Chapter 9 – Monster Girls, Man juice as money, and Man-Milking Facilities are a thing
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Tenta's POV:


After I agreed to the shady deal with Kary, I suddenly felt a wave of fatigue and sleepiness.

{Ugh... I'm getting tired again. Is this because I leveled up again?} I asked.

"Of course." Kary nodded. "But it should be more bearable than last time, right?" She asked.

{True...} I agreed.

Although I leveled up more today than yesterday, relatively speaking, I grew less than last time. After all, the relative difference between 1 and 2 is more significant than 2 and 3.

"This time, I want you to endure it," Kary said. "By enduring it, you can gain tiredness tolerance, an essential skill for many professions."

{Ah... Yeah, that makes sense.} I agreed, trying to resist the rising urge to sleep. {But now that I think about it, I don't remember Cornelia having most of my resistance skills...}

Cornelia only had Pain Tolerance lvl 2, which could likely be acquired through falling on the ground or receiving some bruises as a child. But she didn't even have Disease Resistance.

"Hm? Oh, that child? It is normal." Kary said. "She likely came from a noble family and received good treatment, medication, and healing magic. She probably only got scolded, spanked, or tripped, missing out on resistance skills. Her entire skill build screams pampered little rich girl." She said. "Knowing Fary, she would likely correct that weakness to an extent."

{... Will she be okay?} I warily asked.

"The focus of that little girl's training would be spellcasting and knowledge." Kary shrugged. "Although she would likely exercise and go into shape."

{Is that necessary?} I weirdly asked. {I thought magicians were all about slinging spells behind cover.}

"Only scholar magicians are like that." Kary shook her head. "A proper magician also keeps a healthy and well-trained body. A weak body makes one a weak target in a party, and a squishy mage can get easily assassinated. Also..." She looked at me, "If her body is weak, she wouldn't be able to endure your full power. It would place too high a burden on her body."

{She can use my power? Is this part of the contract?} I asked.

"Yes." Kary nodded. "Witches are, in essence, a type of occultic summoner relying on a permanent life-bound familiar. One of the contract's functions is to channel your power and life to her or vice versa. Of course, this comes with a steep price, a permanent weak point." 

{Each other, hah?} I knowingly said.

"Exactly." Kary nodded. "If the witch or familiar is weak, they are an exploitable weakness for an assassin."

{Reasonable.} I replied.

"Now that we went over that point, let us go over some general knowledge," Kary began describing the world.

We were in a world called The Black Abyss, a nigh-infinite realm jointly ruled by various dark-oriented gods. It was infinitely tall, deep, and vast, inhabited by many creatures and monsters. This place was the free-trade Underdark city of Shalzima, ruled by Kary herself, under the name of Lartoth, the Spider Goddess. It is a massive city with a staggering population of several million, with the population being a mishmash of things. In this city, demi-human races like Dark Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, and Humans served as a minority, 30% of the population, with 80% being male. Around 50% were monster girls, and the rest were other enlightened monster races.

Now, you might be wondering what monster girls are as a whole. In this world, they are a successful evolutionary branch of female monsters, embodying both the strength of their original race and, you guessed it, sex. They have beautiful and sexualized bodies, purposed to give maximum pleasure to men as they predate on their male essence or semen, either as nourishment or for procreation. To achieve that goal, they either reverse rape, court, or tempt a possible partner into raping them, acquiring a mate. However, their mates rarely complain because of the pleasure they receive. That said, monster girls are decidedly different than their original monster race and kill them without qualms.

It is said that, through stringent requirements, intelligent female monsters can evolve into monster girls, a one-gendered race that uses enlightened male races for procreation, with a skewed birth rate of 2:1. For every two females of their race, one male of the father's race is born. This is also why monster girls are inherently polygamous, with several sharing a husband... If he can endure it. But most times, a male can barely handle one or is even gay or impotent, making the amount of bachelor monster girls high and the number of available men low. If a male is (sexually) strong enough and can satisfy them all, having several dozen wives is possible, but such cases are naturally rare.

For some reason, perhaps because of the nature of the issue, few one-gendered male monsters tend to be consensual, and they often kill "competing males," the spouses or male children of the females they rape, and the children are always of the male race. Chief among them is, you guessed it, Tentacle Monsters, who often capture females and use them as seedbeds, keeping them alive to infinitely give birth to their spawn until their body breaks. And unlike monster girls, they don't have a gender balance. IE, they are a parasitic menace. Other such monsters are almost always classified as harmful and killed on sight. Especially monster girls, they downright loathe them.

