028 – Danger!
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Hanna POV

My flight speed was rather abysmal, engorged as I was on carrion and bioenergy. But making it back to Astera was easy enough, and as soon as I did, people began to swarm me, taking note of my appearance, asking me where I was and what I was doing but I wasn't in the mood for being pestered, so I huffed out a gout of flame to scatter the researchers before making it to Iña's home. She seemed surprised to see me, but she smiled and gave me a hug causing me to grunt, my overstuffed belly protesting the pressure. 

Still, I didn't deny her, and she took my hand and placed it on her belly. Although she wasn't much different than the last time I saw her, I knew what the gesture meant. I couldn't help the grin on my face as I scooped her up and peppered her cute chubby cheeks with kisses. 

"You're not going to ask where I was?" I said, tilting my head at her. 

"No. If you want to tell me, you would. You are an Elder Dragon, beholden to the aspect of nature you embody." She smiled, explaining further that she believed I was doing what came naturally.  I needn't explain myself. 

It was odd, knowing that I was human. Or...originally human, and that human nature is more complex than anything. The fact that I can just...do whatever and not get questioned or hassled boggles me. 

Whatever. I look at her and smile before kissing her on the lips, grinning before I lay her on the bed, cuddling with her. 

I wanted to use my Bioenergy, but at the moment I had no need to spend it. Content to be comfortable, I sigh and hold my lover. My mate. If I was a dragon,  and this is what it got me, I'd happily be an elder dragon.

Oku POV 

I sigh and place the order down at the meeting table, looking at the others gathered. "This isn't good," I say, folding my arms. "First Imperialis shows up, then the fifth fleet is being made to launch ahead of time, and now we're picking up seismic activity readings in the ocean, storms, and tidal waves signifying something big going down. 

But still, I was the Commander of the first fleet. I had to be strong in the face of uncertainty, despite that I wanted so desperately to take it easy. I am an old man, you know? 

Suppressing a sigh, I look up at the Council. The best and brightest minds the guild had to offer the New World. With the Fifth on the way, I knew we would make headway into the phenomena of the New World. 

"Make ready the port! I want rescue vessels on standby. The timing of those storms and tidal waves are too coincidental, and the fifth might be swept up." 

I look over to the horizon where I can see the storm clouds, cracking thunder. 

The winds of change are coming.