Chapter 100: After Story.
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Chapter 100: After Story.

(Selenia’s POV)

Resoria: “Selenia, it is a shame that you came back so early.” She said with a sigh.

Selenia: “How so?” I say with a head tilt.

Resoria: “You have already experienced a modern world, so we figured that you would much enjoy a space fairing sci-fi world better.” She answered.

Selenia: “Eh, with us never being able to die, we will eventually live in such a world.” I reply with a shrug.

Since the day that we got married, it has been ten years. Ten full and loving years. The domination of my wives had subsided greatly. It seems that, due to all the years that they missed me for, they changed.

That is all to say, that they missed me a whole lot, and that they treasure me even more now. It’s not like everything is planned out for me anymore, and they respect my will and agency. I mean for in life, and in bed. That is to say, I kiss and touch them all the time now. Though, make no mistake, I am still a bottom to a fault…

Zella: “Selenia… I am curious.” She said with a curious tone.

Selenia: “About what?” I reply.

Zella: “How did you find out that we were going to die, and how did you save us?” She said with a thinking pose.

Selenia: “Excuse me!? What are you talking about!?” I exclaim in shock.

Zella: “…”

Cirilia: “Damn research crazy woman… It was blatantly obvious that Selenia had no idea about that at all.” She said, bopping Zella on her cute head.

Just hearing those words was enough to make me have an extreme panic attack. It took my wives half an hour to coax me to calm down out of it. If I am being honest, I didn’t even know that I could get panic attacks…

Selenia: “Please explain what she meant.” I plead.

Resoria: “Freezing time for so long came with a price.” She replied.

Selenia: “…”

Zella: “The price was our time. We had to stop freezing time, which ended in the era that we’re currently in, as we had run out of time.” She explained.

Selenia: “How… how much time did you three have left?” I struggle to ask.

Cirilia: “The cost was great, even with our power and blessed bodies. We only had 1000 years left to live with you.” She answered.

Selenia: “…”

Instantly, tears started to flow down my face. This was a complete accident. That is, Avena granting me my wish… With tears endlessly flowing down my face, I struggle out the words and explain what I did that saved them.

With the three canceling all of their work, they consoled me for an entire week. This, even with them being fine in the end, hurt me greatly. And they understood that. So they pampered and cared for me a lot, trying to make me feel better.

A Month Later.

Resoria: “How is your current project, Selenia?” She asked.

Selenia: “Huh? Ah, it is almost done.” I reply after realizing that Resoria was in my room.

Just like in my past life, I followed the path of being a writer. Even then, I just write about lesbian stories. And my lesbian stories were popular here as well.

Which is odd… Only women exist here in this dimension now. You would thank that, as this lesbianism is basically the only sexuality that exists here, that yuri novels wouldn’t be so popular…

No, wait… romance novels always tend to be popular. Just like how my yuri novels were popular, as it was a very nichely catered to subgenre of romance, they’re popular here as everyone likes romance. At least, a decent bit of people like romance, that is.

Selenia: “Hey… you didn’t like, boost up the popularity of my novels, right? I know that you three, but mostly Cirilia, have a lot of money…” I ask, moving into the livingroom where Cirilia and Zella were.

Resoria followed me along. Why was my wife so cute? Following me around like she was a duck, and I was her mother…

Cirilia: “I planned to do so, but it wasn’t needed. You’re just that good at writing novels.” She answered.

Selenia: “Oh, really? Thanks! Your words mean a lot to me.” I reply with a blush.

Cirilia, Resoria, and Zella. They had broken our pack many times, many times. But they swore at the wedding to never lie to me ever again. This time, I knew that they truly meant it. Which means that Cirilia isn’t lying right now.

Cirilia: “Speaking of which, don’t you have an appointment?” She informed.

Selenia: “Appointment?…” I reply with a head tilt.

