Chapter 3: Family
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Who would even believe that I got reincarnated as little sister of a harem protag (He later would be ntred by his harem members)? No one would believe.

I got nothing to do for now except waiting my family to come home. Sitting on the cold and hard terrace floor, I decided to check on the gun I had in my bag. 

"Desert Eagle, semi-automatic pistol defeating other pistols in term of firepower. It pack nine bullets on one magazine," I said as I unloaded the mag to know how many bullets I had.

I could used it on that creepy uncle, but I was busy running for my life. I also didn't think what would happen if I fire it, would the recoil will be to much for me to handle? After I fired it what sort of consequences would befall on me? 

Firing the gun would either result in my favor or result in my doom. 

I put the back De' Eagle in my bag. "I will think about it in the future anyway."

Three hours passed and finally my big brother came home. It was in the afternoon, so I was rather thirsty for a good ol' drink.

"WUEEEEHH-- Big bro, you finally home. Do you know how long I had to wait because I forgor where is the key," I cried to him while placing both of my hands on my eyes to emphasize the crying stereotype.

I did this to act according to my memories. I am (not) crying because of the hunger and thirst I felt. Yes, this was all just an act as a little sister.

"Alright-alright, stop crying. I already bought you KFC, you like it right," he rubbed my head.

I stopped my crying (act), "Hiks... Okay."

My big brother unlocked the door with his spare key, while handing me the food he bought. It contained KFC chicken with the additional Coca-Cola.  

Speaking of my big brother, his name was Hitota Takayashi. His build was so-so, neither big buffed nor effeminate trap. He wore blue jeans and white shirt with the additional Baseball Jacket as his outer.

Like most of Japanese boys, he had a black hair and average height. His face was nothing special, but it somewhat attract dozen of girls in his school.

While my brother changed his clothes, I already in the dining room ready to pounce on that thick chicken legs.

"Ah- Don't forget to wash your hand before eating!" Big brother said, now in more casual outfit.

I who already opened the box and in the process of touching that crispy chicken stopped at the command of my big brother. 

Dangit, my body almost reacted instantly to his command to wash my hand before eating.

"Okey~" I walked to the sink almost immediately and washed my hands.

And now It was the time to feast.

Nom Nom Nom Nom (っ˘ڡ˘ς)

"Are you not eating, Big bro?"

"Nah, I'm full. Already eat one with Kana-san," he said in a soft tone. His face in the other hand made a weird face, blushing while his mouth leaking a drop of water without his notice.

"You are making a weird face, Big bro."

Big bro scratched his head, "Hmm.. Am I?"

"Yes, it is plastered all over your face."

"Alright-alright, but please don't tell mom, yet. Kana-san agreed go to date with me!" he raised his fist in the air.

The girl he mentioned was a childhood friend of his that go the same school and class as him. In my memories, Kana-san was like a big sister that I never had, so the proper reaction of must give was to congratulate my brother.

"Wow," I clapped. "I don't know my unpopular big bro can get a kind girl like Kana nee-san."

"Please believe more on your big bro, Ko-chan. Even if I don't look that convincing, many girls actually liked me in school."

I believed you, Hitota Takayashi.  After all, I knew the future of this so called dating and I don't like at all.

"Nah stopped with calling me, Ko-chan. I'm already big. And also, I would tell mom because you pissed me of."

Actually my name in this anime world was Hitota Komari, but Big Brother insisted on calling me Ko-chan since I was a baby.

It was not that I liked being called that way or anything.

Big brother stand up from his chair and walked toward me, "Is that so?"

"What you gonna do about it," I said. To taunt him more, I pulled down one's of my eyelids and sticked out my tounge.

"Imouto brat need correction💢" Big Brother raised his hand above my head and, "Bonk."

He bonked me in the head. Gently. As expected of The Main Character, he was lenient in giving punishment to his sister.

Before he started on his lecture, the front door creaked open leaving a noticeable sound that both of us could hear.

"I'm homeee~~"

I dashed to where the sound coming and crashed on the person who said that. 

"Ouchi- Ah, Ko-chan. Do you miss mom so much that you can wait to hug your mom?"

She was my mom. Well our mom for both me and my big brother. Being a hard-working mother while raising two kids on her own must be hard and I love her for it. Nothing in the world could bought our mother, even if a morbilion golds and diamonds presented to us.

"Hueeee- Big brother bulyy mwueee," I sniffled.

While hugging me, mom said, "Taka-chan, why are you bullying your little sister?"

"No-no -no," Big Brother shake his head in disagree, "She started it first."

"No he first," I said in disagreement.

"Mom, you really need to stop spoiling her and now look what happen to her," he pointed at me. 

Well, couldn't blame it on me. I was just being me.

Mom apparently saw the KFC box, and she knew that I liked it. She turned to Big Brother, "Don't you also do it?"

After the whole fiasco, we ended the day with eating KFC and Cobra Cola.  The night was spent watching TV until the clock turned 9. The three of us went to our bedroom to sleep.

It was a good day for sure, except that moment when I tried to run from a creepy uncle. Everything was fine, just a lovely normal interaction with the family.

Yep. Everything is fine.

Wait the minute-I remembered it now there was a in*ces genre in this cursed world. How could I forget a simple yet important plot like that. 

"I strive for a normal loving family not an Alabama loving family!!!"


So, one day you wake up and realized that you find yourself as a little sister of a protagist from a well-known anime. But, this anime isn't like any other anime. You will find every corner of this world are ready to pounce on your body especially to blow your mind into a mindless slave of sins. 

I'm here to breakdown every mistakes of what you must do and what you must not do:

How To Evade The Cliches On H-Anime part 2: Always remember that family should always be a family not a bunch of weird miss-matched of lovers
