447 | Internal Conflict
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447 | Internal Conflict

Thriller Bark echoed with malicious intent as Gecko Moria and Dr. Hogback stood on opposite sides, growling at one another. Behind Hogback, groups of marine soldiers, pirates and even large animals shambled forward, their movements fast, yet jerky and unnatural as the parasites controlling them compelled them toward Moria.

Moria's dark eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the advancing army. Blood boiled in his veins, causing his body to swell and expand. He now stood twenty feet tall, his shadow looming over the parasitic controlled army that closing in on him. 

"You bastard! After all, I did? You dare to challenge me on my own island?" Moria growled, his voice echoing with power and anger. "I should have crushed you and your delusions of overthrowing me long ago!"

Hogback merely smirked, his glasses glinting. "Oh, but you didn't, Moria. You allowed your ego to underestimate me. And now, you will fall!"

"Why you?! I will kill you!" 

With a guttural roar, Moria charged the line of marines, and pirates his giant fists swinging. 

Dr Hogback himself jumped back a bit scared, falling back to let his army do his bidding. This plan was years of hard work in making. He couldn't lose now. Even though he was acting all high and mighty, taking control over all parasites which controlled half-conscious men and animals were taking a toll on him. But he couldn't quite now. 

Even though it was a gamble, he took out a small pill from his pocket and gulped it down. With that, he finally found some clarity and his powers rose as if unmatched. He had to praise his own brilliance for being able to reverse-engineer the zoan drug into something he could use. 

However, it needed much improvement as the side effects of the drug wasn't something the could just ignore. 

The first row of the parasitic army, exploded into broken bones and cries of pain, blood spraying in all directions. Moria moved on, destroying the ranks as the army surrounded him. 

Even though it seemed as if Moria was winning, it was far from it. His observation haki flickered weakly, and his armament haki refused to coat his skin. Even his own blood powers were trying to keep the cold away from freezing his body. And yet Moria could see some part of his body turning ice cold when he moved attention elsewhere. 

"Feeling under the weather, Moria?" Hogback cackled with his megaphone in hand. Trying to rile up Gecko Moria so that the virus could take even more effect, "I've infected you with a very ancient virus collected with much difficulty. I hope you like it? Oh and don't worry, I have the perfect parasitical cure for your pitiful state! Kakakakaka."

Cursing under his labored breath, Moria whirled and slammed both fists down. The ground ruptured under the explosive impact, marble floors cracking outward. Marines and pirates flew back, broken and bleeding. But there were so many - dozens more took their place, compelled by the insidious parasites controlling their minds.

And those that fell, were already getting up due to the frantic signals from the parasite that took control over them. 

Blades and gunshots glanced off Moria's thick skin, infinitesimal nicks barely breaking the surface. But the effort left Moria panting, ice flowing through his insides, even with his blood pumping like fire, it wasn't able to hold off the virus from taking effect.

His eyes held confusion - why was he tiring so quickly? The parasitic army were barely strong enough to give him a pause, much less overwhelm him. But Moria found himself backing away as more marines mobbed him.

From Hogback's perspective across the hall, he watched Moria's retreat with malevolent satisfaction. The viruses now raging through Moria's body ensured the brute wouldn't be able to access his full power. 

It had been simple enough to gradually infect Moria over the past few days. Just a while ago, a group of unruly pirate group came to Thriller Bark, challenging the warlord to get fame. 

Moria didn't think anything of them, it wasn't unusual for something like that to happen. But this group of pirates were different, Hogback had read about them, they were just recently involved in an assassination of a government official in Water Seven, so unlike Moria, he didn't underestimate them. In fact he used them to his advantage. 

Even though the attacking pirate group lost, they were able to inflect one or two lethal wounds on Moria. And as his doctor, it didn't take much to infect him with the old virus. 