Naturally, there are also consensual and sexual human-like male monsters, such as incubi or vampires, but they are in the minority and not one-gendered, and their birth rate is low. Most of the time, there are enlightened non-human monsters with both genders, but every race, in practice, has a monster girl counterpart. This includes animals, plants, objects, elemental entities, monsters, the undead, demons, angels, and even abominations, including tentacle monsters.

As for why such a thing happened? Why are monster girls single-gendered? And why do monster girls resemble humans of all things? Vysanke, the Monster Goddess, is a succubus who ascended to godhood and thus added a monster girl evolution for all races imaginable, sometimes even forcefully creating a monster girl race out of a male or asexual race. And since she is a succubus, monster girls are inherently lascivious creatures. However, she didn't add this to the males, perhaps because of her skewed views.

In other words, that milking show I got from Flossie was not shameful to her. She might be more demanding in her mate selection, but seduction was second nature, an instinct carved into her genes, like how a cat plays with a mouse to practice hunting. In this world, few men ever rape a woman since sex is highly accessible, and they are more likely to get raped than the opposite. Heck, even some human females rape men.

And also, the Consentacle perk is far more unique than I thought. Even without people knowing about my ridiculous perks, it alone might bring me a lot of trouble.

{Will I be okay?} I warily asked. {The Consentacle perk is probably the only one-gendered male monster enlightened race...}

"It'll be fine," Kary smirked. "Your race is beneficial and can co-exist with others like the tamest of monster girls, and you are even contracted to a witch." She then paused a moment before continuing, "I can only think of some religious nutjobs finding fault with you, but with the Great System's protection, even they will have to accept you since they would view your race as a gift from the Great System and create a breeding program for you."

{... You're kidding, right?} I blankly asked.

"Nope. I wouldn't be surprised if they send several thousand women to bear your children to kickstart your race and make you into some divine object of worship." Kary said without changing expression. It looked like she was serious.

{Will they be hot?} I couldn't help but blurt.

"Most definitely, yes. They would handpick young, nubile, and very fertile women, likely slaves, but perhaps also devout sisters." She said.

This world is absurd, in a good way. Thank you, Reality Smuggler. That said...

{Slaves?} I asked. {Is that allowed here?}

On Earth, the planet my predecessor came from, slavery is a sensitive word. Although there are corporate slaves, chattel slavery is illegal.

"Yes." Kary nodded. "Instead of a prison, we have slave contracts. Some are debt slaves, some are war slaves, some are captured slaves, and some... are voluntary slaves." Her tone sounded a tad weird in the last part.

{... Voluntary? Who would ever want to become a slave?} I doubtfully asked.

"There are several reasons why. Some want gold, some want to eat, and some want to experience something else... particularly men." She mysteriously said.

{... They are semen dispensers, aren't they?} I said, almost certain in my conjecture.

"Wow!" Kary widened her eyes. "How did you know? Did you hear that before?" She asked in surprise.

{It is a bit of a common trope in hentai.} I answered.

"What is HENTAI?" Kary made a strange face. When she said that word, it didn't translate well to Common, so she said that in English.

{Pornographic artwork.} I simplified.

"Ah, I see." Kary nodded. "So, yes, we have semen factories where usually slave males are constantly milked to produce semen. Some men sell their semen there to earn extra income, and some slaves work there all day."

{And monster girls buy it? Really?} I weirdly asked.

"All the time." Kary shrugged. "It is so in demand that it is used as hard currency here. I also drink premium goods from time to time."

{Ah... Right... Arachne. But hard currency?} I asked.

"Yes." She nodded, "Depending on quality, semen gives experience to monster girls when absorbed, and some need it as a nutritional supplement. So, instead of rare metals like gold and silver, we usually use units of semen for barter."

{And let me guess, the semen factory is the money-mint that validates semen quality and worth.}

"Yes. And it also stores the semen in special containers to prevent degradation." She affirmed, "But we work on barter in these parts, so semen isn't the only form of currency. We also trade valuables, such as mana crystals, products, and natural resources. But of course, there is no set price for anything, and everything here is up to barter."

We then continued our chatter about other general knowledge in this place and the value of things. Mostly, we talked about the laws and rules of this world and what is accepted and what is not.

For starters, in The Dark Abyss, the law of the jungle applies to places outside the city view. In there, robbery and (reverse) rape are commonplace, so men take a more feminine position, and few dare become adventurers to hunt wild monsters. Of course, there are some male powerhouses here and there, but they are an overwhelming minority, less than 10%.

