Chapter 54 ‘A tale of the free?’
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"Ah! I just can't choose! You look so adorable in all of them!"(C)

Ignavus let out a small, defeated sigh at his aunt's gushing. Apparently, having an emotional heart-to-heart with Navy wasn't considered a good enough excuse to get out of doing this.

"Mhm... auntie Cura, what is the special occasion?"(I)

She had been teasing and hopping around the reason for this particular dress up session. Ignavus could only guess that she was doing it in a plot to make him nervous. It was totally not working. Ignavus wasn't in the slightest bit of concern. Not even when Marie had stated it was going to be another "fun" surprise.

"Don't worry your little head. You'll find out soon enough"(C)

'Please don't be bad, please don't be bad, please don't be bad....'

Going off purely from the clothes picked out, Ignavus could at least be certain he wasn't going to be tested on his non-existent flying skills. 


After all, the clothes present seemed overly extravagant. She wouldn't put him such clothing if he was doing something like that, right?

Ignavus let out another sigh.

He couldn't fool himself. She would probably do exactly that just to throw him off.

"Auntie Cura... I was meaning to ask, why am I not allowed to wear shorts?"(I)

Ignavus might be getting used to wearing dresses, but that didn't mean he didn't miss shorts. They were much more comfortable while providing some support. Though it appeared he was the only one who shared that opinion in the home. Everyone else always shot down his attempts to get some without providing an explanation. It was like they had some vendetta against shorts.

"This again? Have you not learned your lesson?"(C)

Ignavus still remembered vividly.

Choosing his next words very carefully Ignavus spoke,

"I-I'm not saying that I won't wear anything... I... I just want to know why..."(I)

The rule seemed simple and dumb, but its repeated insistence left Ignavus feeling like there was something more to it.

"Teen was allowed to wear them and she's like me. I just thought that since she and I were similar-"(I)


Aunt Cura got up from her self-made lounge chair and proceeded to scooped Ignavus up.

"Understand this my little niece, you and that little demon girl are nothing alike. You are a Yalery. We hail from a kind that stands above the rest. Our power is unmatched and unchallenged"(C)

Aunt Cura's free hand started roaming Ignavus' tail in a very light motion. Gently caressing it in a manner that sent sparks up Ignavus' spine.

"You are young my niece. Young and weak. Once you grow older, you will come to see just how much my words ring true. When the full might of your power blooms, there is little that can stop you"(C)

Ignavus was slowly set back down. His body feeling oddly lighter than normal.

"I-I'm not that weak or young... I can do pretty amazing stuff; you just haven't seen it yet"(I)

His aunt crouched down to his height... and was still a good bit taller than him. Her right hand set out to mess his hair.

"Maybe you can show me in a couple hundred years? By then you should be a little bit bigger"(C)

Ignavus forgot to hide the shock that dotted his face. He logically knew that Yalery were immortals, but hearing such a statement so casually was still jarring. Even if he were to add the years from when he was a human hero, it still wouldn't matter to such a long-lived race. This sudden realization left Ignavus thinking only one thing,

"Wow, you really are an old hag"(I)

'Did I just say that out loud?'

The exceptionally fast and powerful forehead flick that shortly followed answered the question.

"Ugh... my head..."(I)

Ignavus had crouched down facing away from his aunt. Making sure to tend to the bump that was bound to form.

"I guess that's another one to add to the list"(C)

The bracelets that Ignavus wore flashed a dull glow. Ignavus couldn't help but grumble to himself in a low tone after seeing this,

"Talk about abusing power, who knew she was such a sensitive-"(I)

"Are you saying something my little niece? If you are, you must speak up. I couldn't hear a thing"(C)

There appeared to be a very strong emphasis on little.

"No, no! I was just talking to myself..."(I)

Ignavus couldn't help but let yet another sigh out. When was his time coming?

"Come over here Navy"(C)

Ignavus couldn't help but look at his aunt with eyes full of extreme apprehension. Was the forehead flick not enough? Still though, he went to where she had settled down. After all, running only made it worse.

"Hop on"(C)

Ignavus was still wearing one of the overly done dresses. To hop on to the couch his aunt had suddenly made would prove to be a challenge.

"Ah... sure"(I)

The couch was supported on four legs that raised it to be a height just above Ignavus' head. Deciding to pick the option that seemed the easiest, a leap of faith was made. This action triggered a short yelp to escape from Ignavus' mouth as he took a hard landing to the ground.

'Stupid dress!'

It turned out this dress was much heavier than it looked. Ignavus stared at the couch with a slightly miffed expression. He had claws for a reason.

Taking the stance which allowed him to jump, he prepared to employ his claws this second go. This chance was a fail to. His claws bounced harmlessly off the couch leaving him in another fall. Watching his claws bounce harmlessly off the couch Ignavus couldn't help but think,


Before he hit the ground, a tail snaked up on him catching him mid-air.

"Gosh Navy! Why must everything you do be so adorable!?"(C)

The owner of the tail dropped Ignavus on her lap, raining kisses onto him.

"Stop that, ugh! It's-It's so... unsanitary!"(I)

This continued for much longer than Ignavus liked until she had her fill.

"Alright, alright. I'll spare you... for now"(C)


This was perhaps the only time since coming here that Ignavus felt like taking a bath willingly.

