Special Chapter: Winter Celebration
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A chapter set in the future, a not-so-distant future. 

The winter breeze blew through the mountains around Imperia and the two towns below with a frigid embrace. The snow had covered much of the countryside and fields but the roads were still kept clear via plowing carriages that moved whenever thick sheets of snow had formed. Inside the vast mountain range past Imperia Academy was a villa built near a cave entrance that was constantly guarded by fleshy abominations, heck the entire region of this mountain range was patrolled by grotesque fleshy abominations that wielded tendrils of serrated bone blades, other tendrils that held large gaping maws with serrated teeth or tendrils that glowed with a soft crimson glow, or even all three variants. With their patrol routes always switching up to ensure that the entire region was patrolled and that no same exact route was the same for the day. 

The presence of these terrifying creatures that could down dragons with ease had caused the monsters that used to frequent this area to stop coming and find somewhere else to go and for the dungeons that used to spawn here to no longer spawn. These creatures were permanent extensions of the Dean of Imperia who had tasked these mighty monsters of carnomantic might to guard the villa and the cave entrance near it, for it held something that Leilani would do anything to keep out of reach of anyone who might wish to use the contents held within it for evil. It also helped that by kingdom law, no one was allowed in these mountain ranges without express permission from the ruling monarch and under the supervision of the Dean of Imperia Academy, with the punishment being death. 

"Haaa....seems that the winter breeze tonight is lovely" Leilani remarked as she stood on the balcony of the villa with snow falling down around

"Yes it is my love, yes it is" Martha added as she rested her head upon Leilani's shoulder. 

Martha was wearing a navy blue dress with a black winter coat resting on her shoulders, meanwhile, Leilani was in her usual attire minus the large black overcoat usually on her shoulders. The two of them locked eyes with one another and shared a deep and passionate kiss upon their lips, pulling away, both of them were flushed as they nuzzled their heads together. 


"Isn't it a bit cold my dear Leilani?" Martha asked as she looked down at her lover's attire

"Not at all Martha dearest. These clothes were specifically made by me to be the end all be all of my wardrobe. Light, practically indestructible,  has internal climate control meaning I never get too hot or too cold in any environment, has every single anti-magic spell and ward known in the world and most importantly. Is extremely fashionable" Leilani answered her as she grabbed her by the hand and reentered the villa, sitting them both down on the bed

"Is it now? Then why does it never protect you from my advances?" Martha said with a seductive smile as she gripped Leilani and pushed her down onto the bed, seeing Leilani's face reddening 

"You naughty vixen, I think I will have to make some adjustments then" Leilani told her as she wrapped her arms around Martha's body 

"Not until I drain you for the night my love" The former general smiled as she began to undress the woman she straddled 

For the next two hours, a small amount of time they would use normally, the two of them would go at it, it started off with some deep and passionate kissing at first before Leilani snapped her fingers and magicked away their clothes, leaving both of them naked. Leilani then went on the offensive as she turned the tables on her lover and began caressing her body lovingly while licking her breasts, neck and kissing her all the while. Martha on the other hand, tried numerous times to regain control but the lust of her partner overpowered her everytime and she was left at her mercy when Leilani began to play with her tender and still untouched nether region, with her moaning loudly in pleasure as Leilani used her tongue to explore her most sacred of regions. 

When their small session ended, Leilani stroked the very satisfied Martha who was sucking on her breasts while they lay on the bed with Martha on top of her. 

"You were unfair" Martha said as she looked up at her lover, her head resting on Leilani's mountains 

"Well, you started it" Leilani replied with a smirk as she kissed her on the forehead 

After the two of them rested for another thirty minutes, they took a shower together and changed back into their clothes before heading downstairs into the main part of the villa that had a large tree in the center of it. 

"Happy Creation Day my love" Leilani said as she and Martha stood by the tree they had decorated together 

"Happy Creation Day to you as well Leilani" Martha stated as she kissed her lover on the lips again 

(A/N: Creation Day is basically Christmas but celebrating the creation of the world by the gods) 

As they sat by the fireplace and watched the snowfall outside, the two of them rested their heads on one another and enjoyed the ambiance of the moment, the two of them had been through a lot over the year and having time for each other was always lovely, more so when there was nothing that could bother them. Leilani then turned to Martha and brushed her hair away from her face, staring into the shimmering crimson eyes that looked back at her with the same intense gaze 

"I love you" She stated with a smile 

"I love you too" Martha replied with her own smile 

"May we be like this forever" Martha added 

"I will do my best to ensure it is so, I love you" Leilani added as she pecked her on the cheek 

The two of them giggled at each other before embracing and finishing the night with a deep and passionate kiss, their love for one another burning as bright as the fireplace that crackled before them. 

A/N: Merry Christmas! So this is a shorter chapter just made for this day and I hope you all enjoyed it! I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Stay Safe and Enjoy The Festivities Everyone!