As for the cities? It depends on the ruler. In Shalzima, Kary rules, and her words are law. In this city, the main worshipped god is Vysanke, followed by Lartoth. As for why not worship Lartoth first? Vysanke is a major goddess and one of the rulers of The Dark Abyss, while Lartoth is only a lesser one subordinate to her.

In Shalzima, common laws such as no killing or theft apply, and the use of force is forbidden. Also, using mind control methods is prohibited, and the open worship of foreign gods is disallowed. Also, other laws I would consider as common sense apply here. As for the fate of those who violate the law? Fines, slavery, or death. There is no imprisonment here since slavery is a form of cost-effective imprisonment.

I also learned about the timetable. The Dark Abyss has 30-hour days with ten-day weeks and three-week months per year. They also had four seasons here, 3 in summer or winter and 2 in spring or fall. We were currently in the first month of fall, by the way.

After around three hours, I got down most of the general knowledge I needed. Coupled with my previous life knowledge, my general knowledge skyrocketed, and my price evaluation also rose sharply, likely because my predecessor was an economy nerd who liked reading about medieval and fantasy economies. And I also gained tiredness tolerance.


Gained General Knowledge lvl 1

General Knowledge leveled up to lvl 8

Gained Price Evaluation lvl 1

Price Evaluation leveled up to lvl 6

Gained Tiredness Resistance lvl 1

Tiredness Resistance leveled up to lvl 2

Class level up!

Commoner lvl 1 -> 5

You have unlocked new classes!

Unlocked: Novice Farmer, Novice Lumberjack, Novice Hunter, Rookie Brawler, Militia


When Commonor hit lvl 5, I got those five new classes. It didn't happen with Monster Fledgling, but I guess I will unlock something at lvl 10.

{Kary, I don't think I can hold on anymore...} I groggily said.

"It was good for your first time. Go to sleep, but remember to change your Commonor class to Rookie Brawler." Kary instructed.

And with her permission, I entered dreamland.




Kary's POV:


I calmly stared at my now-asleep disciple, this ridiculous little creature. The speed at which he gained levels and resistance was top-tier, even learning Regeneration. In the knowledge aspect, Guru and Reincarnated Otherworlder played a big part, enabling him to return to his rightful skill level. I only gave him a push. But for resistance skills, class levels, and even digesting milk quickly, it was also attributed to True Hero, I Choose To Be A Monster, and Cave Troll.

"That unfair perk, Cave Troll, is the perfect warrior perk. Besides the stat bonuses, that mouthwatering regeneration bonus is a meat-tank dream template. However, without that ridiculously high willpower, he wouldn't endure it. And that Semen Production and Refractory Period Recovery Rate +500% boost is the ultimate Monster Girl bait. If the wrong people know, he might just get strapped to a milking machine for the rest of his life, becoming a permanent semen dispenser."

But then, I couldn't help but think about those other perks. "Then again, Solitary Monk, Tyrant, and Golden Hands are a perfect counter to most monster girls. That, coupled with his Pleasure Saint class, he can overcome even high-level succubi at a low level... in a good way. It would be pretty hilarious to see monster girls trying to milk him, only to get manhandled."

When that thought surfaced, she couldn't help licking her lips, "How would his semen taste, anyway? Better than those calamari tendrils, right?"

But then she shook her head. "First, I should raise him well. I'll consider it after that."

With that thought in mind, she muttered, "Xaverie.". As she said that, a shadow materialized behind her.

"Yes, Misstress." Xaverie asked.

"Clean Tenta and take him to his bed," Kary ordered.

"Yes, Misstress," Xaverie responded, picked up Tenta, and walked away.




Tenta's POV:

I found myself again in the lucid dream world.


You have entered sleeping mode, and your body is adjusting to your new stats and level.

Would you like to change your class, or would you like to enter deep sleep?


Kary already gave me instructions, so I changed Commoner to Rookie Brawler.


Rookie Brawler

Rookie Brawlers are commoners who see fist-fighting as more than just a spur-of-the-moment drunk brawl, but a calling, a profession. As a rookie, rather than hitting, getting hit is the main focus of this class to build a better foundation, so those without a durable body and pain tolerance are highly advised against choosing it.

  • Each class level increases all stats by 2%
  • Each class level increases Strength by an additional +2%
  • Each class level increases Vitality by an additional +2%
  • Each class level increases Endurance by an additional +4%
  • Health Regeneration +10%
  • Learning speed of unarmed combat skills and resistance skills +10%
  • Gain exp from learning and using unarmed combat and resistance skills or fighting bare-handed.


