Chapter 39; “Explain, Shitstain.”
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Monday — World-Ender

Tuesday — Feral

Wednesday — Wyrd

Thursday — Asylum Online

Friday — new series 

My flying speed was severely reducedby carrying Iña, who was never a light woman,let's be honest, and my new 'Kin', for lack of a better word. Honestly, i don't know the woman's name, and I don't really care. Whoever she was before was my enemy. 

The people of Astera notice me long before I touch down on the wooden floor. I drop the newly made Wyernoid before I land, causing a ruckus. Hunters, reserchers and civilians alike all seem shocked by the transformed state of the woman, and my wings flare in warning at the scientists when they get close. I am in no mood for more bullshit today. 

The best fight of my life was interrupted by the same woman who tried to kidnap my beloved and our children. My ire rises once more, and my tail lashes out and whips the woman across her back, the lash reigniting the still sore nerves and waking her up with a scream. Once the pain leaves her and she's cognitive, she looks around her to find that she's back in Astera and surrounded by may curious faces. Some stern, most confused at the appearance of the woman writhing on the ground. If not for the scales covering her cheeks, the visage of the blood leaving her face would've been apparent. 

My tail slaps the ground in warning as I feel the researchers approaching me from behind. I'm in no mood for their shit right now, understandably. My wings flare, causing the gap between me and the crowd to grow wider. 

I point out the Commander, bringing the full brunt of my Alpha Aura down on him. The man grunts at the pressure of being faced with a higher being than him, but he doesn't buckle under it. I have to give him credit. My hand turns to face up and I curl the clawed digit repeatedly. 

Taking the hint, the man steps forward and impressively doesn't flinch when my tail whipd around his neck. I ignore the pang of regret at how old he was, before I point at the Odo-bitch. 

"Recognize her? She kidnapped Iña and tried to take her off continent." I growled, causing the new hybrid to start trembling beneath me. 

The Commander's gaze hardens as he takes in the sight of the woman, his jaw setting in a grim line. "I do," he replies tersely.

The woman cowers under my glare, her trembling increasing as she realizes the gravity of her situation. "Please," she stammers, her voice shaky. "I was only following orders."

I snort derisively, tightening my grip on the Commander's neck just enough to make him uncomfortable. "Orders from whom?" I demand, my voice dripping with disdain. 

The woman hesitates, fear flashing in her eyes before she lowers her gaze. " was the elder from my village," she confesses, her voice barely above a whisper. "We're monster tamers, they wanted your eggs."

My anger flares at the mention of my children. The heat rising from my body as I huff and release a small gout of flame. 

The Commander raises a hand, gesturing for me to release him. "Enough," he commands, his voice firm but not unkind. "It seems you've already punished her as it is. I have to write to the guild about this incident, and wait for correspondence from them."

I reluctantly release my hold on him, though my gaze remains fixed on the woman before me. "Fine," I concede, my voice laced with barely contained fury. "But mark my words, Commander. This isn't over."