B03C16 Bunnies on the lamb.
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{Prince Yeven Gen}

He moved through his palace looking for someone. Two someone's if he was being honest. Things were going to get rough around here very soon and he needed to make sure they were safe. With a huff of frustration, he went to his bedroom and his jaw dropped on opening the door. Poppy and Rose lay on his bed, both bunny women were dressed in the thinnest of nightgowns. Poppy looked up at him with those beautiful green eyes making him shudder with want. Black see-through lace gave him a clear view of their slender bodies.

“We knew you were under a lot of stress and thought a bit of fun could help you relax.” Poppy said, moving to crawl across the big bed. Gods knew he needed this and would love the night but had to do something first.

“Poppy, Rose. I love you.” He said with a sigh. He was putting his heart out there. Both bunny women laughed in that sweet playful way that melted his heart.

“Tell us something we don’t know.” Rose said moving to join her sister. Both women were now on their hands and knees looking up at him from the bed. Poppy reached for the front of his pants as she licked her lips.

“Before we do that, I have some things to tell you.” Rose looked worried and pulled her sister's hand back.

“What is it, my lord?” She asked. Gods how he wanted to kiss them, run his fingers through that long red hair and take them until all three were satisfied and happy, but he had to do this first. He reached into a sack that had just arrived from Lord Savage and pulled out two small flasks of red liquid.

“This will let you have my children,” Suddenly the flasks were pulled from his hand before he knew what was going on and both women drained them quickly. “What?” He asked in shock. He thought he would have to lay out his heart and soul and maybe, just maybe they would agree to have his children. In place of that both women had grabbed at the potion like a starving man at a feast. Before he could blink the bottles were empty and both women looked at him hungrily. “There was more,” He pleaded as they eyed his crotch as they licked their lips. He shook trying to focus. “After tonight, I will have to send you two away.” Both women stopped and looked up at him with horror on their beautiful faces. “You know things are going to get bad here and I love both of you and want to protect you.” He said, sadness filling his eyes and in contrast to the boner fighting to free itself. “I love both of you and want you to be safe. If you both have my children, you would be the targets of those who would try for my head.”

“How long?” Poppy said, pouting as she crossed her arms over those amazing breasts with cute nipples. Rose looked angry as she crossed her arms.

“Maybe until next spring.” He said, his heart falling.

“Well, you had better get that dick out and fuck us so hard that we never forget you.” Rose said with a playful smile. Poppy pushed her and both women pulled him free taking turns licking and sucking on him. His hands moved to the back of each woman's head as he groaned in pleasure.

The room had fallen dark as the candles had burned out. He lay between them, an arm around each one as they lay on his chest, holding hands. Their ears were back and out of his face. He had filled each one as much as he could and was still shocked at how hard they had worked him. His mind drifted back over the years.

He had grown up with the twins and when he was barely fourteen winters old (18.6 in earth years) when Poppy had pulled him into a closet and demanded she take care of him. Rose had caught them and demanded she be allowed to join, or she would tell on them. He had loved them, Poppy and pulled her in and stared kissing her as he fucked Poppy hard from behind. He loved the women from the first moment he had seen them and how aggressive they could be would drive him wild. He knew his mother had given him the bunnies in hopes that he would learn to use Beasts as animals and toys, but he fell in love with them instead.

In a few hours, they would be in one of the new carriages that Savage had built being escorted by five Wardens to the town Happy Valley. It was all a ruse to make it look like he was helping Savage and would open him up to an attack, but it was what he wanted. The wolves would come to him and let him take their heads and leave a path open to the throne. When he was king, he would bring the women back to be his queens. He thought of the twins in elegant dresses on either side of him on the throne. He would have to have rings and crowns made for them. What types of dress would they choose to wear in court? The thought made him smile. He would have his loves by his side and safe as his queens and this was all thanks to Savage.

{Demon Lady Gorlond}

She had been sleeping in the rubble of a town through the winter, but now it was spring, and she woke, rising to her full height. It felt so nice rampaging like this. She had eaten several of those Knights the humans loved and infused the metal into her scales. It made them shine in the sun and would show everyone the horror she was. She licked her lips with a long-forked tongue and roared insuring all her servants were awake. “Move out you lazy fuckers.” she growled and picked up two, eating them in one bite. Her army had swelled, and she looked up to see several winged demons taking to the sky. Now it was time to feed, grow and show Savage that she was worthy of his seed and his life. She put a foot down crushing a house and delighting in the sound of the decayed bones that shattered under foot. She should have done this long ago. The humans were weak and should be her food. She was on the move again and she would show this world despair, fear and so much more.

