Chapter 6: Axol Village
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Chapter 6: Axol Village

Wow, this forest is beautiful I thought as we set forth. The morning sun painted everything with a golden glow, a stark contrast to the darkness that had enveloped the thick woods last night. The trees stood tall and proud, their trunks weathered with age, and their branches stretched out like ancient arms, adorned with leaves that whispered secrets to the wind.

I’ve noticed that my skills increase in level every time I use them so I thought it’d be a good time to practice. 

[Ancient Tree] - 10000/10000 A tree that has absorbed mana from the earth throughout the centuries, its roots and branches have hardened as a result.

[Skill Leveled up! Appraisal LV. 1→Appraisal LV. 2]

I look at the tree in fear as I half expect the tree to lash out. I apologize for thinking you were just a simple tree. I give a swift bow to the tree as an apology to appease its nonexistent anger. I make a mental note to practice my skills a lot.

Elara catches a glimpse of my bow from the corner of her eye and launches into a torrential ramble.


"Did you see that? The way you just bowed? Hehe, It's like you're paying respects to the ancient guardians of these woods. These trees have stood here for hundreds of centuries, each one a living testament to the passage of time." She leans in with a sparkle in her eyes and proclaims, “And one day I’m going to be a great hero who defends these trees and all of the creatures within it. I’m going to be much stronger than my brother and everyone else!”

Aelar while holding Akari on his back who has long since tired out of walking with her tiny legs says, “Start with your incessant chatter and patience first.”

I give a slight chuckle, the two siblings are polar opposites but through these tiny remarks, you can tell Aelar regards Elara highly with great expectations. I continue grinding my appraisal skills with the wildlife around me.

[Thick Grass] - 40/40 Grass that has absorbed mana and become stronger and thicker.

[Bright Redcap] - 20/20 Mana-filled redcaps with poison twice the potency of a normal redcap.


[Skill leveled up! Appraisal LV. 2→Appraisal LV. 3]

[Skill leveled up! Appraisal LV. 5→Appraisal LV. 6]

Suddenly Aelar and Elara's steps grind to a halt as I nearly crash into them.

“Are we near the village?” Just as the words left my mouth a mist begins to form and surround us.

Aelar all of a sudden yells, “IT IS AELAR AND ELARA AND WE ARE BACK WITH NEWS.”

Akari yelps and jumps off his back as I also react similarly. We are both taken aback that someone who is usually curt and soft-spoken can even produce such a booming sound. As soon as he announces his arrival the deep fog begins to clear and what appears in front of us is something I thought I would never see outside of my games. Axol Village lay nestled within the verdant heart of the forest, a hidden gem that seemed to have grown organically from the very landscape it inhabited. The village exuded an air of enchantment as if the trees themselves had conspired to craft its every detail.


A cobblestone path wound its way through the village, meandering between homes that blended seamlessly with the surroundings. The structures were constructed with a harmonious blend of wood, their architecture echoing the natural forms of the forest. Moss-covered roofs and intricate carvings adorned the buildings, making them appear as though they had sprung forth from the earth itself.


A large tree stood in the center of the village forcing all the trees around it aside and leaving behind an area for the long-eared beautiful elves beneath its canopy. Mysterious plants grew along branches, roads, and buildings giving off a soft light, casting a warm, ethereal glow that illuminated the pathways. The soft light danced with the ever-present mist, filling all my senses with the earth beneath me. Each step along the path seemed to carry a sense of reverence for the realm that surrounded them.


Vibrant gardens burst with colorful blooms, their petals a riot of hues that mirrored the forest's own vibrant palette. Elves tended to the plants with care, coaxing them with magic that they were born to wield. The gardens weren't just decorations; they were living expressions of the village's bond with nature. I appraise the giant tree in front of me to understand it.

[???’s Seed] - ???/??? A seed of ??? in its infant stages.

The mysterious tree is just a seed? This thing was bigger than all of the trees we’ve seen thus far, and they would’ve been already considered a national treasure in my old world. I can feel the mana radiating from the tree as it seems to seep into the surroundings including myself. The richness of the mana in the air invigorates my body as it seems to weave itself into my body.

However, despite the wondrous views of the surroundings, we could feel a tension in the air. In the distance, we could see elves practicing their swords and archery skills, each slash and shot filled with a tinge of rage.

From the side, I hear a sneering voice, “Instead of retrieving our clansmen you brought back two cowardly humans.”

