded like they respected his privacy to some degree.

'A-are they finally starting to respect me?!'

Ever since becoming Navy, Ignavus had been continually teased. Having people's respect once again was like a dream.

A silver, white tail curled up around his legs and yanked him up and off his feet. The tail let go of him where he proceeded to fall and land in the arms of Marie.

"Give her a bath to prepare her for dinner, I must have a private talk with my sister"(C)

With those closing remarks she left.

'So much for respect'

Just like a dream, it was never real.


"Marie, there is something I want to tell you..."(I)

Sat in a spacious bath house, Ignavus was having his wings cleaned by Marie as usual.

"Whatever is it my lady?"(M)

"Before I tell you... please promise to not tell anyone... especially my... my mother..."(I)

Marie turned her attention away from Ignavus' wings and made eye contact with him. She let out a sigh.

"You know I can't promise that my lady"(M)

Ignavus knew he was taking a massive risk telling Marie what happened, but he needed some advice. She felt like the only person who wouldn't judge him too harshly. Even when she had kind of lied about his visit being loads of fun.

"Please Marie, I promise its important"(I)

"Fine, okay, but if its too much I won't have much of a choice"(M)

"Thanks Marie!"(I)

Ignavus narrated the story of how he met the boy. Changing a few details in order to ensure it didn't come off a bit too odd.

"Forest spirits are a very tricky sort my lady. I wouldn't make a deal with one if my life depended on it"(M)

"Is that so?"(I)

"Yes, my lady. I would advise you to stay far, far away from them"(M)

Marie had finished with his wings and back. She had proceeded to then do his hair.

"A question for my lady, was the boy cute?"(M)

Ignavus closed his eyes and thought back to the appearance of the boy. Marie had asked a bit of an odd question, but he felt obligated to answer it after she had patiently listened to him.

"I guess so. His hair was kind of cool and puffy"(I)

It was only when Ignavus opened his eyes and saw the grinning face of Marie did he realize what she was getting at.

"It's not like that!"(I)

"Oh, so you were thinking like that"(M)


"Don't worry my lady, your little secret is safe with me!"(M)