Special Chapter – Mother’s Day For The First And Only Scholar Of Santomin
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Set about thousands of years before the present, when all 12 of her first adoptive kids were still around. 

Leilani found herself awake inside her personal columbarium in the mountains near her newly constructed Imperia Academy, she had spent the night before in Heaven with her parents as an advanced celebration of Mother's Day since she was busy nowadays following the end of her scrap with the Leviathans and was now busy attending to matters on the continent. She had raised 12 children, one from each other continent in the world to help expand and get the ball rolling faster on bringing this world to a better standard of living, she knew they all missed her and she missed them, but their work was one that needed their attention more than their love for her as of the moment since a lot was destroyed in the 'Leviathan War' 

"I wonder how they are all holding up?" Leilani mumbled to herself as she exited the cave that led down to the columbarium, the carnomantic beasts nowhere in sight by the cave entrance or in the mountain range as she wanted to walk around the place alone. 


Suddenly, a hail of crimson lighting bolts came down from the clear sky above her, crashing into the barrier that surrounded her with violent force but dispersed on the surface, making the First And Only Scholar Of Santomin smirk as she turned her gaze upward.

"Well, well, well...seems I have some uninvited guests here" She remarked as she saw 12 figures come into view as a invisibility spell dissipated 

The 12 figures were all wearing the same beige robes with gold accents, with them differing in race, height and body build, but the one thing common amongst the group was that they were all shrouded in crimson masks that resembeled a smiling devil. The figure in front of the group, a masked figure with an alluring body underneath the robes, stretched her hand out, with the gesture making half of their number teleport down to the ground in a crsecent moon formation facing Leilani, with weapons drawn and all eyes locked on her. 

"Oh? So it will be from above and below huh? I can work with that" Leilain stated with a smile as she brought out her personal sword Augusta and got into a readied stance


Leilani then saw the 6 figures in front of her charge forward, their weapons were an assortment of sword, daggers and halberds, all of them aimed at her, causing her smile to widen some more. She dodged the first blow which was an incoming halberd swing aimed downward, stepping back once and watching the weapons drop right at her feet, but before her opponent could remove the weapon, she quickly planted her foot on the shaft of the thing and then used it to catapult her right knee forward, striking the masked attacker who was a centaur in the face that sent them flying a few meters and into a tree, knocked out. When she landed on the ground, she ducked and dodged several thrusts from her opponent in front and behind her, a smile on her face as she simply shifted her body ever so slightly to dodge the blows with little effort, not even using her own sword to counter them. 


Dodging one slash fired from a masked orc to her left, she grabbed his wrist before he could pull it back and then squeezed it hard enough for him to drop his battleaxe, allowing Leilani to kick it aside and into a tree before pulling her opponent in close and then headbutting him, breaking the mask and knocking the orc out who then dropped onto the ground. She then spun around and caught the tip of a sword between her fingers with a smirk before exerting a bit of pressure and snapping the sword in two, surprising the opponent on the other end who was a dragonkin, he couldn't even do anything before Leilani landed two low kicks that struck his knees and then an axe kick that struck his head and dropped him onto the ground. 

The remaining 3 enemies, who were a male elf, a arachnia, and a young man, on the ground quickly surrounded her in a triangle formation and all of them rushed forward, the arachnia was the first to go down as when she swung her battleaxe in a horizontal slash, Leilani jumped up and landed on the flat side of the thing before landing a nonchalant kick that sent the arachnia flying and crashing into a set of trees. Once she landed on the ground, she ducked underneath a thrust from the young man and replied with a gut punch then an uppercut that sent him sprawling onto the ground before quickly performing a spinning back kick that knocked the rapier out of the hand of the elf and then finished him off by getting behind him, grabbing him by the waist and then suplexing him into the ground. 

"C'mon, is that all you got?" She asked as she turned her head back up to the floating 6 in the skies, a cocky tone in her voice 


In response to this amount of disrespect, the 6 figures in the sky opened fire with a barrage of crimson lighting, normal lightning, fireballs, ice shards, and almost every single type of elemental projectile they could think of. All aimed at Leilani who just stood there and tanked the fire, a smile on her face as her barrier weathered the intense storm that could level cities. She even giggled a bit when arcane glassing beams of crimson came screaming down from the heavens and plowed into the barrier, only for said barrier to tank the shots without much of a scratch, they couldn't even manipulate the ground beneath her feet as the barrier stopped all magic from all directions. 

 "Is that all? Alright. My turn" She mused as she noticed the barrage ceasing 


At the snap of her fingers, the mana of the 6 people in the air suddenly stopped and they dropped out of the sky. The 6 were screaming as they fell but did not strike the ground thankfully as Leilani flicked her wrist and caught them all just before they struck the ground. She then flicked her finger and all of their masks came off, revealing a bunch of young men and women of different races all sharing the same defeated expression and a wry smile. 

"Soo...seems my unruly guests were my kids...A pleasure to see you all" Leilani stated with a smile as she then snapped her fingers and all 12 of them were standing before her without their injuries 

"Hehehe...good to see you too Mother" The lead elf woman by the name of Ash, the first and oldest child of Leilani, spoke with a smile 

"Good to see all of you as well, I take it you all organized this so that you could finally try and best me?" The Old Scholar asked with a smirk 

"Yep, it was Big Sis Ash's suggestion a few months ago. Although the outcome now was not what we were expecting" The third child, Svetlana chimed in with a happy tone, before she switched to a more defeated one when pointing out what they just went through 

"Hahaha, did you all really think I would have gotten weaker? Did you all forget who raised you?" 

"No Mother, we just...wanted to see if it was possible" The young man by the name of Ehmir replied with a slightly embarrassed smile on his face 

"Hahaha...well, since you are all here, why don't we head inside the Columbarium to pay respects to your grandparents, they are dying to meet you all ever since I told them about you" Leilani said as she gestured to the cave 

"That is a great idea Mother" Ash replied as she was the one who moved first, with the rest following behind her

"Nice, and to be honest, this is the greatest Mother's Day gift you all could have given me...just being with me" Leilani told them as she turned back to them and hugged them all

"Aww, we feel the same, we love you Mother!" Svetlana stated everyone returned the gesture and moved into the group hug

But as they could not see it, Leilani had tears down her eyes as she enjoyed the warmth of her children, children she had raised and were now all proper men and women. She did not know the full meaning of these feelings, but she knew one thing, she was proud to be their mother, and she was proud to have them as her kids. 

A/N: Happy Mother's Day everyone. I hope you have safe day with your family.