Emerging into sight was an elf, standing at an imposing height of 195cm. His eyes sparkled green with a hint of danger, a glint that spoke of experiences beyond the tranquil village. He had long hair that stopped till just past his chin and had sharp handsome features. Beside him, a sheathed sword hung, and a bow rested in his grasp, yet no arrows were seen on him.

"I trust you possess a suitable explanation for your blatant disregard of the Elders’ wishes," he taunts.

"We're not in the mood, Aeris. Step aside; we need to hurry and meet the Elders for our report," Elara's voice strained, her frustration evident.


Aeris steps closer and projects his voice in defiance, “Step aside? If you hand over these prisoners to me I’ll consider stepping aside.”

“We all know how you deal with every human you meet Aeris, and these people are friends and here to assist us with the mission.” Aelar says calmly as he steps in between the two, “If you want to get in between us and our mission I’ll have to include it in the report to the Elders.”

Aeris's eyebrows furrowed in anger before his expression smoothed into calmness. "I was merely jesting," he stated, his tone composed. "Naturally, you should proceed to meet with the elders and present the mission's setbacks."

I glare at him along with Akari. You better watch yourself, I think to myself as he backs up slowly, his eyes matching our glares. As we move past him and up a fleet of ornate stairs, seemingly melding with the tree, I ask Elara and Aelar what had just happened.

“Someone you guys know? He doesn’t seem very friendly.”

Elara clenched her teeth, a bitter memory flickering across her features. "He's one of the elven warriors safeguarding the village," she replied, her voice tinged with recollection. "Also, someone my brother and I have been antagonized by since we lost our mother and father."

Aelar maintains his silence, ascending into the grand tree. An awkward atmosphere accompanies us as we navigate toward the tree's center. Eventually, we reach a colossal doorway, spacious enough for a giant to pass through, that opens into the heart of the tree. A group of eight elven warriors stands sentinel at the entrance. Aelar presents them with a green jewel adorned with intricate runes. Their acknowledgment is silent, and in response, the gate begins to creak open, revealing the path ahead.

Once inside, the interior is bathed in a soft, enchanting glow emanating from chandelier-like formations of branches. Every aspect of the space appears to have been intricately woven by nature itself, including the furniture. The ambiance exudes the serene simplicity of the natural world while retaining a subtle air of regal elegance. Ahead, my gaze falls upon seven figures, each bearing the marks of wisdom and intelligence that time bestowed upon them. They formed a circle at the outer edges and engaged in conversation about what appeared to be a weighty subject. In the midst of the Elder elves stood a statue of a female elf cradling a staff. A gentle light emanated from the statue, creating a subtle current that encircled it.

"Elders, we have returned from our mission concerning the missing elves," Aelar's voice resounds as he announces, bowing slightly.


Elara and I mirror the gesture, bowing in unison. My gaze shifts to Akari, who catches my signal and hastily follows suit with a bow of her own.

"Raise your heads, children," a motherly voice speaks, its softness carrying a resonance that reverberates through the room, leaving a faint echo in its wake.


I manage to cast a look upon the Great Elder Illydra. The wrinkles etched into her features speak of the passage of time, each line a marker of her age and wisdom. Her gentle demeanor is palpable, and her bobbed hair gleams like spun gold. Yet, it's her eyes that captivate me—an enchanting shade of green so profound that even her pupils appear to be absorbed within its depths. Her gaze doesn't meet anyone’s as she speaks.


She's blind. I remark in surprise to myself. Her eyes possess an entrancing quality, drawing me into their depths, where I find myself momentarily lost. It feels like she could see more than even I could despite her afflictions.

"Please, enlighten us with your discoveries."


Aelar hesitates for a fleeting second before he proceeds, "Of course, Great Elder Illydra, the captured elves have embarked on their journey through Yggdrasil’s vein." He holds out two pendants, remnants of the two departed elves. Hushed murmurs begin to ripple among the other Elders.




“We have to…”

“No! Peace…”

"We stumbled upon them near the laboratory where the departed elves vanished from within the Alviran church," Aelar elucidates.


"They appear to be humans who have undergone experimentation. Their mana cores exhibit distinct variations, almost as if they have been augmented," he further clarifies.

“They dare…”


“...have done”



One of the Elders steps forward and announces to the other elders, “We must confine and question them for the safety of our —.”

Elara interrupts, “They aren’t a threat! We found them in the cells of the humans. They are good people!”

One of the other Elders rises to rebuke, “You are much too young to be understanding the ramifications of your statements.”

