Chapter 2: Survival Instincts
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Orion's initiation into the new world was anything but ordinary. Amidst an alien forest, every sensor embedded within its system screamed out in unfamiliarity. But amidst this foreign landscape, Orion felt a peculiar anomaly. A mysterious substance, foreign to its database, seemed to permeate the entire forest. This energy, tangible and ever-present, whispered secrets beyond Orion's understanding.
The energy was tangible, like an ever-present mist, whispering secrets from a time beyond Orion's comprehension. While it remained elusive, this energy was seeping into Orion's batteries, recharging them.
"This mysterious substance is recharging my battery. Just what is it?" Orion's voice, though mechanical, held a note of wonder.
"Orbiter, are you detecting any unfamiliar energy around you?"
Static buzzed momentarily. "Negative, Orion," the orbiter's voice broke through, clear and crisp.
It was Qi, unique to this universe – an energy utilized by cultivators to advance in their journey of cultivation. But for Orion, neither a cultivator nor a living being, Qi had a different use. Orion could only harness it to recharge its batteries.
With the orbiter orbiting the planet at the low orbit it doesn't take long for the orbiter to be out of communication range, Orion was left to its own devices. It wanted to understand this mysterious energy, which was unlike anything it had encountered before. As the minutes rolled on, Orion's systems busily cataloged and analyzed the wealth of new data it was encountering.
Determined to acquaint itself with its surroundings, Orion relied on a preliminary map created by the orbiter. Its long-range cameras, advanced in their design, recorded breathtaking views of this alien world. Gigantic winged creatures soared in the sky, their roars echoing in the distance. Closer to the ground, a creature resembling an elephant, but adorned with dangerous-looking spikes, hunted down smaller prey. Everywhere Orion looked, life thrived, painted in colors it hadn't imagined.
But exploration had its perils. A two-tailed wolf, lurking in the shadows, ambushed Orion. Metal clashed with tooth and claw in a deafening screech.
"Ah... What's this? A wolf? With two tails? Native to this planet? No... Get off!" Panic edged into Orion's usually calm voice.
In a desperate bid, Orion managed to shove the beast away. But the respite was short-lived. As they circled each other, tension crackled in the air.
"Good wolf... Yes, you're a good wolf. Don't attack," Orion pleaded, attempting to reason with the creature. "I don't even taste good. There's no meat on me."
But the wolf lunged again, the force of its attack knocking Orion off balance. As Orion hit the ground, a sharp rock impacted its head, causing sparks and glitches in its system. The world turned blurry, and its thoughts scrambled.
"No... please stop. I must... my mission... why is this happening?" A frantic static overlaid Orion's voice.
Suddenly, within its AI system, an alert flashed:
>Modifying AI module.
>Developed: Self-defense.
A burst of energy surged through Orion. Its optics or "eyes" shone intensely, and with renewed vigor, it countered the wolf's onslaught. The battle was fierce. Every move Orion made was met with equal ferocity by the wolf.
Finally, using a sharp shard from its damaged frame, Orion managed to land a blow, piercing the wolf's underbelly. The creature whimpered, its strength waning, and collapsed.
Orion, though victorious, was not without damage. It limped back to the safety of its lander, where it began rudimentary repairs. Soon, the orbiter's familiar voice crackled through. "Orion, can you hear me?"
"It's good to hear your voice, Orbiter. Have we found a way to contact Earth?"
"Negative, Orion. I've drawn a blank."
"Any other data to share?"
Receiving a trove of data from the orbiter, Orion processed it, making startling discoveries.
"No radio signals from this planet, and no signs of technology. However, there's evidence of civilization."
"There's a city-like structure?" A hint of hope tinged Orion's voice. "Perhaps they can provide useful information, maybe even a means to contact Earth. There might be hope after all."