In other words, this class was a dumb-ass class for fighting junkies. But for my future training, it was suitable. I didn't like the idea of getting to experience hellish pain, but I knew it was for my future development (And the nip suckle)!

And so I changed my class and fell asleep again...


After an indeterminate amount of time, I woke up in my room and checked my status.



Name: Tenta
Race: Tentacle Monster Larvae(lvl 3/20)
Gender: Male
Age: 0 (Mentally 34(Hidden))
Class 1: Rookie Brawler lvl (1/20)
Class 2: Monster Fledgling lvl (7/20)(Hidden)
Perks: Consentacle, Intelligent Monster, Overcome Nature, Magically Gifted, Tentacle Genius, Natural Linguist, Natural Telepath, Familiar Contract(Cornelia Le Torneau), Disciple of Karlina, Reincarnated Otherworlder(Hidden), Second Class(Hidden), A True Hero(Hidden), Wizard(Hidden), Solitary Monk(Hidden), Guru(Hidden), Tyrant(Hidden), Golden Hands(Hidden), Cave Troll(Hidden), I Choose To Be A Monster(Hidden)

Health: (100%)
Mana: (5.916/5.916)
Strength: 0.6*(1+0.04+0.28)*1.6 = 1.2672
Vitality: 0.6*(1+0.04+0.28)*1.6 = 1.2672
Endurance: 0.6*(1+0.06+0.28)*2.1 = 1.6884
Agility: 0.3*(1+0.02+0.14)*1.6 = 0.5568
Dexterity: 0.6*(1+0.02+0.14)*1.8 = 1.2528
Perception: 0.3*(1+0.02+0.28)*1.1 = 0.429
Magic: 0.3*(1+0.02+0.14)*1.7 = 0.5916
Intelligence: 3*(1+0.02+0.14)*1.9 = 6.612
Willpower: 3*(1+0.02+0.14)*4.2 = 14.616
Charisma: 0.3*(1+0.02+0.14)*1.7 = 0.5916

Knowledge Skills:
Common Language lvl 5, Price Evaluation lvl 6, General Knowledge lvl 8

Physical Skills:
Tendril Control lvl 5, Regeneration lvl 7

Resistance Skills:
Venom Resistance lvl 3, Disease Resistance lvl 7, Pain Tolerance lvl 8, Fear Resistance lvl 7, Bleeding Resistance lvl 5, Tiredness Tolerance lvl 2

Psychic Skills:
Telepathy lvl 5

Sexual Skills:
Masturbation lvl 100(Max)(Hidden), Tentacle Technique lvl 100(Max)(Hidden), Pleasure Tolerance lvl 100(Max)(Hidden), Edging lvl 100(Max)(Hidden), Seduction Resistance lvl 4


My stats greatly increased again, and I had a ton of new resistance skills. Also, it seems like Seduction Resistance counts as a sexual skill, which makes sense. But that one is not hidden.

"Though I would probably categorize it as a mental resistance, though..." I thought.

Just then, as if on cue, the door was opened by Xaverie.

"Sir Tenta, good evening." She said.

{Ah, good evening.} I replied.

"Dinner will be served soon," Xaverie said and picked me up.

{... Kary will eat my tendrils again, won't she?} I bitterly said.

"The mistress is eccentric in her ways, but her training methods are spot-on," Xaverie replied. "And the Arachne eat the spider legs of their young as grooming and training, which might indicate she cares about you."

{... Are you sure she doesn't just want an infinitely growing calamari snack?} I doubtfully asked.

"..." Xaverie remained silent.

"She didn't deny it!" I mentally cried.

Soon, we arrived at the dinner table again, where Kary was already eating, and Qyata was near her like a dutiful butler.

"Good evening, Tenta," Kary said. "Xaverie put him in his seat."

"Yes, Mistress," Xaverie replied and put me on the seat next to her.

{Good evening, Kary.} I nervously said.

"Hm. I see you changed into a brawler. Good." Kary nodded. "Keep that class until it is maxed out." She instructed.

{Alright.} I replied. And after a moment of silence, I mustered up the courage and asked, {Are we training again now?}

"Oh? Eager, are we?" She playfully asked and turned to Xaverie behind me. "Xaverie." She said.

"Yes, Mistress," Xaverie replied and cut me with an extended claw.


This time, I didn't yelp in pain. Although it hurt the same as before, I could tolerate that pain better. Moments later, I started feeling my body grow numb.

"Here we go again..."