Elara turns towards Illydra, “I beg of you please use your gift and confirm the truth, Great Elder. They have been through too much,” She pauses briefly and continues, “I swear upon my mother.”

Illydra’s eyes widen with shock as the two Elders seethe in anger.

Illydra's lips parted slowly, her voice measured. "My granddaughter, do you comprehend the gravity of the words you've uttered?"

“I understand.”

Illydra stands, and a gust of wind billows outward, enveloping us. In an instant, she stands before Akari and me. Raising her hand, she hovers it above Akari's head, her touch gentle against her forehead. A soft radiance emerges, her eyes glowing with an ethereal light. They remain in that state for a fleeting moment before the luminosity fades, and she nods in affirmation.


Turning her attention to me, she approaches and begins a similar motion. As her hand draws closer to my forehead, my vision starts to blur, eventually fading to white. An unsettling probing sensation takes hold, and within the confines of my mind, I sense a force attempting to understand me, to delve into the depths of my being.

[Skill leveled up! Mind’s Fortress LV. 2→Mind’s Fortress LV. 3]


The force writhes within, attempting to seize hold of memories, only to be met with sturdy barriers erected within my mind. Despite its persistence, it manages to seize a couple of fragments, wresting them from the recesses of my thoughts.

The force dissipates, releasing its hold on me, and my vision gradually returns. I find Illydra stepping back in surprise, a faint line of blood tracing her lips. I glance at her, realizing my skill [Mind’s Fortress] has caused her harm, and promptly employ [Heal] to mend her wounds. The blood disappears as any weariness disappears. Her eyes widen at the sight, while the gasps of the elders echo in the chamber, a testament to the unexpected turn of events.


"How intriguing," she remarks, her voice carrying a note of curiosity. "I hereby grant permission for both of them to be honored guests of Axol Village, under your watchful care, Elara."

"Ensure that you impart upon them the wisdom of the elves," she instructs, conjuring two jewels that land gently in Akari's and my palms.

“Oh and a final gift, [Dispel]” she says as a sudden clink reverberates into the room. I look down as the Iron Bracelets have fallen off me and Akari. 

The chamber falls into a hushed silence, leaving me confused and overwhelmed. My gaze shifts to Aelar and Elara, who mirror my expression, their own confusion evident. Guards enter the room and guide us outside, their presence a clear indication that our audience with the Elders has ended. As we exit, the sound of the Elders' discussions about us echoes behind us.

As we descended the stairs, we were confused into a silence at what just occurred. Elara shatters the silence. "How did you manage to relieve my grandmother's exhaustion and heal her wound?" she questions, her voice a mixture of astonishment and incredulity. "Don't you understand that our only spell is 'Recover,' which merely augments our innate healing prowess? And how did you disrupt my grandmother's ability? What did she glimpse during her touch? It's utterly bewildering—...” Her words erupt in a barrage of inquiries, tumbling out with fervent curiosity.


Aelar cradles his head as if tormented by the impending ordeal. Akari gazes emptily at the sky, her hands holding mine very loosely. As their reactions intertwine with my growing concerns, I can't help but question whether I've marred my inaugural day within the village, jeopardizing my vision of a harmonious life with the elves.

There goes the first impression. I despair as what I thought was the perfect beginning of my fantasy life is delayed further.



Author's Note: Hello! Thanks for reading as always. I'll be making a new chapter titled 'Glossary' that will be placed before the prologues that will describe all the characters, a map, and some art of your favorite characters as well. This glossary will be updated as I write more of the world out!


Name: Yuki 

Class: Divine Homunculus 

Race: Homunculus, Race Trait: Eternal Youth, Mana Absorption


Experience: 21 / 100 (+10/day)

HP: 100/ 100 

Mana: 180/ 400 (+200)



[Arcane Link (LV. Max)]  •  [Mana Mastery (LV. MAX)]  •  [Spatial Inventory (LV. 1)]  •  [Heal (LV. 2)]  •  [Mind’s Fortress [LV. 3] (+1)  •  [Appraisal (LV. 6] (+4)



  • Rag Cloth


  • Rock x49 


  • Goddess’s Last Hope: The goddess’s last hope for the balance of the world.
  • Reincarnated Otherworld Scholar: Otherworldly knowledge can be accessed whenever.
  • Goddess's Favor: Infused with the goddess's essence, giving an immensely increased mana capacity.


  • Akari
  • Elara 
  • Aelar