Notice – Volume 2 Exiting Hiatus Early May.
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To my friends of the Bloodmaw Tribe,

Firstly, please allow me apologize for basically disappearing while leaving you all with that nasty cliffhanger on chapter seventy-eight.  Usually, writing a story is a fairly quick affair for me.  I churn out anywhere from five to ten-thousand words a day once I get motivated with a story idea, and by the time I'm done in a few weeks, I don't realize how mentally taxing it had been and fail to realize when I've entered into a burned out state, thereby needing a couple of months to rest and recover before beginning the next story.  I had overstepped my own ability while rushing ahead carelessly to try and push volume two since it had gained excellent traction.  When I reached the last published chapter, I hit a serious plot wall and didn't have the first idea on how to write my way either around or through it, having discarded well over ten attempts to do so.  Sometimes for me writing is like that, and all I can do is apologize.  However, while feeling seriously pressured to try and push through anyway, I had also gotten distracted with other ideas for stories and wound up taking more time feeling out those ideas instead of trying to get back on track with this story.

I also had a lot of upheaval in my own life and just couldn't get into the flow of writing the wholesomely enjoyable fucked up saga of Ark and the Goblin Tribe.  But, there is both good news and bad news on that front.  I'm currently ten chapters into what is essentially a complete rewrite of volume two (22.754 words as of this notice).  I hope to have about twenty chapters prepared and queued up before I begin posting again, seeing as how I am mostly refreshed and motivated to continue with a plot more befitting the characters involved. 

Do I expect a lot of you to be upset with me for abandoning the current setup?  Yes.  I feel like I essentially stole the time of almost all of my readers.  But do I expect the story's continuation to be worth enduring your anger, should you wish to express it openly in the comments?  Also, yes.

Volume two will begin with a small timeskip and a decision that will likely lose me some readers, but was going to be what I'm sure everyone saw as an inevitability.  It will revolve around Ark's goblin children, who now a bit older and incremental in number, increasingly see him as their "Husband," instead of their father as he so desired.  And it will follow the difficult path he must take in choosing to accept or outright refusing all of what that entails, starting with none other than our beloved heroine, Diana Artemis, taking a page out of, quite literally, chapter one.

I plan on aiming for the first week of May being when I resume publication of the new volume two and that means everything from chapter 70+ will be unpublished around that time to make room for the intended changes.

So, to the readers who've been with me from the start, and for those who found me during the hiatus, I hope that you'll be willing to forgive me long enough to go on another adventure with Ark in Goblinhome, one I am prepared to see properly to the end this time, now that I have a firm idea for the beginning and end of the new volume, and motivation to see it to completion.

I also deeply appreciate the concern and well-wishes many of you have given me in the comments and in my private messages in the interim of my absence.  I will do my absolute utmost to make it all worth the wait.

