006 – Hunt
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The wind whipping through her hair, Hanna grinned broadly as she ran along the beach, skirting the animal trails. She had never run so fast in her life before! The body strengthening was well worth the trade, her powerful legs leaving inches-deep footprints in the ground as she ran through the forest utterly nude. 

Not only was her body much stronger, but her senses were equally heightened! She could see far more details than before, at further ranges, she could hear things she felt were miles put! The smells of the forest...weren't very pleasant, she had to agree, but being able to use her new clarity of mind to pick out and focus on individual scents like a bloodhound brought such excitement to her that she almost contemplated sacrificing fifty years of her lifespan to do it again. 

In the end, she decided against it, as the original ten years had brought on such an intense experience before, she could only surmise an increase of five times that would drive her to madness.

And going insane in a survival scenario wouldn't be advisable. As she ran, she finally breached a clearing in the brush, finding lush ferns and several short yet broad trees tied together by vines. She smiled as she slowed her pace before her eyes caught a muted blue crystal juxtaposed against the greens and yellows of the forest and situated in front of a cave face. 

She frowned at it before curiosity got the better of her and she approached it. 

Her attention was distracted from it by the sound of something hitting the ground softly. She turned her head to look over her shoulder and found herself looking at a wolf-sized reptile, more slender than she'd expect a reptile to be. Yellow scaled, with a green and orange stripe across its flank. 

She turned, her knees bending as she prepared to meet the creature's pounce. Her new eyesight could show that the creature was tensing, and she foresaw an attack. 

But Hanna wasn't familiar with this creature's methods. What she imagined to be an apex reptile species was nothing more than a scout. 

She realized this as instead of charging at her, the beast stood on its hind legs and started to let off short screeches, its head whipping left and right. 

Hanna was bewildered only long enough before another lizard appeared. Then two more. Then three more. What was one beast was a pack of six. The woman's storm-grey eyes narrowed and she got lower, instinctively curling up as she prepared for the fight. 

Her senses were going haywire, focusing on the creatures around her as they slowly circled her. She doesn't bother trying to keep her eyes on them. There were simply too many and she couldn't keep track of them all with just her eyesight. 

Rather than wait for the beasts to attack and coordinate with each other to rip her apart, she pushed off the ground hard enough to make the Usain Bolt look like a coma patient. She arrived before the beast and threw a punch, her dainty fists crashing into the beast's skull hard enough to crack it, sending it rocketing the short distance into the dirt.

Her strength surprised her! Ten years and she had cracked an animal skull with a single punch? She hadn't ever fought anyone or anything in her life, she didn't even know that her punch would do damage to her wrists in the long run. 

The flabbergasted feeling lasted up until one of the beasts jumped on her back, its talons digging into her flesh and its maw biting into her shoulder, earning a cry of pain from her before she reached around her side and grabbed its back legs, yanking it from her back and throwing it into a tree. 

A sickening crunch hit the air as the beasts slumped, the whiplash breaking three spinal segments and bludgeoning its skull against the tree. 

Hanna was a mess of blood. Her back had four puncture marks and her shoulder had a big gash where her skin had been torn free from the beast's maw, exposing the thick red muscle underneath. 

The pain had lent itself to anger and she grabbed the first lizard she'd punched and swung it around by its tail, using her senses to detect that one of the creatures jumped again, and she swung the unconscious reptile around, smacking the airborne one out the air and killing them both. 

Hanna had to fight the bile rising from her throat after spotting an eyeball fly off into the underbrush. 

Thankfully, the remaining three reptiles abruptly turned their tail and fled, leaving Hanna there, bloody and hurting before she let off a triumphant roar. 

She had won. 

She had survived.