Oh, shit… that’s right! I had an appointment today!! It was to have all of my novels turned into movies and shows!!! What’s worse, is that it is with a very famous media company. Am I late!? Ah, no, I am not late. Thank Goddess…

Resoria: “Selenia, I will drive you to it. The appointment is in an hour, right? We can get some fast food on the way.” She offered, to which I agreed to.

Before leaving, I had gotten dressed in a very beautiful dress. Not like I planned to sell myself to whoever I am going to meet. Look, call me a narcissist, but I fucking love looking beautiful for 99% of the day!

Resoria: “Same order as last time?” She asked.

Selenia: “Yes please.” I reply with a nod.

Soon, we got our order from the drive-through. We went to Mcd_nalds. Well… it was a fake named one instead. Called, MickeyDins. Resoria said that, even though they didn’t care about copyright since this was a different world, they thought that giving each brand a funny, off-brand name would make me laugh. It did. And still does to this very day.

Resoria: “We will be there soon, please eat away.” She urged.

Selenia: “Okay.” I reply, with a bite of burger in my mouth.

This restaurant does taste like Mcd_nalds, but a million times better. Even more, is that it is actually healthy to eat. Not like we care about that, with our bodies and everything. But they clearly wanted this world to be perfect for me.

While continuing to nom on a burger, I took hold of one of Resoria’s hands.

Resoria: “So… this is what I missed out on in my last life, huh? If I didn’t kidnap you, then we could go out on small, nice dates, and have moments like this.” She said with a remorseful tone.

Selenia: “That’s in the past, Resoria. Literally, even. You aren’t that woman. Right now, you’re one of the women that I love very dearly with all my heart. Please never forget that.” I say with a smile, planting a kiss on her hand.

Resoria: “Thank you… Selenia, I love you.” She said with a smile.

Selenia: “I love you too, Resoria.” I say with a smile of my own.

Eventually, we made it to the building with time to spare. Before going inside, Resoria said that Cirilia would be the one to take me home, so she left. Now at the front desk, I told the receptionist that I had an appointment soon.

Receptionist: “Ah, Selenia… The CEO mentioned you. Please use her private elevator, she is waiting for you in her office.” She informed, pointing out the literally diamond elevator.

Selenia: “…”

Following her instruction, I walked over to the elevator, and it opened up with me with ease. Then, I was nervous, waiting for the ride to end. Once it did, I walked into the private office with my head held high.

CEO: “My, I didn’t realize that you would be such a cute woman.” She said with a grin and seductive tone.

Selenia: “…”

Before doing anything more, I walked over to the CEO, who was sitting on the couch, got onto her lap, and started making out with her. What? Was I actually selling myself? Nope! This was one of my wives, Cirilia. It doesn’t count, since she is my wife!

Cirilia: “Selling yourself already?” She teased.

Selenia: “No more playing, Cirilia.” I say with a red face.

Goddess… I am such an idiot! How did I not even somewhat think that Cirilia would own this business? To be fair, I never asked, but I totally should have guessed that it would be one of her businesses. This isn’t considered going through the back door, right?…

Cirilia: “That so? Then we’ll save it for bed later. Now, before you ask, I am not accepting your novels due to you being my wife.” She said with a serious tone.

Selenia: “…”

Cirilia: “Your novels are amazing, and they will make us countless bundles of money. Please sign this document, and then your stories will be in a moving format for more people to enjoy.” She pointed out the pen and document on the table, to which I quickly signed.

Cirilia will be the one who will handle all of the production, and I know that she will do my novels justice. With Cirilia’s reasoning being that she knew that I would prefer writing more novels instead of managing production of the movies and tv shows.

Flirting with Cirilia in her office more, we soon left the building at the end of the day. With our destination being our estate. The warm place where my heart is always kept happy and loved.

The place where my family is, where they sleep, and where they live. That is, my home. Our home. Cirilia is so going to have sex with me all night when we get back home… Oh, Goddess… I sure love my wives. I do like sex; you know. Now then, oh domineering and powerful CEO who is my wife, please be gentle with me tonight, okay?…