13 ♡ Browsing For Books And Bonds
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I was at home, engrossed in a light novel I had been reading, when my phone finally buzzed with a text message. I picked it up to see a message from Sakura.

[Sakura-chan: Hey Kaede-san, I'm at your door!]

A smile spread across my face as I read her message. I quickly replied with [Coming!] as I put away the light novel and grabbed my bag as I made my way to the door. When I swung it open, Sakura greeted me with her signature warm smile.

"Kaede-chan, good morning!" she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

I smiled in return. "Good morning, Sakura-chan! I've been looking forward to today all week. Angel-sensei finally released the second volume of 'Stardust Dreams,' and I can't wait to get my hands on it."

Sakura's eyes lit up in understanding. "Ah, I've heard a lot of good things about that series. It sounds amazing.

“It doesn’t just sound amazing, it is amazing!”

Sakura smiled. She always seemed so happy when she was with me.

“By the way, thanks for inviting me along today, Kaede-chan,” Sakura said.

I grinned, glad to have a friend and a fellow nerd to share the experience with. "Of course, Sakura-chan. It's always more fun to explore the bookstore with a friend.”

Sakura blushed as she nodded.

I went outside and closed the door behind me. With Sakura-chan walking next to me, we made our way to the bookstore.

“By the way, is there anything you're hoping to find today?" I asked curiously.

Sakura considered for a moment. "Hmm, there are a couple of manga series I've had my eye on. So I’m hoping I’ll find them there today."

With our nerdy desires in mind, we kept walking, the thrill of the upcoming visit to the bookstore buzzing in the air. Soon, we arrived at the bustling bookstore in the heart of the city.

The scent of new books greeted us as we stepped inside. The shelves beckoned with their colorful spines, promising endless worlds and adventures.

“Let’s split up for a while. You want to go to the manga-section, right?”

Sakura nodded. “Sure, let’s meet at the entrance later.”

I headed straight for the section that held the new light novels, my heart pounding with excitement. My eyes scanned the rows of books until I finally spotted it—'Stardust Dreams,' the second volume.

As I reached for the book, my fingers brushed against its spine, and I was about to take it when I felt another hand, delicate yet firm, reaching for the same book.

Surprise jolted through me, and I turned to face the unexpected contender for the novel. Before me stood a girl around my age, her features strikingly feminine and captivating. Her face held a delicate beauty that couldn't be denied, with a figure to match. However, her overall appearance was a fascinating blend of contrasts. She sported short hair, concealed partially under a cap that gave her a boyish edge. And she wore male clothes that accentuated her unique style.

Surprised, I instinctively bowed and stammered, my cheeks tinged with a warm flush of embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—"

Her response was a calm and composed smile that graced her lips, a smile that exuded both grace and friendliness. "No need to apologize. You can have it."

I blinked in surprise, momentarily lost for words. Her unexpected kindness left me both grateful and slightly baffled. "Oh, thank you. I appreciate it. I thought you wanted this book."

She chuckled softly. "Actually, I already have this one. I just wanted to see what it looked like in the store."

Understanding her curiosity, I nodded. "Ah, I see.”

She probably ordered it online. I thought.”

“By the way, do you like Angel-sensei's works?"

My eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "Oh, yes! Angel-sensei is one of my favorite authors. Her light novels are amazing!"

The girl smiled warmly and thanked me, which left me a bit puzzled. We then lapsed into an awkward silence. And I decided to break it by introducing myself.

"I'm Kaede," I said, extending my hand. "Nice to meet you."

She nodded and shook my hand, introducing herself in return. "I'm Akira Kato.”

"So, Kato-san, do you visit this bookstore often?" I asked.

Kato-san's eyes brightened at the question. "Yes, it’s pretty fun, although I rarely have the time to come here.”

“Oh, I see.”

She must be busy with schoolwork or something like that. She seems like she's a good student.

As we continued browsing the shelves, Kato-san suddenly asked, "What do you like most about Angel-sensei's writing, Kaede-san?"

Her question caught me off guard for a moment, but I welcomed the opportunity to share my thoughts. "I think what I love most about Angel-sensei's work is her ability to create such immersive worlds and stories. Her characters feel so real, and the way she weaves together their journeys is captivating. It's like she takes you on an emotional rollercoaster, and you can't help but get swept away by it."

Kato-san nodded thoughtfully. "Hmm, I see.”

As our conversation flowed, I began to notice that Kato-san was asking a lot of questions, mostly about Angel-sensei.

She must be a huge fan. I thought.

But I realized that wasn’t it. If she was a fan, she’d give her own opinions too, right? But Kato was only responding with ‘Really?’ or ‘I see..’

That’s when it struck me that Kato-san was maybe just trying to get to know me better.

She’s probably trying to become my friend but doesn’t know how to do it.

However, I also realized that Sakura-chan had been waiting for me. I didn't want to keep her waiting too long, but I didn't want to end this unexpected conversation abruptly either. So, I decided to extend an invitation.

"Kato-san," I began with a warm smile, "I'd love to continue our conversation, but my friend Sakura-chan is waiting for me. Would you like to join us for some ice cream? We were heading to a nearby parlor."

Kato-san considered my invitation for a moment before she gently declined. "Thank you for the kind offer, Kaede-san, but I'm afraid I'm quite busy today, and I wouldn't want to keep you and your friend waiting."

I understood her situation and nodded in acknowledgment. "No problem at all, Kato-san. Maybe another time."

She smiled warmly and reached into her bag, retrieving a small notepad and pen. With a graceful hand, she jotted down her phone number and handed it to me. "Here's my number. Let's keep in touch, Kaede-san. I'd love to talk about books more with you."

Grateful for the chance to stay connected, I accepted the notepad with a smile. "Thank you, Kato-san. I'll be sure to message you."

With a friendly wave, we parted ways for the time being, and I went back to Sakura.

As I returned to Sakura-chan, she looked at me with curiosity, clearly wondering what had taken me so long.

"Kaede-chan, what took you so long? Did something happen?” Sakura-chan asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

I decided to keep it simple and not mention Kato-san, not wanting to involve Sakura-chan with someone she didn't know.

"Oh, I just had a bit of trouble finding the book, but I got it eventually."

Sakura seemed satisfied with my explanation. "I see. Well, I’m glad you found it."

I smiled, relieved that she accepted my vague explanation. "Yeah, were you also able to find everything you want?”

Sakura nodded. “Mhm! I got everything I wanted. Wanna head home now?”

I stroked my chin with my hand.

“Hmm, since I made you wait, let’s go grab some ice cream together before going home. My treat.”

Sakura's cheeks turned red and her eyes lit up with excitement. "Ice cream sounds great, Kaede-chan! Let's go."

With that settled, we left the bookstore behind and headed to a nearby ice cream parlor, ready to enjoy a sweet treat and spend more time together.