"Ah... what was I going to tell you? Ah, yes. That's it. How about a story?"(C)

"A story?"(I)

"Yes, a story. One that will explain why you can't wear such clothing"(C)

'Is this going to be one of those weird fake stories people tell kids to scare them into behaving?'

Ignavus was familiar with these stories because he used to keep company with people whose parents did that to them. Ignavus might be a small girl now, but didn't mean such tactics would work on him.

"No thank you. I'm good"(I)

Ignavus started to sit up with the intention of leaving the couch but was stopped when a hand wrapped around his waist and pulled him back down.

"Great! Let me start!"(C)

'Why must she always do that!'

Pretending like he had a choice always felt worse than out right ordering him.

"Once upon a time there was a little girl. This little girl was just like you. Curious with a touch of mischief. She also just so happened to be a Yalery. She loved roaming around the forest searching for curious creatures and oddities despite her mother's warnings.  Every night without fail, she would sneak out, returning before her mother was wise to her actions"(C)

Ignavus would be lying to say the story hadn't at least somewhat peaked his attention. The part about him being mischievous, though, was plain false. Ignavus had really been well behaved all things considered.

"The little girl was smart. In order to hide the fact that she was sneaking out, she would bring two pairs of clothes. One was her silk white dress capable of hiding all her skin. A dress like yours. Her mother had told her to wear such garments all the time, fearing for her safety. The other was a measly pair of short shirts and shorts crafted from the remains of a butchered dress. It lacked the protection of the dresses but made up for it by providing greater mobility to the wearer... at least that's what the girl thought"(C)

There was a short pause in words, building suspense.

"She knew little of the dangers and less about the protection provided. The little girl naively continued her escapades in the night until she had a unique encounter. A creature with radiant warmth, not to dissimilar to the sun, appeared.  It carried playful and happy airs for it had found its prey. A young Yalery. The creature pounced on the young Yalery with vicious glee! Stomping on her tail and dragging her into the den of night!"(C)

Aunt Cura suddenly faced way from Ignavus, slipping into a crestfallen expression.

"A-auntie Cura... are you-? Eeeek!!!"(I)

Her head quickly snapped back while sporting on a golden mask with the face of a monster engraved.

"Ha-ha, it's just too easy with kids"(C)

Ignavus rushed to cover his mouth and stop the scream that had managed to escape.

'How did I fall for that! I even knew it was coming!!'

Deciding to take a few moments to collect himself, Ignavus glared at his aunt to let her know just how funny he thought the joke was.

"Would you like me to continue?"(C)

Ignavus slowly nodded his head. It was not because he was invested or anything, it was just that regardless of whether he said yes or no, she would anyway. His body may have moved in a tiny bit closer, but that was only due to jumping a little away in fright.

"When the mother of the little girl woke up, she came to find her room empty. Searching, it she found the leftover pieces of cloth used in the making of the short and shirt. Enraged at her daughter's blatant disregard for her warnings the mother went in search for her"(C)

Aunt Cura lightly coughed before adding in a quick breath,

"What the mother failed to do was tell her daughter the importance of the clothing. The dress contained special enchantments made by the mother to mask the presence of her daughter. It's long form allowing for complex enchantments and enhancements. This failing resulted in the daughter's carelessness"(C)

After the brief intermission she continued,

"The mother searched and searched for her daughter. From braving the deepest depths to scaling the tallest mountains. From communing with Death to questioning Earth. The mother searched and searched... until one day she heard whispers of a beast. A beast that was said to reek of Yalery magic. The mother went on a hunt. A hunt for the beast. It was an elusive creature though, making use of its power bequeath by a Yalery to hide. It took ten years until finally the mother was able to catch the creature. Using tortu- extreme questioning, she was able find out what had happened. The beast had tried to convince her daughter to bless it but when her daughter refused it swallowed her. For the past ten years her daughter had been trapped inside a beast. Hearing this threw the mother into a blind rage where she ripped the monster in half before fishing her daughter out. The mother took her daughter home where she doted on her until she was finally back in good health. The End!"(C)

'That's such an... uninspired ending'

"So... did you learn anything?"(C)

Ignavus took a pause to digest the story. The whole story sounded like multiple parties were at fault. The mother for not explaining properly and the daughter for not listening. It seemed to have little to do with the wearing of short clothing... but that's not what his aunt wants to hear.

"Don't wear short clothes because you might be eaten?"(I)

"Correct! I knew you'd get it. Now that you understand, there is no need for me to hear you ever talk about those clothes"(C)

"W-wait! If the clothes being short is the problem, how about pants and long-sleeved shirts? They work better than dresses!"(I)

It only took one look from his aunt to know she didn't even like that idea.

"I could also wear a skirt on top! I promise it could work!"(I)

"I don't know... would you still look at cute?"(C)

"I would! Please auntie Cura, please!"(I)

"I guess you have been behaving rather well lately... okay, fine"(C)

The clothes seemed to materialize out of thin air and land into Ignavus' lap.

"No way... Thank you! Thank you so much!"(I)

Ignavus hurriedly got off his aunt before hopping to the ground and changing into his new items.

"Not bad, not bad at all"(I)

The clothes hang a little loosely around Ignavus. They were made from the same silk white material as his last while being decorated in golden trims. If not for the thigh level skirt he could call this perfect.

"Now go get cleaned up. You still have to convince your mother at dinner"(C)

Ignavus' happiness was cut short for a brief second, determination taking its place. He vowed to himself. He was not going to fail this.