In some ways, that was a good chance to kill Gecko Moria once and for all. But no… Hogback wouldn't let the bastard die that easily. He had used him for years, and Hogback wanted to repay that favor. 

Dr Hogback knew his capabilities, taking control over Moria would be tough, but it would be worth it. And also this was the best way to gain the title of Warlord for himself. 

Dr Hogback was betting a lot on this, a while back the marine headquarters had called for a warlord meeting. Sending multiple marine ships to establish contact with Gecko Moria. 

And those were the bulk of marines that Dr Hogback took control over with his powers. If he didn't put down Moria and take control over him, the marines might send one of the admirals and he didn't want that. This was a very risky step, but one that he was willing to take. 

"Kakakaka… no one can stop me!" Hogback would claim Moria's position over Thriller Bark, bend the pirates to his will, and continue his research uninterrupted. No one could stand in his way once Moria fell. 

Hogback observed dispassionately as a pair of Moria's own crew members - now filled to the brim with mind-controlling bugs - drove blades into Moria's back. Black blood spurted, and the giant crashed to his knees with an anguished howl. Yet more insect-ridden pirates clustered and stabbed, widening the wounds.

With grim satisfaction, Hogback strode forward as Moria weakly attempted to swat away his own crew members. But his strength rapidly faded as blood pooled beneath him, slick on the marble. Ice also started to form around his skin, as the ice-virus took effect. Fog started to come out of Moria's mouth as he breathed out, the more weaker he got the more 

The remaining pirates and marines encircled Moria with swords drawn, some bit into him, trying to hold him down, ready to finish their bloodied foe.

Standing over Moria's slumped form, Hogback gave a final magnanimous cackle. "You were a brute, but a useful one for a time. But now your powers are mine to command."

On Hogback's hand was a centipede-like creature, with spikes all over it's body to latch on to. Hogback sneered, "Allow me to free your mind from its pathetic constraints."

Moria's eyes widened in belated understanding as Hogback's hand approached, "Stop it! Stop it?! You don't have to do this…" But it was too late - the parasite wiggled around Moria's face a bit, before entering through his nose cavity. "AgH…nO…"

Alien sensations burrowed into Moria's mind, opening pathways for control as the worm finally latched onto Moria's brain. Moria thrashed weakly, claws scraping the floor, but the parasites overwhelmed his thoughts with their incessant chattering. 

Soon, Moria went still, eyes blank and dull as the parasites asserted their hold. He could see and hear everything and yet his body wasn't willing to listen to him anymore.

The ice virus that was freezing Moria's skin also stopped its growth as if coming into some mutual understanding with the parasite that took hold over Moria's body. 

Hogback straightened with a satisfied laugh, surveying his new thrall. The marines, and pirates lowered their blades and weapons at an order from Hogback, shuffling away.

"Kakakaka… Rise now my, servant Moria," Hogback commanded, savoring the words on his tongue. "We have much work ahead to strengthen the forces under my authority."

The giant figure slowly obeyed, limbs moving jerkily to Hogback's will. Moria said nothing, parasite strings having smothered his defiance. Hogback watched his lumbering puppet begin to walk towards the laboratories, the perfect obedient beast. 

Yes, much experimentation could now commence without interference. Hogback had grand plans for the brute now under his full control. None would stand in his way again.

A bit far from them, a scared girl, Perona watched everything with tears in her eyes. First Absalom, now this… she couldn't stay here anymore. Her body started to glitch before she disappeared from her spot.

— — — 

A/N: So things of change so far. 

Gecko Moria's fruit is changed to Blood-Blood fruit. To keep up the vampiric theme. 

Dr Hogback has a devil fruit, which lets his control parasites. And by this extension, a bit more changed in this regard. 

Oh, and also Perona's fruit is the glitch-glitch fruit. Lol. I kind of liked her character. So who knows…

Anyway, have a nice day.


A/N: Also, I have been sick for a while now, that's why I am not able to write much. Hope you guys understand.


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