{Mai Savage}

She woke up the day after building the big nest and took to the sky. Later on, she would have to take Filo up here, but this morning was hers. The small harpy loved the sky. Her mate had returned and seemed happier and better. She wished she could fly with him, but lifting his heart was enough for her. The air was nice, and the thermals were just starting to build. She flew like this until the sun had fully risen and made the world smell wonderful. When her belly started to sing, she made her way back home. Her blood ran cold as she looked at the house. The peacock Sheldon was talking to Filo. She screamed in fury, and he looked up, picked up her daughter in his claws and started flying away. Her rage boiled over as she flew as fast as she could. Sheldon landed on the roof of a building, Filo hopped to Mai as Mai landed, rage filling her being. She scooped up Filo and raised her talons to rend the fool into warms. She stopped as she saw him bowing, neck displayed and wings out.

“Forgive me, she who owns the sky. I feared you killing me and took your hatchling without permission.” He said, in a reverence. A shadow fell over her and she turned expecting the fool, Scarlet. The harpy was larger and stronger, but Mai didn’t care she would rip them both apart for even thinking they could lay a claw on her daughter. She turned quickly, a scream building in her throat only to find the other harpy on the roof bowing like Sheldon.

“Forgive us, she who owns the sky.” Scarlet said. Now Mai was confused. She chirped her confusion as she looked between them. “May I move next to my hopeful mate, so you need not look between us?” Scarlet asked. Mai nodded and the larger harpy woman crawled across the roof to lay on the ground next to Sheldon. Mai chirped again and Filo laughed.

“Mommy doesn’t know what you doing.” Her hatchling was such a clever girl. Mai kissed the top of her head as they looked at the two harpies.

“She who owns the sky, we wish to join your flock.” Scarlet said. Mai blinked. She was not the flock’s leader. She thought for a moment. She was technically the harpy in charge. She was she who owns the sky for this town. Mai walked up to them and lifted Scarlet’s chin with a talon to look into the other woman's worried eyes. She pointed at Shelden and then at Scarlet.

“Mommy asks if you only want Shelly.” Filo said. Scarlet nodded.

“Yes, I wish to build a nest with him.” she said blushing. Mai pointed at Scarlet and then at the building her mate would work at.

“Mommy asks if you want to mate with Daddy.” Filo was doing an amazing job helping Mai and would have to get a good bath later as a reward.

“No, she who owns the sky. All I wish is to make eggs with Sheldon.” Scarlet said, looking at Sheldon and blushing. Mai noticed that the peacock was blushing too. Mai put a taloned claw on the back of the woman's neck and then did the same to Sheldon. Once done she put Filo down and raised her arm up spreading her wings wide.

“Mommy says welcome to the flock.” Filo said smiling. Filo took a deep breath and said the one word she could, a slight tear in her eye.

“Stay.” It was still barely a whisper, but she was happy she could say that.

 Sheldon moved to Scarlet and held her close. Mai had to pick up Filo and fly away soon. It wouldn’t be nice for a child to see adults' mate when she was this young. “Mommy higher.” The child cried as Mai took to the sky. The thermals took them high into the sky and Filo was a child after her own heart and loved the freedom they had. She was she who owns the sky. Her flock had grown and would keep growing all thanks to her mate.

{Lord Alex Savage}

I woke up in a big cuddle pile. The nest was an amazing idea, and I would have to spoil Mai for helping me like she had. Getting out of the pile was a little bit of a challenge though. I smiled in a new way as I looked over to see Gorloth wrapped around Debby. The blonde human was holding Orloth and Orga. It warmed my heart to think that my big buddy had found another person to share his life with. Gen was sleeping between Ket and Snow and the kids just looked cute as hell. I’d have to get some real work done today, but taking this break was a treat I needed to do more often. Uta was awake already and started cooking breakfast for everyone. I walked up behind my coyote lover and started kissing the back of her neck as I reached around to hold her. She laughed and leaned into me. God, she smelled so good.

“I see you are feeling better.” She said, as she reached up to run her fingers through my hair. She started rubbing her ass against my crotch and I was very tempted to show her how much better I was. I growled and licked her neck, making her shudder. She moaned and leaned back to kiss me softly. Sadly, I knew the children could walk in at any moment and things like this are better in a locked and salience room.

“If you do that, I won't have time to fix breakfast.”

“I just wanted to say thank you for last night. I was in a dark place.” She nodded and pulled my hand up to kiss the palm.

“I know, I heard everything. You think you are that brain thing that Debbie was talking about?” I sighed and just held my lover.

“No clue. We may need more wanderers to find out, but it could be the case.” She nodded and pushed me away.

“If you ever feel like you aren’t loved, drag my fluffy tail to bed and I will show you how wrong you are. I know I won't be the only one showing you though.” she said with a playful laugh before kissing me hard. Now get washed up Darlin.” She said, slapping my ass. It made me smile and I went to the bathroom. I thought everyone was asleep, but I was wrong. On opening the door, I heard a gasp and closed the door quickly.

“Sorry. I should have knocked.” Lian was inside and she was nude in the bath. The view was not bad, and I would have liked to see more, but I should show her some respect.

“Umm, wait.” She said weakly. I stopped, the door blocking my view. “You,” she paused, taking a shuddering breath. “Can come in.”

“Are you sure?” Why was my heart beating so fast? It was like I was in love again, but she was human. Even when I was back on earth, I never got this nervous around women.

“Yes.” She whispered. I could barely hear her. I heard the water slosh. I took a breath to steady myself and opened the door. Maybe group bathing is common in her kingdom. She was now covered with a towel, but still it was scandalous. I entered, unable to take my eyes off her. A growl of pleasure held back. She may not like my animal tendencies as much as the others. I walked over to the counter to undress knowing that her eyes were on me. The water must be very hot because her face was bright red. My shirt went off easily, but I held back and looked over at her before hooking my thumbs in my pants.

“You sure?” I asked. She gulped and nodded slowly. Well, who am I to turn down a bath with a beautiful pink-haired princess. I pulled it down and heard her gasp. Maybe this was going too far, but it was too late to back out now. I turned, covering myself with a towel and made my way into the tub. The water was warm, relaxing and I sighed as I felt the heat sink into my bones. It felt so nice. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I needed this after yesterday. I heard the water slosh again and opened my eyes to see Lian moving towards me. Her eyes were fixed on the water.

“Turn around please.” She said unable to meet my eyes. I wasn’t sure what was going on but did as she asked. I felt her hands move to my shoulders and I shuddered at her touch. I couldn’t help it and licked my chops. She started rubbing my shoulders with those soft hands. “Better?” She asked weakly. I nodded and moaned as she hit a rough spot. The door slid open, and we froze. I looked over expecting to hear shouting or see angry eyes, but a smiling Lily met me. She just moved over to my pile of clothes and let her dress and underwear join them.

“Please don’t stop on my account.” She said winking at us. Lian’s hands moved away, and she stood.

“I should leave.” She said getting out of the tub. The fabric moved ever so slightly, and I was able to see her ass. It was an amazing view. Her face though killed the mood. She looked embarrassed and scared.

“You don’t have to go.” Lily protested, but it was too late. The door closed quickly as Lian fled. “That girl really needs to join us one night.” Lily said, getting into the water. I turned to her, feeling very guilty. She sat there looking so sweet and it felt like I had tried cheat on her.

“Forgive me.” I said looking down.

“For what?” She asked as she moved to me and lifted my head up to look into her beautiful red eyes.

“For that and something I’ve been hiding from you.”

“That? Why? She is hot and should join us. I know you like her, and I like her too. She needs permission from the others if we make her a part of the family, but I don’t see that as an issue. What is this other thing?” I took a deep breath. Here we go.

“Do you remember the skill party last year?” I asked, my heart feeling like it was going to jump out of my chest. She nodded and looked worried. “Gorloth told me about his time before he came here and during his story, he brought up seeing your sister.” Lily’s eyes started watering, but it was too late to back out now. “I asked Midna to look into it and she is alive, healthy and married.” Lily froze, her jaw hanging down. This is where she slaps me, takes Kakarot and runs off. I braced for the attack, closed my eyes, fully ready to take the abuse that was coming my way. I had earned this beatdown and was going to take it on the chin. Inwardly I had rehearsed this over and over. She took a breath, and I could hear her sobbing. Here comes the slap. She hugged me and my eyes flew open.

“She’s alive?” She asked, crying openly in my arms. My arms went around her middle on reflex.

“Yes, but she asked Midna to wipe her memory so she could marry a human. According to Midna, the memory of that night kept her from being happy. She also said the man is a healer who fixed your sister.” I felt kisses on my neck, and they peppered their way up to my mouth each one dotted with a thank you from Lily. I thought she would be mad. “You aren’t mad?” I asked unsure what was really going on.

“No, she is alive and happy. That's what matters.” I didn’t expect it to go this way and was just happy this was off my soul. Lily pulled back to look into my eyes. “You are an amazing man for going this far for me.” I just nodded and looked away.

“Sorry I kept it from you.” I muttered, unable to look her in the eye. She turned my head and brought her forehead to mine.

“Stupid man, would you have told me if she was dead or in harm's way?” She asked sweetly.

“No, Midna was under orders to bring her back if she was in danger or being mistreated. If she was dead, I would have just kept it to myself.” She kissed me hard, taking my breath away. I was hard as a rock again and she reached down removing the towel. I slid in easily and she showed me how happy she was. Once we were clean, happy and satisfied, I went to work with Debbie, Hena and Ket. I had a new plan, new fire and joy in my life. I felt light and a part of this world in place of being apart from it. This was my home in every way, and I was with people who loved and cared for me.




Hope everyone had a good new year. How would you have reacted in Alex's place or in Lily's place? Would you be upset it was kept from you or happy knowing your loved one was alive, well and whole? If any of you want to know about Lily's sister, read The Broken Family. Their family will be a part of the town later, but that will take place in Gen's story. Stay epic everyone. :)